Bernie Sanders 2020

Did I say something incorrect ? Did you not have trouble having a child ? Did you not make passes at Sky ? and get those pants tested so you know for sure what you are bringing home to your child. Yall still laughing. I am
yeah, everything you said was bullshit

I’ll tell the guys to get their pants tested on Monday

No one will laugh or think a mentally unwell person said that
yeah, everything you said was bullshit

I’ll tell the guys to get their pants tested on Monday

No one will laugh or think a mentally unwell person said that
Well hopefully all you guys are not all caveman who brings that shit all in and around the house.
So you didnt have trouble having kids. allow me to do some research on that. You didnt want to leave your wife. Do I need to post that shit.
Why does rolli not want us to post PM. It would stop people like yourself from causing troble
Well hopefully all you guys are not all caveman who brings that shit all in and around the house.
So you didnt have trouble having kids. allow me to do some research on that. You didnt want to leave your wife. Do I need to post that shit.
Why does rolli not want us to post PM. It would stop people like yourself from causing troble
you originally claimed she wanted to leave me

I guess it’s a good sign that you’re still lucid enough to recognize your own lies

Post a picture of your elbow, you forgot your blaccent again
you originally claimed she wanted to leave me

I guess it’s a good sign that you’re still lucid enough to recognize your own lies

Post a picture of your elbow, you forgot your blaccent again
seriously get new material. right now I'm doing research stand by
seriously get new material. right now I'm doing research stand by
yeah, your research is sure to be top notch

The other day you asked me “have she left you yet” and now you’re threatening to prove that I wanted to leave her

Your brain must be a bowl of soup at this point
yeah, your research is sure to be top notch

The other day you asked me “have she left you yet” and now you’re threatening to prove that I wanted to leave her

Your brain must be a bowl of soup at this point
you might be right. Just ran across some shit when you claimed she shave her public hairs trying to get you to fuck her. She left the hair all in the bath room. cavewoman shit. still searching for the source of you guys problem and who was leaving who
you might be right. Just ran across some shit when you claimed she shave her public hairs trying to get you to fuck her. She left the hair all in the bath room. cavewoman shit. still searching for the source of you guys problem and who was leaving who
sounds enthralling

I wish you luck in your non lucid state
You will be assimilated into the collective, resistance is futile, all anti Trumpers will become Bernie Borgs! Bernie is on the way to SC tonight and giving shit to the DNC and RNC on the way!

Steve Kornacki


NBC News has now projected Bernie Sanders the winner of the Nevada caucuses
8:30 PM · Feb 22, 2020·Twitter Web App


Steve Kornacki



Replying to
The entrance polls showed an overwhelming Sanders win; the delay in this call was waiting for official results from the state party. The 89 precincts now reported by the NV Dems are in line with the entrance poll and thus Sanders is the projected winner.
Why Donald Trump Should Fear Bernie Sanders
Sanders and Trump have an authenticity that makes them likeable to millions of voters. President Trump needs to understand that.

Up until this past week, there seemed to be a bipartisan consensus that most of the Democratic debates had been pretty boring. “It was like watching death,” Donald Trump said of one. That all went out the window Wednesday night, February 19.

Elizabeth Warren called Mike Bloomberg, starring in his first debate, a sexist; Pete Buttigieg called Amy Klobuchar stupid; Pete’s old hero, Bernie Sanders, called Pete a liar. Many pundits came away thinking it was an entertaining disaster for the Democrats.

Trump, on Twitter, crowned himself the winner of the debate, and Fox News host Bret Bair agreed. Anyone who thinks fiery debates and feuds between the candidates are going to divide the Democratic Party and cost them the election only need think back four years to Marco Rubio calling Trump a small-handed conman, Rick Perry calling him a demagogue, and Lindsey Graham calling him a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.” They are singing very different songs now.

One line of argument is to compare the debates to our mythicized images of epic old fashioned debates. John Podhoretz wrote in the New York Post: “Forget Lincoln and Douglas. Forget Nixon and Kennedy. Hell, forget the Athenians and the Melians back during the Peloponnesian War.”

Well, the Lincoln-Douglas debates featured just two candidates giving hour-long speeches back-to-back. That might be judged as “boring” today. And, seriously, hosting formal debates between professional politicians would not contribute to the public’s knowledge of the issues. That would just be giving craven liars thirteen minutes to lie uninterrupted and ramble on unrelated tangents. (For that matter, the Nixon-Kennedy debate is commonly remembered for what it said about the importance of appearance.)

Furthermore, Bloomberg’s performance was assessed as “disastrous.” Podhoretz was not alone in that judgment. The Post, in a separate article, wrote that Mayor Mike “implode[d] onstage,” while Sanders’ “socialist” image has been judged as unelectable for quite some time.

Gee, an avowed billionaire gets attacked for making sexist comments and stumbles through a debate with “painfully clueless” responses. He’ll never be president.

The Democrats, such as Sen. Warren, comparing Bloomberg to Trump might be making a mistake. After all, the most salient fact about Trump as it relates to the Democratic primary and the upcoming election is this: Trump won.

There were many reasons for Trump’s victory, which were beaten to death and should have been buried six feet under long ago, but key for my argument is Trump’s very real skills at combative campaigning, trolling, and creating a following. Bloomberg is attempting to troll Trump, taking the fight directly at him on Twitter and on the airwaves.

Whatever you think of a CEO who tweets images of himself eating taco bowls on Cinco de Mayo (and I’m gonna say it’s tacky), a lot of people think Trump is “authentic.” At the end of the day, that, more than anything, decided the election (and decides more elections than proponents of Lincoln-Douglas debates would like to admit). That’s why Bloomberg and Sanders have the two best shots at knocking off Trump, perhaps with Biden close behind.

