Bloomberg to the rescue

Obamacare is just the laws of the healthcare system (like no longer being able to kick people off for have having a period in the past kind of shit), and giving people the ability to buy private, or government (medicaid/medicare) insurance for a price that is affordable with that persons income levels.

Most people have decent coverage, it is just everything gets lumped in with getting sick, from the copays (for people with no insurance) to loss of income from not being able to work. Getting sick is scary as shit, but fortunately it is pretty rare. Bernie plan is a pipe dream if he can't win a super majority in the Senate and keep the House.

Also, Bernie is offering everything, free college debt wipe, free healthcare, green everything, I even heard something about free houses and livable wages for everyone. It's not just one thing he is using to buy votes on other peoples dimes. It is just strict up populism he is using to try to get elected.
Congress pays the bills and calls the shots, Bernie will have to compromise and achieve consensus, fight for your nominee, but remember Bernie is more normal than a radical, he believes in the constitution and the law and is a tough old bird. I remember the days after the 2016 election when everybody was in shock and absent from the scene, except Bernie, he soldiered on, I never seen him on mainstream media so much. He was used to fighting against steep odds and had been waging an uphill battle for years, it was another day at the office for Bernie, while others walked in the woods.

My only concern about Bernie is his electability, especially in the battle ground states, and about his ability to have long enough coat talls to help win the senate too. If you don't win the senate you won't see much major change, but you will see Trump and his minions brought to justice and shit continue to pile on top of the GOP senate.
This is what I hate. Even "if" the Dems won the Senate also, it would further encourage a lack of motivation in our youth. Bad enough most kids are on the pc or tablet all day (avoiding real life interaction) and second jobs. With all free shit why even work?
Kids are smart and really hardworking. I have a lot of faith after seeing them in action, they may be attached to their screens, but it is because they are able to process information and find what they need extremely quickly.

Eventually with tech people are going to have a lot more time on their hands. Hopefully we figure out that we can reduce the average hours worked. It is time humanity started spending more time on learning and enjoying the fruits of our labor. It has been a long time coming.
Congress pays the bills and calls the shots, Bernie will have to compromise and achieve consensus, fight for your nominee, but remember Bernie is more normal than a radical, he believes in the constitution and the law and is a tough old bird. I remember the days after the 2016 election when everybody was in shock and absent from the scene, except Bernie, he soldiered on, I never seen him on mainstream media so much. He was used to fighting against steep odds and had been waging an uphill battle for years, it was another day at the office for Bernie, while others walked in the woods.

My only concern about Bernie is his electability, especially in the battle ground states, and about his ability to have long enough coat talls to help win the senate too. If you don't win the senate you won't see much major change, but you will see Trump and his minions brought to justice and shit continue to pile on top of the GOP senate.
Im with Hillary:
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The only thing that scares me about Bernie (aside from losing the House, we NEED investigations to continue after Trump is gone 100% most important thing to root out the Russian/Saudi/etc election interference), is whatever the Russians reasons for wanting him to win.

But whatever, we know what Trump is all about, so if Bernie wins the nomination I will vote for him.
I'd disagree, Hanimal. Not many are hardworking these days. I have to admit the news has been depressing the past few yrs but I see lots online, kids.

Look at the losers here:

Vapers tv was another site, not many of us old folk, that was mostly children. Vaughn Live, another site of creeps.
Their job losses would result in greater efficiency and lower costs, capitalism 101, both the hidden hand and the one in yer face.
You ignored the whole thing about the investments.

I'd disagree, Hanimal. Not many are hardworking these days. I have to admit the news has been depressing the past few yrs but I see lots online, kids.

Look at the losers here:

I taught them in college (and went to classes with some), they are very impressive. It doesn't mean that they all are, but a larger portion are working hard and gaining a very strong education than our generations did. And really the biggest thing is they have taken off the bottleneck that the older generations have with utilizing 100% of the population, and not just 40% or so having all of the education and best jobs. Women are outpacing men now with degrees which is going to be the biggest improvement in our economy longterm.

And they have not had the same lead exposure that we did either, which is directly related to brain issues. So at weird as it sounds have more functional brains than anyone who remembers lead toys/paint.

As much bad as we get flooded with, there is a lot of great things happening in our society. We just got to shake off the 45+ year olds who were late coming into the online/computer age.
Im with Hillary:
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The only thing that scares me about Bernie (aside from losing the House, we NEED investigations to continue after Trump is gone 100% most important thing to root out the Russian/Saudi/etc election interference), is whatever the Russians reasons for wanting him to win.

But whatever, we know what Trump is all about, so if Bernie wins the nomination I will vote for him.

Oh FFS, drop the "Russia" garbage. They're influence is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate lobbying and the corporate influence in media. Russia has the GDP of Texas, and you're worried that they're your #1 threat? You aren't living in reality.
Oh FFS, drop the "Russia" garbage. They're influence is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate lobbying and the corporate influence in media. Russia has the GDP of Texas, and you're worried that they're your #1 threat? You aren't living in reality.
You are ignorant of the danger that they (and other foreign nations) pose to our democracy, or just trying to cover for it.

