Pandemic 2020

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You know, I made a joke/statement awhile ago about how Trump would kill us all.
I actually think now he has killed me.
1st case in my town was announced yesterday by a auto-dial message, declaring an emergency & the shut down of all government offices and schools.
You know, I made a joke/statement awhile ago about how Trump would kill us all.
I actually think now he has killed me.
1st case in my town was announced yesterday by a auto-dial message, declaring an emergency & the shut down of all government offices and schools.
Your wife won't be bringing it home from school now, take precautions and hunker down as best ya can. Keep yer kids living home on a fucking leash!
Schuylaar has badges..she gets in everywhere and goes through the secret door with police escort now:mrgreen:

I'm on your side. Let the Uncle Bucks bitch but you're nailing it for the most part.

I'm just a Canadian but like most Canuks I realize that what happens in the US happens to us. Trump is happening to us too and it sux big time,

The thought that he might get another 4 years terrifies me much more than 4 years of Covid-19 which i laugh at. The sky is falling! NOT!

I'll take my chances gracefully should I become a victim and at age 65 have a better chance of dying from it. So what?

My birth mother died after 10 years of dementia she was diagnosed with at age 65. I'm not going out like her. I'll eat my shotgun first. lol

Rock on @schuylaar !

This is all just crazy bullshit driven by social/mass media crap!

The worst part of this 'pandemic' is the financial hit from everyone freaking out.

I refuse to give one single flying fuck about the whole thing. Stop being sheeple for fug sake!

Trump is right about one thing at least. Every year flu kills thousands of people and nobody cares. Death happens and it happens to all of us eventually so get over it.

Think about who's getting rich over this before becoming a 'sheeple'. lol
This is all just crazy bullshit driven by social/mass media crap!

The worst part of this 'pandemic' is the financial hit from everyone freaking out.

I refuse to give one single flying fuck about the whole thing. Stop being sheeple for fug sake!

Trump is right about one thing at least. Every year flu kills thousands of people and nobody cares. Death happens and it happens to all of us eventually so get over it.

Think about who's getting rich over this before becoming a 'sheeple'. lol
Avatar checks out.... :roll:
This is my avatar everywhere else. I've been LabRat since my bulletin board days in '87 when I first got a computer when I went to BCIT to get a diploma in environmental chemistry. I haven't done a hell of a lot in my life, but getting that diploma and keeping my boys alive as a single dad makes me feel like I haven't been a total asshole.

Take whatever you want out of that but I really don't care what you think.

This is all just crazy bullshit driven by social/mass media crap!

The worst part of this 'pandemic' is the financial hit from everyone freaking out.

I refuse to give one single flying fuck about the whole thing. Stop being sheeple for fug sake!

Trump is right about one thing at least. Every year flu kills thousands of people and nobody cares. Death happens and it happens to all of us eventually so get over it.

Think about who's getting rich over this before becoming a 'sheeple'. lol
Just don't kill too many others with your attitude and stay away from old folks who take this seriously, respect their space, opinion and life. Trump is a stupid asshole who made this much worse in North America than it has to be. Get the fucking facts, you about to get fucked by a lot of pisssed off people here. The governments and experts are are wrong and only you are right, do you know how stupid that sounds to normal people?

TIP if you don't give a fuck for others, they won't give a fuck for you.
If 200 million Americans get this illness and if the mortality rate is 5% because the hospitals are overwhelmed that's 10 million corpses in a span of a few months. This doesn't count the accident victims and others with medical emergencies that will die without hospitalisation, people like cancer patients. They estimate 10 to 15% of patients will need to be hospitalized with a rapid 70% of people infected and many will need ICU support, no medical system can withstand that.
Foggy I use different styles of writing here and realise that some of the language is salty, some here find it entertaining and it's not intended to demean you or anybody else here (with notable exceptions), humor for the most part, though I do get disgusted and it shows. Everybody can use feedback Foggy and I'll keep that particular "style" down to a minimum. It's both put on and part of who I am too, I worked with tradesmen for many years and I'm one too. Did the meditation stuff too, where everybody spoke calmly and mindfully and I still do for the most part, but I can joke in the locker room too.
you can joke in the locker room with out getting secretly recorded lol ? do you joke about crabbing pussy too lol ? How’s you’re racist PM ?
you can joke in the locker room with out getting secretly recorded lol ? do you joke about crabbing pussy too lol ? How’s you’re racist PM ?
Trump didn't joke, he actually confessed to sexual assault and is a know serial sexual assaulter, rapist and pervert. He is credibly accused by dozens of women. I don't have any women suing me nor do I impulsively grab women by the monkey or walk in on female children in a dressing room.

You're a Burn victim alright, your ass is burning, hard up for some trolling eh? All this epidemic talk and human compassion has got ya confused, just like Donald, yer flying blind here psycho. Ya just don't get it, ya miss the connection that binds completely, forever outside the circle of love, confused and hurt.
This is all just crazy bullshit driven by social/mass media crap!

The worst part of this 'pandemic' is the financial hit from everyone freaking out.

