Bernie Sanders 2020

Problem is, there are not enough "Democrats" to take your party to any kind of serious victory again.

There are more progressives than Democrats. Sure, they might not all vote, but either way, their votes won't help the centrist element. You absolutely need the independent progressive vote. Evolve or die. You don't want Sanders? You NEED Sanders. Bernie Sanders is your only hope.

yeah, that invisible untapped well of hard left Independents are going to step in and change history.

I've heard that before, laughed and watched facts show otherwise. Most Independents are more conservative than moderate Democrats. They are why Trump is prez. Sanders would ensure a repeat of 2016.


voters wish to win against Trump* and are afraid; Sanders is perfectly capable of out-debating Trump* but media refuses to give him air time to prove this..I know, I don't want anyone to like him but people are going to vote him anyway soooooooo..


voters wish to win against Trump* and are afraid; Sanders is perfectly capable of out-debating Trump* but media refuses to give him air time to prove this..I know, I don't want anyone to like him but people are going to vote him anyway soooooooo..

More free stuff.

It's the joke that keeps on giving.
So, what if a mother or father can't work their entire lives to earn that same deal, say for example because they need to stay home to care for a child with a disability.. You think that they were just some lazy burden to society that didn't earn the deal, so too bad? Wow. I wonder when you lost your compassion, because even babies are born with it.

the government doesn't think that because i stayed home for 10 years with my children while my husband worked- we agreed he would be the one to take on the additional work outside the home. no SS was paid for me during this time..the federal government recognizes that childcare, chief cook and bottle washer is worth something- 50%

i received 11 years credit total on my SS for this time, half of my husbands credits.:mrgreen:
Why did you take down that picture of you sitting across from your wife ? Could not make out if that was a man or woman you only showed knees. By the way, why was your pants so damn filthy with all your child toys around. and those fucking socks. were they white once or always dirty dingy just damn nasty. You eat dinner with that shit on. Your wife lets you just chill like that. You nasty bro just plain filthy . Credit to the neatness of the childs toys, but keep that filth away from her.
i work construction. It snowed and the snow melted. This phenomenon caused the dirt to turn to mud. After working all day, getting my child to bed, and having dinner, I went and changed

And I ate my dinner off a plate, not my clothes

You’re dumber than schuylaar
So, what if a mother or father can't work their entire lives to earn that same deal, say for example because they need to stay home to care for a child with a disability.. You think that they were just some lazy burden to society that didn't earn the deal, so too bad? Wow. I wonder when you lost your compassion, because even babies are born with it.
Medicare is not the same as Medicaid. Democrats oppose what Trump is doing to disqualify people with disabilities and children from Medicaid.

Medicare is a publicly managed insurance program that people and their employers pay in to during their working lives and benefit from when they retire. Accrue enough points and you qualify for 100% of the benefit. It is not free. Nor does Medicare cover 100% of the cost.

Your ignorance displayed in your post is why I don't think you actually live in the US.
the government doesn't think that because i stayed home for 10 years with my children while my husband worked- we agreed he would be the one to take on the additional work outside the home. no SS was paid for me during this time..the federal government recognizes that childcare, chief cook and bottle washer is worth something- 50%

i received 11 years credit total on my SS for this time, half of my husbands credits.:mrgreen:
Congratulations You qualify for Medicare when you reach the age of 65.

It's a good deal. It is not free nor will it cover 100% of medical costs. For that, you'll need secondary insurance. That is not cheap and you'll need to work in order to pay your part. Medicare supplemental insurance represents my Mom's second largest bill each month. I'm preparing for the day when my Mom can't make the payments. Not far off.

You'll be enrolled in Medicaid once you are unable to work because the payments for supplemental insurance will bankrupt you. Note that under Trump, you will be expected to work long past the age of 65 to make those payments. Along with making rent. Or you can die on the street. The Republican retirement program is known as the "work until you drop" plan.
I’m old enough to remember back in 2016 when sanders begged the party to give him the nomination after he got millions and millions less votes

It’ll be hilarious this time around if he gets the most votes but doesn’t get the nomination at a brokered convention
I see nothing in those google results which substantiate your claim. Since I asked for a source and you can not cite one, I'll chalk it up to misinformation on your part.
eff off Ruski

nh primary 2020 results

iowa primary results

Bernie's support in those two primary/caucus events was 25%. Do you want to quibble and say 26%? LOL

Yet one more time, you prove that Sanders supporters must be spoon fed by the adults in the room.

