Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
Here is an eye opening animation from day one .

comparison to other viruses portion stops with TBA ... to be announced as time goes on.


Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
is that a quote from the Titanic?......
I dont think so.

They are expecting a death rate of 1 - 1.5% here in Australia if it spreads. Yes, thats a huge number if 60-80% of people are infected but they think that then the vast majority of the people infected will be immune. 1 chance in 100 of dying if infected is not panic mode IMO.

Trying to contain this may not be the best way. Maybe we should be letting it spread, much like the old measles parties.
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Yeah and his Air Force One is Nuclear Blast Proof and can remain in air indefinitely as long as it can be kept
Fueled up. Anyway, I hope things will recover soon you are doing well and you and your family stay safe and healthy.Have a nice weekend Dog! :hug::peace:bongsmilie
Not the blast water head , the aftermath. Like EMP’s & radiation, the blast or shockwave would destroy it . Lots of hyperbole shit posted in the political forum lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont think so.

They are expecting a death rate of 1 - 1.5% here in Australia if it spreads. Yes, thats a huge number if 60-80% of people are infected but they think that then the majority of the people will be immune. 1 chance in 100 of dying if infected is not panic mode IMO.

Trying to contain this may not be the best way. Maybe we should be letting it spread, much like the old measles parties.
Might be 1 to 2 percent with a small number of cases with well trained and supplied medical care. But they are saying about 15% need hospital care and a lot of those need a ventilator. If 80% get infected and 15% of those need serious medical care you're screwed. How many ventilators do you have in your country, if you check you'll be surprised on how few. Maybe you could have a lottery for who gets the next available ventilator.
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Well-Known Member