Bloomberg to the rescue

Bloomberg has spent $250 million in ads, like the one you posted earlier, targeting low information voters who don't know his history in politics. Sanders has received the most grassroots funding of any political campaign in American history, at the smallest dollar amount per donation in American history by offering Americans something they actually want. Framing it as an attempt to "buy the election", like Bloomberg is, is right wing propaganda perpetuated by people like Ben Shapiro. Was the "hope and change" Obama was offering in 2008 his attempt to "buy the election", too?

People wouldn't donate to his campaign in record breaking numbers if they didn't support the issues he's spent his career championing
Right, because he has used the data he has collected on his voters (see I didn't feel the need to insult them unlike you do) since he started running in 2014, and has been targeting them ever since.

I don't see much difference between his promises and passing the plate than I do church or cult members draining their followers money from them.

Offering 'hope and change' is not anywhere near the same as offing free college for everyone, free healthcare for everyone, and everything else short of a free unicorn under every pillow.
Sanders promises prospective voters free college, legal weed, medicare for all and many "pipe dreams".....he's selling dreams, with zero chance of passing these things in Congress which will not vote any of that in.

Bloomberg has a shady past......Stop N Frisk, created a third mayoral term for himself and some of the comments directed at women, all those NDA's he forced women to sign to avoid disclosure of his bad behavior. He's more radical then he wants you to believe.

I hate to say this but if Sanders or Bloomberg are the Dem nominee? Trump would triumph.
Sanders promises prospective voters free college, legal weed, medicare for all and many "pipe dreams".....he's selling dreams, with zero chance of passing these things in Congress which will not vote any of that in.

Bloomberg has a shady past......Stop N Frisk, created a third mayoral term for himself and some of the comments directed at women, all those NDA's he forced women to sign to avoid disclosure of his bad behavior. He's more radical then he wants you to believe.

I hate to say this but if Sanders or Bloomberg are the Dem nominee? Trump would triumph.

it's up to us (you and me) to send Mr. Sanders a democratic senate and we are the only ones who can do this..a portion of his platform can be accomplished by Executive Order (no approval from anyone necessary).

if we don't elect a democratic senate how can we fault Mr. Sanders?

it's not on Bernie if we don't do our job..
The swing states won't go for Bernie, thats a major problem. He excites the base, great for a primary. He scares the moderates.
The swing states won't go for Bernie, thats a major problem. He excites the base, great for a primary. He scares the moderates.

he scares moderates because

boo!, hiss!..mean ole Bernie wants to give everyone dare he!
he scares moderates because
My GF says Sanders looks like a Muppet that got plugged into a wall socket, lol. My 90 yr old Dad is voting for Sanders! I just think Sanders is a bullshitter, pandering to kids that aren't really politically aware.
it's up to us (you and me) to send Mr. Sanders a democratic senate and we are the only ones who can do this..a portion of his platform can be accomplished by Executive Order (no approval from anyone necessary).

if we don't elect a democratic senate how can we fault Mr. Sanders?

it's not on Bernie if we don't do our job..
Until he gets sued and can't accomplish that little bit he tries to do. Just like Trump.

If we don't win a Democratic Senate it is on the Democratic Presidential nominee for not having the trust of the people to give them the support they need to get their agenda passed.

he scares moderates because

boo!, hiss!..mean ole Bernie wants to give everyone dare he!
No he 'scares' moderates, because he constantly talks shit about anyone not in his cult. I also don't like the fact that Russia has been helping him out, that does scare me if they have something on him like they do Trump.
Until he gets sued and can't accomplish that little bit he tries to do. Just like Trump.

If we don't win a Democratic Senate it is on the Democratic Presidential nominee for not having the trust of the people to give them the support they need to get their agenda passed.

No he 'scares' moderates, because he constantly talks shit about anyone not in his cult. I also don't like the fact that Russia has been helping him out, that does scare me if they have something on him like they do Trump.
If Bernie wins the election will come down to healthcare, vote for Bernie and get it (in one form or another, up to congress) or vote for Trump and the GOP and have none, unless you are fortunate enough to have an employer with a good plan. Heath care concerns are a major driving force for many Americans, both for those with good plans and those who depend on Obama care, medicaid, medicare or, have no insurance. Bernie's plan will end up as a compromise with those who have insurance already and they will have extra services from their plan that the single payer system would not cover. In short same doctor and same level of service as before for those with existing or new private plans which will cost a lot less when layered on top of a single payer system.
My GF says Sanders looks like a Muppet that got plugged into a wall socket, lol. My 90 yr old Dad is voting for Sanders! I just think Sanders is a bullshitter, pandering to kids that aren't really politically aware.