Free stuff

Its the joke that keeps on giving.
Bernie's giving speech in Texas and the crowd is going nutz!

he's going to win in landslide- Trump* won't even be able to cheat enough.
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i work construction. It snowed and the snow melted. This phenomenon caused the dirt to turn to mud. After working all day, getting my child to bed, and having dinner, I went and changed

And I ate my dinner off a plate, not my clothes

You’re dumber than schuylaar
WTF you mean to tell me that you actually handled your child with that mess on your fucking clothes. Mud, feces and all kind of crap was on them nasty ass pants. Do you not have a fucking mud room in your home. Dude you are a construction worker, build one. Mine sit in the back of my home right at the back door opposite the kitchen and right before you get to the laundry room with a door to separate. and those socks looked like you been wearing them nasty shits all week. Your wife sitting right across from you and you sitting down on RIU posting in that nasty shit, so you sat around for a long fucking time. That's some caveman shit. I could and would never. Now you have mud and shit particles spread about your home.
Medicare is not the same as Medicaid. Democrats oppose what Trump is doing to disqualify people with disabilities and children from Medicaid.

Medicare is a publicly managed insurance program that people and their employers pay in to during their working lives and benefit from when they retire. Accrue enough points and you qualify for 100% of the benefit. It is not free. Nor does Medicare cover 100% of the cost.

Your ignorance displayed in your post is why I don't think you actually live in the US.
Medicare is Federal, Medicaid is State. You can have a disability and still get Medicare. Just needed to clear that up. Medicare covers 80% of cost so it is wise to get a supplement insurance.
WTF you mean to tell me that you actually handled your child with that mess on your fucking clothes. Mud, feces and all kind of crap was on them nasty ass pants. Do you not have a fucking mud room in your home. Dude you are a construction worker, build one. Mine sit in the back of my home right at the back door opposite the kitchen and right before you get to the laundry room with a door to separate. and those socks looked like you been wearing them nasty shits all week. Your wife sitting right across from you and you sitting down on RIU posting in that nasty shit, so you sat around for a long fucking time. That's some caveman shit. I could and would never. Now you have mud and shit particles spread about your home.
do you think we just poop all over our worksite?

You’re dumber than schuylaar
Medicare is Federal, Medicaid is State. You can have a disability and still get Medicare. Just needed to clear that up. Medicare covers 80% of cost so it is wise to get a supplement insurance.
If one has a long term disability that began before they could retire and can afford supplemental insurance on top of rent, long term care needs and other costs of living, they are blessed. The number of those people are so few they prove the rule.

Still though, you are right and the attack Trump is mounting is on federal SSDI and SSI payments.

do you think we just poop all over our worksite?

You’re dumber than schuylaar
Wow you really are stupid. Who knows what is on the ground and rain causes shit to spread about. Bottom line is you have NO CLUE what was on them nasty ass pants you bringing in your home caveman. Birds shit , dogs shit, squirrel shit, ...etc etc I bet if we got those shitty pants tested you would find traces of shit. Why would you bring that shit around you child or wife. Get a fucking mud room and start changing your dirty ass socks every day. Filthy just fucking filthy. Eating and caring for your child with shit mud pants. What the hell was your wife doing ? She lets you do that shit ?
Wow you really are stupid. Who knows what is on the ground and rain causes shit to spread about. Bottom line is you have NO CLUE what was on them nasty ass pants you bringing in your home caveman. Birds shit , dogs shit, squirrel shit, ...etc etc I bet if we got those shitty pants tested you would find traces of shit. Why would you bring that shit around you child or wife. Get a fucking mud room and start changing your dirty ass socks every day. Filthy just fucking filthy. Eating and caring for your child with shit mud pants. What the hell was your wife doing ? She lets you do that shit ?
so you think there are wild dogs roaming all over our worksite who are pooping constantly and we just fail to notice mounds of dog poop all over the place?

You really are dumber than schuylaar
If one has a long term disability that began before they could retire and can afford supplemental insurance on top of rent, long term care needs and other costs of living, they are blessed. The number of those people are so few they prove the rule.

Still though, you are right and the attack Trump is mounting is on federal SSDI and SSI payments.

Fogdog I don't debate from a point of being wrong. I stick with facts.