Pandemic 2020

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Do you guys really think going to the store and buying everything is the solution?

People are wearing cheap masks and gloves? Didn’t the report say it’s airborne so the masks make it worse. Are people reading or just the headline and freaking out?
No wearing masks and gloves does not make it worse......
Tell ya what taint, others here know you better than me, let's let them decide and speak if they want, say stupid shit and I'll say something to you, otherwise I won't bother with ya. Just vote for Joe or stay home and not vote for Trump in the fall, for your own sake, and yer ok by me and most others here too.
Weak sauce the man you want others to be and man up to your mistake.I
More do as I say or else rhetoric is what fascists do.
Setting extreme bars of political do as I say or else is also what a fascist does.
I will be judged by my actions and words exactly as one should be.
I hope you can find peace within yourself all that hate and rage will burn you up in the end..........we all end.
Weak sauce the man you want others to be and man up to your mistake.I
More do as I say or else rhetoric is what fascists do.
Setting extreme bars of political do as I say or else is also what a fascist does.
I will be judged by my actions and words exactly as one should be.
I hope you can find peace within yourself all that hate and rage will burn you up in the end..........we all end.
vote republicans out...
I would like that with combination of what they do in the UK and have a very short campaign season.

And a law that makes politicians lies be held accountable once they are sworn in. They should not be able to lie to us from the power we allow them to have while in office.
And no negativity about your opponent. Fake news from each side will do that.
It will kill the weakest first, cancer patients, diabetics, heart disease, lung disease,high blood pressure, immune depressed. It will leave many survivors with permanently damaged lungs too. Only real question is when it will end.
That's they way things usually go historically.
The Spanish Flu, and this ain't that, it's worse, lasted for 2 years before it waned away
I alway's wanted to be a part of History :)
This is fucking Armageddon boy's & girls.
Good looking wall he put up. Corona wall. They can’t come here now! He won
if you squat down, you can look thru the flood gates that have to remain open all the time.

be careful in a wind storm, they used chinese concrete when they poured the footings and tend to blow over
That's they way things usually go historically.
The Spanish Flu, and this ain't that, it's worse, lasted for 2 years before it waned away
I alway's wanted to be a part of History :)
This is fucking Armageddon boy's & girls.

Spanish flu killed mostly healthy young adults, nearly half were between 20 - 40.
The way millions began today.
A Health-Care Crisis That's Leading To A Financial Crisis | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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