It is not about the actual money that they spend (was $1.25 million per month for just Russia in 2014, and Epoch times is currently spamming people with mailers, youtube videos, and emails pushing propaganda for Trump, and that is before Saudi Arabia, Israeli, and UAE are figured in), it is about the entire network of fake websites that look like news (like OANN), the fact that they are using all of our voting data down to the district to collect everything people type online/websites they visit/stories they read (using cookies) to dump into their personality profiles files on everyone.

Which is used to tease out exactly what propaganda to hit you with and where it will be most effective to achieve their goals.

They also don't have to follow our laws and are currently at war with us according to every government agency with an ongoing and pervasive online attack. And nothing is being done about it, because it benefits Trump.

They are even attacking our children for fucks sake. Every website with a comment section, every video game with a chat feature, snapchat, all that shit is being used to collect information and spread their lies. You are only keeping you and your family in danger by pretending it is not a problem.
Oh FFS, drop the "Russia" garbage. They're influence is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate lobbying and the corporate influence in media. Russia has the GDP of Texas, and you're worried that they're your #1 threat? You aren't living in reality.
I'd agree, somewhat. Corporate lobbyists and their interests run everything and have done so 50 yrs/ But it doesn't take a good GDP to buy or build a pc and hack. Russia and China are quite good at it. Big Pharma, Big Oil, Insurance Companies have a lot of influence and with Russian and China constantly trying to attack/steal or influence via hacking or social media it's a huge uphill battle.
I'd agree, somewhat. Corporate lobbyists and their interests run everything and have done so 50 yrs/ But it doesn't take a good GDP to buy or build a pc and hack. Russia and China are quite good at it. Big Pharma, Big Oil, Insurance Companies have a lot of influence and with Russian and China constantly trying to attack/steal or influence via hacking or social media it's a huge uphill battle.
They have a lot to lose if they are found breaking election laws in America if they do business here, foreign nations/nationals don't.

Most companies don't want to end up like the NRA or Trump's companies are going to face.
They have a lot to lose if they are found breaking election laws in America if they do business here, foreign nations/nationals don't.

Most companies don't want to end up like the NRA or Trump's companies are going to face.
Apparently corruption our DOJ doesn't want to address. The Liar In Chief commands Barr, and he does what he's told. Scary times.
Oh FFS, drop the "Russia" garbage. They're influence is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate lobbying and the corporate influence in media. Russia has the GDP of Texas, and you're worried that they're your #1 threat? You aren't living in reality.
The russians own Trump and he is Putin's puppet, that threat enough for me Burt.
Congress pays the bills and calls the shots, Bernie will have to compromise and achieve consensus, fight for your nominee, but remember Bernie is more normal than a radical, he believes in the constitution and the law and is a tough old bird. I remember the days after the 2016 election when everybody was in shock and absent from the scene, except Bernie, he soldiered on, I never seen him on mainstream media so much. He was used to fighting against steep odds and had been waging an uphill battle for years, it was another day at the office for Bernie, while others walked in the woods.

My only concern about Bernie is his electability, especially in the battle ground states, and about his ability to have long enough coat talls to help win the senate too. If you don't win the senate you won't see much major change, but you will see Trump and his minions brought to justice and shit continue to pile on top of the GOP senate.

Electability? He's got double digit by the thousand in attendance..hes the only one truly supported by 'we the people" en masse.
You are ignorant of the danger that they (and other foreign nations) pose to our democracy, or just trying to cover for it.

It is not about the actual money that they spend (was $1.25 million per month for just Russia in 2014, and Epoch times is currently spamming people with mailers, youtube videos, and emails pushing propaganda for Trump, and that is before Saudi Arabia, Israeli, and UAE are figured in), it is about the entire network of fake websites that look like news (like OANN), the fact that they are using all of our voting data down to the district to collect everything people type online/websites they visit/stories they read (using cookies) to dump into their personality profiles files on everyone.

Which is used to tease out exactly what propaganda to hit you with and where it will be most effective to achieve their goals.

They also don't have to follow our laws and are currently at war with us according to every government agency with an ongoing and pervasive online attack. And nothing is being done about it, because it benefits Trump.

They are even attacking our children for fucks sake. Every website with a comment section, every video game with a chat feature, snapchat, all that shit is being used to collect information and spread their lies. You are only keeping you and your family in danger by pretending it is not a problem.

Did Trumps tariffs affect the price of tin foil?

I'm not saying that there is no influence, what I'm saying is that with all the other misinformation out there employed by your own representatives, corporate interests, and your media outlets, it's a drop in the bucket.

Do you really think that you can stop the propaganda machine, whether it be foreign or domestic?
Bloomberg will never get my vote, even if that means I don't vote at all. I'm not interested in trading one piece of shit for another. There is nothing anybody can say that will convince me that Bloomberg will look out for the interests of common people rather than himself. I see him as another Trump. I'm convinced most here are only for team Democrat rather that what is best for everyone.
Bloomberg will never get my vote, even if that means I don't vote at all. I'm not interested in trading one piece of shit for another. There is nothing anybody can say that will convince me that Bloomberg will look out for the interests of common people rather than himself. I see him as another Trump. I'm convinced most here are only for team Democrat rather that what is best for everyone.
What is best for everyone is that Trump is sent packing.