They're politically aware enough to know their futures have been mortgaged by government for corporate interests.
They're politically aware enough to know their futures have been mortgaged by government for corporate interests.
Tell me when the US govt didn't have a huge budget deficit. It's been 20+ years of debt, and its risen even more under the conservative Trump. Not one candidate has a budget reduction plan.
If Bernie wins the election will come down to healthcare, vote for Bernie and get it (in one form or another, up to congress) or vote for Trump and the GOP and have none, unless you are fortunate enough to have an employer with a good plan. Heath care concerns are a major driving force for many Americans, both for those with good plans and those who depend on Obama care, medicaid, medicare or, have no insurance. Bernie's plan will end up as a compromise with those who have insurance already and they will have extra services from their plan that the single payer system would not cover. In short same doctor and same level of service as before for those with existing or new private plans which will cost a lot less when layered on top of a single payer system.

Trump* has already made moves to deny recipients SNAP, SSDI bi yearly eligibility requirement (which you pay into and will cost the same to administrate as the savings) and wants to decrease SS..Sanders thinks we need a $200 increase to SS- I think he's right!
Tell me when the US govt didn't have a huge budget deficit. It's been 20+ years of debt, and its risen even more under the conservative Trump. Not one candidate has a budget reduction plan.

Bill Clinton.

the budget will take care of itself when the wealthy start to pay taxes know, back in the 'good ole days' of the 1950s?..we had inheritance tax etc.

we can't run a country with only one portion of it's peoples paying into the system.
If Bernie wins the election will come down to healthcare, vote for Bernie and get it (in one form or another, up to congress) or vote for Trump and the GOP and have none, unless you are fortunate enough to have an employer with a good plan. Heath care concerns are a major driving force for many Americans, both for those with good plans and those who depend on Obama care, medicaid, medicare or, have no insurance. Bernie's plan will end up as a compromise with those who have insurance already and they will have extra services from their plan that the single payer system would not cover. In short same doctor and same level of service as before for those with existing or new private plans which will cost a lot less when layered on top of a single payer system.
Obamacare is just the laws of the healthcare system (like no longer being able to kick people off for have having a period in the past kind of shit), and giving people the ability to buy private, or government (medicaid/medicare) insurance for a price that is affordable with that persons income levels.

Most people have decent coverage, it is just everything gets lumped in with getting sick, from the copays (for people with no insurance) to loss of income from not being able to work. Getting sick is scary as shit, but fortunately it is pretty rare. Bernie plan is a pipe dream if he can't win a super majority in the Senate and keep the House.

Also, Bernie is offering everything, free college debt wipe, free healthcare, green everything, I even heard something about free houses and livable wages for everyone. It's not just one thing he is using to buy votes on other peoples dimes. It is just strict up populism he is using to try to get elected.
If single payer health care costs 1/3 or less than the current system and covers everybody, the 2/3s saved could be put to other uses, taxes for infrastructure and debt reduction. Removing a lot of the parasites like health insurance companies in American society will go a long way towards raising the people's standard of living and quality of life, also its length! Those who rape and pillage with student loans are keeping kids in lifetime servitude and need to be dealt with too, these are but a few examples of savings that would impact ordinary Americans.
If single payer health care costs 1/3 or less than the current system and covers everybody, the 2/3s saved could be put to other uses, taxes for infrastructure and debt reduction. Removing a lot of the parasites like health insurance companies in American society will go a long way towards raising the people's standard of living and quality of life, also its length! Those who rape and pillage with student loans are keeping kids in lifetime servitude and need to be dealt with too, these are but a few examples of savings that would impact ordinary Americans.
Yeah I am not buying the populist messaging about insurance companies, nor the 1/3 or less in costs. Those 'Parasites' are about 2 million middle class Americans.

Insurance companies don't profit the way people like to pretend that they do. They make most their profits on their investments. Pooling the small monthly payments and investing that money into the economy while keeping enough on hand to pay the (predictable) large rare payments people need when they need to use their insurance.

It is not the boogey man people make it out to be (under Obamacare since they can't kick people off it anymore for stupid shit).
Also, Bernie is offering everything, free college debt wipe, free healthcare, green everything, I even heard something about free houses and livable wages for everyone. It's not just one thing he is using to buy votes on other peoples dimes. It is just strict up populism he is using to try to get elected.
This is what I hate. Even "if" the Dems won the Senate also, it would further encourage a lack of motivation in our youth. Bad enough most kids are on the pc or tablet all day (avoiding real life interaction) and second jobs. With all free shit why even work?

I never even used a pc much till the end of my work career, gotta make that bundle while you can.

Were you dropped on your head? Getting sick is what will eventually happen to every single person on earth, unless you die in an accident or something.
Are you sick everyday usually? No, not unless you have a very rare condition or something. Mostly people are healthy, and don't cost much. And while they are paying those small (relatively) monthly insurance payments, that money is being used and grown.