Pandemic 2020

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The trucks will refill them unless Trump orders them not to, then they will tell him to go fuck himself. Supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open (masks for employees and testing) as will the supply chain for basics, soon large numbers of working people will be well again and immune. Uncle Sam needs to come through with some temporary cash for the poor and desperate to keep them locked down at home.

I went this morning to get a couple things and decided to check both sides of town, working class area Meijers and Whole Foods in the rich area. Both were being stripped bare but there was one difference, the WF employees were wearing gloves and some masks, none in sight at the Meijers.
The list says nothing within 20 miles of me but we know that's bullshit, they've hardly tested anyone so I just assume it's every where at this point, just incubating right now, hospitals will start filling up next week.
Look at the Canadian numbers (just across the river), we've had testing too and the government has been doing the right things because I've seen no complaints or political hay making. So far it's less than 10% of the American numbers, but probably only catches a fraction of cases, expect the American numbers to go through the roof with testing.
It's fucking unbelievable.
I live in Newtown, CT (yea, that 1) and yesterday witnessed panic buying after Trump's assuring the Nation that he had it all under control.
I guess that's what scared them the most
I think I'm getting the feeling of what the passengers on the Titanic must have felt that night that their ship sank, that this can't be happening, but it really is & it really sucks.
I really don't think I'm gonna be able to dodge this bullet this time though, because I have COPD & am over 60, and am surrounded by this shit (latest case in CT 15 miles from where I live) and I just have a very bad feeling about it.
But hey, what the fuck, nothing is forever, right?
Stay safe people :)
It's all around me too.

What I read from your message is a healthy response. It sounds like you are aware of the risks but have decided not to worry about it. That's actually the kind of person who is likely to make it. The odds aren't all that bad. IF you get it, better than 85% of the people with your list of issues make it. As you say, it really sucks that could happen but why worry about it? A good attitude helps enjoy life, no matter what.

And Fuck Trump and the people who voted him into office. You have to pull through so that you can help us vote that asshole out.
Something smells here. Like martial law. Dictatorship. Not sure.
State medical officials are running the show, Trump barely knows what is happening around him and his toadies running the HHS and CDC are fucked. Congress is gonna hold oversight hearings and the senate is shitting in its adult diaper. Folks are pissed bigly and want answers, no more fun and games with docs and witnesses, it gonna be real bad for Donald around June, or when Nancy thinks it best..
State medical officials are running the show, Trump barely knows what is happening around him and his toadies running the HHS and CDC are fucked. Congress is gonna hold oversight hearings and the senate is shitting in its adult diaper. Folks are pissed bigly and want answers, no more fun and games with docs and witnesses, it gonna be real bad for Donald around June, or when Nancy thinks it best..
What, impeach? He's beyond the law. In case you haven't seen that.
And Fuck Trump and the people who voted him into office. You have to pull through so that you can help us vote that asshole out.
Getting him to will himself to live! Good idea Foggy, he hates Trump like sin, it might just work if we and Donald keep him cranked up.:D
Wal-Mart in butte,mt.was normal with fully stocked everything yestarday.
Could be just not enough people here for a run though.
Do you let the rabbits run around in the house?
We had one that used to act like a cat......even used a litter box.
Kind of obvious why there is no panic in your area. Thinly populated areas aren't like urban ones where millions live close by. I mean, duh, what is it? 1 person per 10 million square miles or something like that? The sheep are more scared than the people in your area. Makes sense.

The upcoming recession and loss in tax revenue to a state that is already economically depressed is more of a problem. Shale oil work will dry up if it hasn't already. We'll take care of you guys. Don't you worry your little pin head.

Next time, don't vote for a Nazi.
What, impeach? He's beyond the law. In case you haven't seen that.
If what I've read about him delaying testing because his numbers would look bad (cruise ship), they will hang the cocksucker on the white house lawn or burn him at the fucking stake cause its more sanitary. The senate is ancient and the country is frightened and aroused, fear can even overcome hate and stupid in the right circumstances and you have them now, or soon will. Older voters vote and many are Trump voters, but are doing a double take on donald now, or will be.
The stores in my area were full yesterday, once the panic starts it doesn't take long. Went this morning to gauge the response from the news yesterday.
heard on talk radio yesterday that the entire state of CO has only 12000 hospital beds. that can't be good. and how many respirators? i doubt 1 per bed.
Id go with pure incompetence due to Dear Leader not wanting 'bad numbers' to the point he had the testing kits withheld and now nobody knows what is truly happening causing panic.
That may have been plan A. It backfired. This crook is facing the loss of everything if removed from office. He may be an idiot. But he has highly intelligent, deviants, who are masters of cheating, advising and conspiring with him.
Call the special Number 1-800-YOU ARE FUCKED today, for free information on the current state of the pandemic in America, the Trump (mis)administration, Making America Great Again
heard on talk radio yesterday that the entire state of CO has only 12000 hospital beds. that can't be good. and how many respirators? i doubt 1 per bed.

The important number is the ICU beds, we don't have near enough. People will be triaged and many will be just wheeled into a corner to die without treatment since there is no real treatment for this, only supportive care.
10:53 AM: Australian minister tests positive for virus after meeting with top U.S. officials, including William Barr and Ivanka Trump

A top government official from Australia said that he tested positive for the novel coronavirus, just days after he returned from a meeting with Ivanka Trump and a Justice Department event in Washington that was attended by U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr and U.S. acting homeland security secretary Chad Wolf.

Peter Dutton, Australia’s home affairs minister, said Friday that he woke up with a fever and sore throat and would be checking into a hospital.

On March 5, Dutton had visited Justice Department headquarters for a news conference about an initiative to fight online sexual exploitation of children. Dutton was one of six government officials who spoke at the news conference, including Barr and Wolf.

With counterparts from Britain, New Zealand and Canada, the officials stood together on a dais for about 45 minutes to discuss the initiative. Given the number of countries involved in the announcement, there were scores of people who attended the gathering.

The group also met that day with White House officials, and Dutton was photographed standing directly next to the president’s daughter and a few feet from Barr.

Please, give them both the Plague

10:53 AM: Australian minister tests positive for virus after meeting with top U.S. officials, including William Barr and Ivanka Trump

A top government official from Australia said that he tested positive for the novel coronavirus, just days after he returned from a meeting with Ivanka Trump and a Justice Department event in Washington that was attended by U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr and U.S. acting homeland security secretary Chad Wolf.

Peter Dutton, Australia’s home affairs minister, said Friday that he woke up with a fever and sore throat and would be checking into a hospital.

On March 5, Dutton had visited Justice Department headquarters for a news conference about an initiative to fight online sexual exploitation of children. Dutton was one of six government officials who spoke at the news conference, including Barr and Wolf.

With counterparts from Britain, New Zealand and Canada, the officials stood together on a dais for about 45 minutes to discuss the initiative. Given the number of countries involved in the announcement, there were scores of people who attended the gathering.

The group also met that day with White House officials, and Dutton was photographed standing directly next to the president’s daughter and a few feet from Barr.

Please, give them both the Plague

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Might do what our faux-mocracy can't for us.
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