Bernie Sanders 2020

Bern has had a minimum of 4 years to come up with a payment plan for his ideas. Still has none. That's what you want in a leader?

Maybe you didn't get the memo. Bernie is going to audit the Pentagon and end the Federal Reserve. No wait, that was Ron Paul.

Alright this then.. Bernie doesn't care what it will cost, he's gonna be dead by the next election cycle and just wants to get elected so he can get some of that intern pussy and not have to continue servicing his shaggy mastodonian looking spouse. Keep your 3 houses beatch, I got the White House!

You must have missed the Trump instructions bulletin distributed to the Facebook Fascist and White Pride Group. I'll read it to you: "Support Sanders wherever you can because he's the only one Trump can defeat in the fall."
Oh I am 100% certain you spend a lot more time on fascist and white pride groups than I do, since I dont spend any time at all on that trash. Just funny to me how you liberals on the rollitup site spend more time on hate groups forums than you do anywhere else.

Gotta have your hourly dose of racist propaganda.
Oh I am 100% certain you spend a lot more time on fascist and white pride groups than I do, since I dont spend any time at all on that trash. Just funny to me how you liberals on the rollitup site spend more time on hate groups forums than you do anywhere else.

Gotta have your hourly dose of racist propaganda.
Well then I'm glad I was able to pass along that bit of advice from your king.
Oh I am 100% certain you spend a lot more time on fascist and white pride groups than I do, since I dont spend any time at all on that trash. Just funny to me how you liberals on the rollitup site spend more time on hate groups forums than you do anywhere else.

Gotta have your hourly dose of racist propaganda.
your racist as fuck posting history screams otherwise
I see Bernie as the Democrats best chance of defeating trump....
I'd like to think that was true. If it were true, wouldn't that kind of sentiment show up in most state and national elections? People in most states keep electing people who are racist and cut spending for education and what few social programs they've been forced to implement by the feds. Trump is wildly popular in those states too.
I'd like to think that was true. If it were true, wouldn't that kind of sentiment show up in most state and national elections? People in most states keep electing people who are racist and cut spending for education and what few social programs they've been forced to implement by the feds. Trump is wildly popular in those states too.
If a president like trump hasn't set us up to elect a Bernie Sanders I don't know what would. The political pendulum needs to swing just as far to the left as it did to the right or were lost....
If a president like trump hasn't set us up to elect a Bernie Sanders I don't know what would. The political pendulum needs to swing just as far to the left as it did to the right or were lost....
Bernie is only attracting about 25% of left-leaning Democrats. What makes you think conservative minded independents who handed the presidency to Trump in 2016 will vote for Bernie, who is much farther left than most of us are?

The main objective is beating Trump, not moving the Democratic Party to the left but losing to Trump.
It might help if you understood why we are in debt in the first place.

Because Putin is wasting a lot of money on attacking our democracy.
Oh I am 100% certain you spend a lot more time on fascist and white pride groups than I do, since I dont spend any time at all on that trash. Just funny to me how you liberals on the rollitup site spend more time on hate groups forums than you do anywhere else.

Gotta have your hourly dose of racist propaganda.

Then mind sharing what you are reading?

Everything being so micro targeted the only people that know what everyone is getting are the people that want to hide it from other Americans being it. Any political ads or whatever, political stories you come across kind of thing.
Bernie is only attracting about 25% of left-leaning Democrats. What makes you think conservative minded independents who handed the presidency to Trump in 2016 will vote for Bernie, who is much farther left than most of us are?

The main objective is beating Trump, not moving the Democratic Party to the left but losing to Trump.
Do the math on how many old white left leaning Burners are gonna die between now and Nov 2020, only to be replaced at the polls by 17 year old progressives....
Edit: I meant right leaning boomers...... :oops:
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Do the math on how many old white left leaning Burners are gonna die between now and Nov 2020, only to be replaced at the polls by 17 year old progressives....
How many old white right wing fascists will pass on before the election? Not enough. And, you had better be around then too!

Those 17-YO's. I've been spending time with family in a conservative area. They aren't exactly a huge wellspring of enlightened Socialist Democrats either. There is still hope for them while their brains grow in but right now, it's as if I stepped back in time about 50 years when I hear them talk.

You live in California. That state represents what the rest of this country will be like fifteen years from now. I see good things for our future but the next five years represent a lot of positive change as well as regression. These are dynamic times. As the old curse goes: May you live in interesting times. These times may not always be fun but they are interesting.

Hang in there dude. Keep up the good fight.
Do the math on how many old white left leaning Burners are gonna die between now and Nov 2020, only to be replaced at the polls by 17 year old progressives....
Good point. We will have around 2.4 million new voters between now and the general election, while around 1.8 million current voters will die off.