Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
Get ready, an American city being quarantined near you. Marshall law incoming. I am ready are you?

Cases in Brazil and Nigeria were inevitable but the explosion of cases throughout Europe will really wake everyone up.
Get supplies now just to be safe.

Remember we are all Americans, its time to knock off this Trumptard vs libtard bs. The shit is about to hit the fan and we are all in this together.
trump will quarantine the blue states first.......amirite?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
People are beginning to realize it's a bad thing to have an epidemic with a sitting president who thinks science is just a political tool and made up shit.

I predict more golf at Mar a Lago but no guests allowed to stay there. For the duration.
Yeah and his Air Force One is Nuclear Blast Proof and can remain in air indefinitely as long as it can be kept
Fueled up. Anyway, I hope things will recover soon you are doing well and you and your family stay safe and healthy.Have a nice weekend Dog! :hug::peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The orange idiot is having a rally tonight. Once his cult is infected they will kill each other off because many of them travel to see trump at all the rallies like it's a twisted grateful dead tour.
Just commented on a scenario like that in the zeitgeist thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah and his Air Force One is Nuclear Blast Proof and can remain in air indefinitely as long as it can be kept
Fueled up. Anyway, I hope things will recover soon you are doing well and you and your family stay safe and healthy.Have a nice weekend Dog! :hug::peace:bongsmilie
You take care too Amber.

Kids and wife are well, dealing with some of the usual family issues that aren't critical. Treating my dog for Giardia. Also ensuring my mom is getting the care she needs at assisted living facility. Both are fine, just needing attention. Assisted living facilities are like cruise ships except they don't go anywhere. That's my main concern right now. There are about 120 People in her facility and a lot of them are immune-deficient. If covad-19 gets in there, they are sitting ducks.

It does my heart good knowing that authoritarian leaders like Li Jin Ping and Trump who did nothing but make matters worse will be around even if our parents aren't.

My dog resents the extra bath days though.


Well-Known Member
Concerts , sxsw , and various events beginning to be cancelled or talent pulling out. Disney tokyo going dark for 2 weeks.

Found out here in cali only 200 testing kits in entire state .... 8400 people are “ being monitored “ . Plus the fact test kits have to go to atlanta for testing results.

What a time to be alive !
*cough cough