I refuse to give one single flying fuck about the whole thing. Stop being sheeple for fug sake!

Trump is right about one thing at least. Every year flu kills thousands of people and nobody cares. Death happens and it happens to all of us eventually so get over it.

Think about who's getting rich over this before becoming a 'sheeple'. lol
I like you man but your wrong.
I am in the center (15 miles to 1st case) of the largest cluster in the state of Connecticut & 45 miles from the largest cluster in New York, where the Governor just called in the National Guard to help contain it
My town issued an emergency alert yesterday, calling every resident announcing the closure of all schools & non-essential government offices until further notice.
This ain't the fucking flu boyo.
Trump didn't joke, he actually confessed to sexual assault and is a know serial sexual assaulter, rapist and pervert. He is credibly accused by dozens of women. I don't have any women suing me nor do I impulsively grab women by the monkey or walk in on female children in a dressing room.

You're a Burn victim alright, your ass is burning, hard up for some trolling eh? All this epidemic talk and human compassion has got ya confused, just like Donald, yer flying blind here psycho. Ya just don't get it, ya miss the connection that binds completely, forever outside the circle of love, confused and hurt.
Confessed? Lol! that was the Hollywood norm unit recently! I’m fucking sick of hearing about how one person in the last 3 years is the root of all problems ! You’re nothing more than a psycho foreign troll . If an astroid was discovered tomorrow that could end the world in 2 months, you would start a thread saying it’s Trumps fault lol! You know who runs Hollywood don't you?
This ain't the fucking flu boyo.

Sorry man but I refuse to get caught up in all the hysteria about it.

In the next couple of decades we're going to have pandemics that make Covid-19 look like the common cold and kill billions of us.

We need a serious culling to stop killing the planet and If I'm one that has to go then so be it.

We are so protected and cuddled here in north America while out governments wreak havoc all over the rest of the world to support our luxurious lifestyles.

When was the last time a bomb fell on your neighbourhood and killed your family and friends? The US gov't has killed millions of people in support of it's own interests since Columbus waded in to create the mess we all live in now. Columbus day? How about we have Hitler day? Same f'n thing. We killed 10x more people than Hitler ever did and still do it every f'n day.

Get real people. If you're living the lifestyle of the rich and famous you have blood on your hands somewhere in your past. By rich and famous I mean you have a warm bed to sleep in and food in your belly every day unlike billions of others under corporate country rules.

It sickens me how my white privilege came about upon the bodies of thousands of indigenous peoples before I got woke enough to understand.

I can't even talk to my 92 yo mother about such things as she is a horrible bigot about natives. Drunk fools sucking up our hard earned money so they can live for free. What the fuck do you say to that?

Sleep easy tonight knowing educated idiots like Trump are keeping your bellies full.

That's more bullshit. It's going to take at least a year to make an effective vaccine if it can be made.

Corona virus is of the same family as the 200 or so cold virus we have lived with for millennia. Has anyone cured the common cold yet?

When I first started smoking over 50 years ago I wasn't worried as I was sure they would have a cure for cancer if I got that. Were the fug is my cure now? No cancer yet so maybe healthy eating and avoiding junk food is the cure.

Puff puff and we'll see what happens down the road. ;)

Confessed? Lol! that was the Hollywood norm unit recently! I’m fucking sick of hearing about how one person in the last 3 years is the root of all problems ! You’re nothing more than a psycho foreign troll . If an astroid was discovered tomorrow that could end the world in 2 months, you would start a thread saying it’s Trumps fault lol! You know who runs Hollywood don't you?
So you are saying that it's ok that Trump is a serial sexual assaulter - because (((the Jews))).

Kill yourself.
Confessed? Lol! that was the Hollywood norm unit recently! I’m fucking sick of hearing about how one person in the last 3 years is the root of all problems ! You’re nothing more than a psycho foreign troll . If an astroid was discovered tomorrow that could end the world in 2 months, you would start a thread saying it’s Trumps fault lol! You know who runs Hollywood don't you?

Dull and obedient magat, the impeached pig totally earned his place as a repulsive piece of lying impeached shit.

The lies you eat from trumps ass scent your f'en idiot posts. Trump is a fucking cancer simpleton. Its the reason why he is impeached, its why the worlds leaders laugh in his motherfucking face, its why he is an international joke, it why he wants to fuck his daughter, why his advisors are in jail, why he is the most famous liar, crook, incompetent leader and cheat on earth.

Taken together, this is a massive failure in leadership that stems from a massive defect in character. Trump is such a habitual liar that he is incapable of being honest, even when being honest would serve his interests. He is so impulsive, shortsighted, and undisciplined that he is unable to plan or even think beyond the moment. He is such a divisive and polarizing figure that he long ago lost the ability to unite the nation under any circumstances and for any cause. And he is so narcissistic and unreflective that he is completely incapable of learning from his mistakes. The president’s disordered personality makes him as ill-equipped to deal with a crisis as any president has ever been. With few exceptions, what Trump has said is not just useless; it is downright injurious.
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