Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
California, 40 million people, 200 2019ncov test kits, only a few hundred in the entire country, how will they track this in America? HHS fucked up big time and is responsible for spreading it with unprotected and untrained personnel who are still not quarantined, after HHS demanded control from the CDC. This is not looking good at all, especially since Donald cut funding for the CDC and fired the pandemic response chain of command in 2018 because it was an Obama idea. Now we have Donald trying to hide and spin what few facts that are available because it's hurting the markets, lying to the public about a deadly public health crises and threat. Donald fucked up everything he ever touched, he even managed to bankrupt a casino, lost his gifted fortune and more, owed 9 billion over the fiasco. Donald is a walking disaster waiting to happen, he will fuck this up bigly, it might be the thing that finally brings him down, I hope it doesn't kill too many of us in the process.


Well-Known Member
There's no need for a heightened sense of alarm just because people are actually starting to take this seriously. I started this thread over a month ago and people were still making light of it or spreading conspiracy shit. What is needed is a measured and calm sense of it all. It's serious and precautions should be taken. It has a high R0 and a relatively high rate of serious illness. That does not call for panic. The serious illness (ARDS) affects about 1 in 10 and the fatality rate for those people who fall so ill is 1 in 5 approximately. That's 49/50 chance of surviving even if you catch it. Furthermore, kids are far less likely to experience the extreme pneumonia known as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom mentioned earlier in this paragraph in parantheses. So please, stop blowing up this thread with panic or with jokes.


Well-Known Member
There's no need for a heightened sense of alarm just because people are actually starting to take this seriously. I started this thread over a month ago and people were still making light of it or spreading conspiracy shit. What is needed is a measured and calm sense of it all. It's serious and precautions should be taken. It has a high R0 and a relatively high rate of serious illness. That does not call for panic. The serious illness (ARDS) affects about 1 in 10 and the fatality rate for those people who fall so ill is 1 in 5 approximately. That's 49/50 chance of surviving even if you catch it. Furthermore, kids are far less likely to experience the extreme pneumonia known as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom mentioned earlier in this paragraph in parantheses. So please, stop blowing up this thread with panic or with jokes.
Well abandon ya had your ear to the ground on this one and saw it coming in spite of the misinformation coming out of China. To me it did not appear too serious at first, but I wasn't pursuing the research literature, just following the news. This is serious business and in the political section a lot of the focus is gonna be on the government's response to this pandemic, so far it has not been good and has been making headlines. Another focus is the veracity of information from the government and attempts to filter and control it, this too made the news and is being discussed. I was watching Maddow tonight and was somewhat concerned to find out that there were hardly any test kits available, how will they collect reliable and timely data? Schools in other countries are being closed, though children are not severely affected, they and schools might be a vector to spread it to adults, we don't know yet. Panic does not help, reliable information might and a vaccine will for sure stop it, but its a ways off and it appears to be spreading fast and is noval to most folks immune systems. Some experts are saying that it is as bad as or worse than the 1918 pandemic with a comparable mortality rate and I posted a video on that awhile ago.


Well-Known Member
There's no need for a heightened sense of alarm just because people are actually starting to take this seriously. I started this thread over a month ago and people were still making light of it or spreading conspiracy shit. What is needed is a measured and calm sense of it all. It's serious and precautions should be taken. It has a high R0 and a relatively high rate of serious illness. That does not call for panic. The serious illness (ARDS) affects about 1 in 10 and the fatality rate for those people who fall so ill is 1 in 5 approximately. That's 49/50 chance of surviving even if you catch it. Furthermore, kids are far less likely to experience the extreme pneumonia known as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom mentioned earlier in this paragraph in parantheses. So please, stop blowing up this thread with panic or with jokes.
People are beginning to realize it's a bad thing to have an epidemic with a sitting president who thinks science is just a political tool and made up shit.

I predict more golf at Mar a Lago but no guests allowed to stay there. For the duration.


Well-Known Member
Well abandon ya had your ear to the ground on this one and saw it coming in spite of the misinformation coming out of China. To me it did not appear too serious at first, but I wasn't pursuing the research literature, just following the news. This is serious business and in the political section a lot of the focus is gonna be on the government's response to this pandemic, so far it has not been good and has been making headlines. Another focus is the veracity of information from the government and attempts to filter and control it, this too made the news and is being discussed. I was watching Maddow tonight and was somewhat concerned to find out that there were hardly any test kits available, how will they collect reliable and timely data? Schools in other countries are being closed, though children are not severely affected, they and schools might be a vector to spread it to adults, we don't know yet. Panic does not help, reliable information might and a vaccine will for sure stop it, but its a ways off and it appears to be spreading fast and is noval to most folks immune systems. Some experts are saying that it is as bad as or worse than the 1918 pandemic with a comparable mortality rate and I posted a video on that awhile ago.
Last night one of the poo-bahs at the CDC walk through the process for certifying a new vaccine for Covad-19

In a rush and assuming the first candidate for a vaccine successfully passes through testing trials, will take a year and a half before one is available to the public.


Get ready, an American city being quarantined near you. Marshall law incoming. I am ready are you?

Cases in Brazil and Nigeria were inevitable but the explosion of cases throughout Europe will really wake everyone up.
Get supplies now just to be safe.

Remember we are all Americans, its time to knock off this Trumptard vs libtard bs. The shit is about to hit the fan and we are all in this together.


Well-Known Member
Troubling Reports About Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Outbreak Response - Day That Was | MSNBC

Questions are building about the White House response to coronavirus. A whistleblower report said federal workers weren’t given training or protective gear when dealing with quarantined Americans evacuated from areas where the virus was present. Government health officials and scientists have reportedly been directed to clear all statements and appearances with VP Pence’s office. And when faced with a stock market plunging amid worries about the outbreak’s impact, President Trump accused Democrats and the media of scaremongering, and downplayed the risk of an outbreak. Aired on 02/27/20.


Well-Known Member
Psychiatrist On Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Response To Coronavirus Crisis | The Last Word | MSNBC

Dr. Lance Dodes, a contributor to bestselling “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” tells Lawrence O’Donnell that President Trump is a “con man” who is making the current public health crisis “all about himself”- which could have grave results for Americans. Aired on 02/27/20.