Trump was seen as an ordinary guy who cared about the plight of distressed workers. That’s why, when he said something like, Iowans are stupid for preferring Ted Cruz to him, it didn’t hurt him too much. He could get away with what others couldn’t.

Now, I do not know if soda cop Mike can develop the image as a down-to-earth fun-loving guy, but his Democratic rivals and the critical press are certainly trying to help him there. Liz started the debate by pointing out how he has a record of indulging in “locker room talk.” The media unearthed a supply of quotes, including this: twenty-four years ago, Bloomberg pointed out that he enjoyed “theatre, dining and chasing women,” and had a nice life being young and very, very rich in New York City, not exactly a controversial statement. If such yawn-inducing “gaffes” are sold as campaign-killers, that might only show that it is unusual to have a person with blood flowing through his veins enter politics.

The analysis that Bloomberg’s campaign died would probably be true if the same had happened to any other ordinary candidate. But we were treated to reports of the Trump campaign’s death too many times before. Both of them live by different sets of rules than do politicians. The attacks against Bloomberg—that he used to be a Republican, that he supported stop ’n frisk, that he said offensive and/or non-PC things—were largely known by his voters when he got into the race. Maybe it’ll hurt him to have it all pointed out on stage, but I have a suspicion it might not.

His case for the race is convincing, if you believe that Trump is as grave a problem as he is said to be and if you believe Bloomberg is as electable as he and his paid Instagram fans say he is. Like he said to Bernie, defeating Trump is too important to gamble on a socialist.

On the other side, Bernie makes a convincing case from a different set of premises. Bernie would phrase it like this: People are fed up with income inequality continuing to rise year after year and Washington doing nothing but cutting corporate taxes deeper. They are fed up with moderate “neo-liberal” (Bernie’s word) politicians backed by corporate money compromising on everything. Or, as he said at the New Hampshire debate, “The way you bring people together is by presenting an agenda that works for the working people of this country, not for the billionaire class.”
Russia is supporting Sanders and Trump........Trump will be re elected and Sanders will be defeated. Our GOP Senate is to BLAME, they enabled it.

Sad but true.

Please type your own words on a forum, lengthy copy/paste nobody reads. Opinion pieces from non RIU members?
Russia is supporting Sanders and Trump........Trump will be re elected and Sanders will be defeated. Our GOP Senate is to BLAME, they enabled it.

Sad but true.

Please type your own words on a forum, lengthy copy/paste nobody reads. Opinion pieces from non RIU members?
Jesus ya sound like a prophet of doom, you don't know what will happen, Trump and Russia fuck up too and sometimes don't read the tea leaves right either.

You will see a different attitude from Moscow about Bernie if he wins the nomination and leads Trump in the polls. He would have beat Trump like a fucking drum in 2016, if the surveys and polls are to be believed, he would have done better than Hillary. News and opinion pieces give context to the conversation, most of these threads are occupied by unrelated flame wars, you don't need to read or even agree with the opinions posted. I post my own opinions more than most here and they can sometimes be lengthy too. It's up to the donkeys as I like to say.
Sanders will be painted as more socialist then he really is......Trump is good at ONE thing, riling up angry people via lies and distortion. Russia oligarchs will back channel money to farther their interests in Trump. Citizens United allows all that dark money to be funnelled in.

Bloomberg , Klobachar, Buttiegieg, Steyer should DROP OUT NOW and back Biden. If Biden does not win Trump will.

I don't personally attack online people EVER, maybe ideas they have. I see lots here do. Online personal attacks is a sign the person has no intelligent reply.
Sanders will be painted as more socialist then he really is......Trump is good at ONE thing, riling up angry people via lies and distortion. Russia oligarchs will back channel money to farther their interests in Trump. Citizens United allows all that dark money to be funnelled in.

Bloomberg , Klobachar, Buttiegieg, Steyer should DROP OUT NOW and back Biden. If Biden does not win Trump will.

I don't personally attack online people EVER, maybe ideas they have. I see lots here do.
I like Klobuchar. I hope she stays in to the end.
Has any other candidate actually came out, and outright said " We will legalize marijuana on a national level" ....?
Bernie did just that a few minutes ago in Texas.
Edit: looks like he's said it before. Hadn't actually witnessed it.
She was the best choice I thought, Fog. But we are in the minority, at this point in time its obvious she doesn't have enough name or face recognition.
Well, yeah, the objective as I see it is to defeat Trump. I don't think Bernie can do that and your earlier post echoes the same opinion. I recognize that I'm stringing "ifs" together. IF we want to beat Trump and IF Bernie can't beat Trump and IF Bernie looks to be able to gain the nomination through a large plurality THEN the objective becomes: Don't let Bernie gain a large plurality.

So, as I see it, one tactic is to spread the vote out and prevent Sanders from getting a large plurality. A contested convention is the best scenario to prevent Sanders from gaining the nomination.
Has any other candidate actually came out, and outright said " We will legalize marijuana on a national level" ....?
Bernie did just that a few minutes ago in Texas.
Edit: looks like he's said it before. Hadn't actually witnessed it.
Doesn't matter. Bernie has to beat Trump for him to even maybe possibly make good on that promise. I don't think he can beat Trump.
The remaining Dem candidates need to attack Sanders. He voted against the Brady Bill and supported the NRA for 27 years! All those children shot in public schools? Let Sanders take some blame for that.

The other candidates get caught up in the race. Getting a few compliments and the grandiose idea of becoming President. They lose sight that Sanders has gotten away with very few attacks.
Doesn't matter. Bernie has to beat Trump for him to even maybe possibly make good on that promise. I don't think he can beat Trump.

It's really of little relavance to the whole deal, it was just the first time I've personally heard any candidate use the actual words.
Not the usual, dancing around the subject.