Bloomberg to the rescue

This interview is a pretty good look at how getting worked up over quotes might make interesting TV interviews, but falls flat when people have a deeper understanding of the subject and can express it. It's a shame that mostly today people are acting like they know what they are talking about based on some quotes here and there.

I wonder what Bloomberg will say about this...
A Quid Pro Quo In Plain Sight? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president is being accused of another quid pro quo, and this time it's with New York in his seeming attempts to have the state drop multiple lawsuits against his administration. Aired on 2/14/2020.

"Before he was elected mayor in 2001, Michael R. Bloomberg had surgery to have two stents implanted in a coronary artery because of blockage in his heart, a person with knowledge of Mr. Bloomberg’s health said last night."

"Before he was elected mayor in 2001, Michael R. Bloomberg had surgery to have two stents implanted in a coronary artery because of blockage in his heart, a person with knowledge of Mr. Bloomberg’s health said last night."
Ok then. Biden.

Or Bloomberg could just pick a good VP and be on par with Bernie's fitness for office.
Sanders is 78, Bloomberg is 77 and racist as fuck

...and Trump is what, 74, an obese, narcissistic, egomaniacal racist, bigoted fast-food eating sociopathic child molester who's ripe for a heart attack due to how even the smallest of things cause him to spin into a stressed out, blabbering, blundering freak show while acting like a 12 year old schoolyard bully.

“The only time you want your chick to have acne is if it’s because she’s a teenager.” -Donald J. Trump (The Howard Stern Show, December 7, 2005)
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Boooooooo, Mike! So out of touch do you not understand..? Here he is floating Cankles Clinton for VP:wall:

Drudge Report: Bloomberg considering Hillary Clinton for running mate

winner! winner! chicken dinner!

"Before he was elected mayor in 2001, Michael R. Bloomberg had surgery to have two stents implanted in a coronary artery because of blockage in his heart, a person with knowledge of Mr. Bloomberg’s health said last night."

wow! accoridng to our resident actuary @UncleBuck, he should've been dead by now four times over because you only live 3.5 years after one of those.:lol:

"Before he was elected mayor in 2001, Michael R. Bloomberg had surgery to have two stents implanted in a coronary artery because of blockage in his heart, a person with knowledge of Mr. Bloomberg’s health said last night."
You sound worried about Bernie's heart attack. I understand completely.

Thanks for living up to the Trumpish troll standards Bernie expects of you.
Boooooooo, Mike! So out of touch do you not understand..? Here he is floating Cankles Clinton for VP:wall:

Drudge Report: Bloomberg considering Hillary Clinton for running mate

winner! winner! chicken dinner!
That would be a good way to get me to vote for him over Biden. If she would it really would be a stellar ticket to turn around the fiasco that is the Russian military attacking our democracy.
Do you think she would support someone with 40 sexual discrimination and harassment lawsuits against him by 60 different women?
So are you just saying that without showing anything to back up your troll on him? That is pretty lame.

But I guess when you have the opponent on tape bragging about an attempted rape she just might.
So are you just saying that without showing anything to back up your troll on him?

Bloomberg’s sexism, like that of fellow New York City billionaire Donald Trump, has been prolific and well-documented, but for some reason, the stories about him don’t seem to have taken hold. He is still being embraced by the Democratic establishment as a viable option for its presidential nominee. He surged to third place in several 2020 polls this week; the Democratic National Committee changed its rules to allow him to participate in the next primary debate; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said his presence in the primary is a “positive one.”

All this, despite what’s already been reported and alleged for decades about Bloomberg’s behavior. As a recap, here are some examples: Sekiko Sakai Garrison, a former sales representative at Bloomberg LP, alleged in a 1997 lawsuit (one of four separate lawsuits in a two-year period) that when then-CEO Mike Bloomberg found out she was pregnant, he told her, “Kill it!” and “Great! Number 16!”—an apparent reference to the number of pregnant women or women on maternity leave at his company. She also alleged that when Bloomberg saw her engagement ring, he commented, “What is the guy dumb and blind? What the hell is he marrying you for?” and that he once pointed to another female employee and told Garrison, “If you looked like that, I’d do you in a second.” Bloomberg denied having said most of those things, but reportedly left Garrison a voicemail saying that if he did say them, he “didn’t mean it.”

Bloomberg once described his life as a single billionaire bachelor in New York City to a reporter as being a “wet dream.” "I like theater, dining and chasing women," he said. On a radio show in 2003, he said that he would “really want to have” Jennifer Lopez, which he later explained away as wanting to “have dinner” with her. A top aide said Bloomberg frequently remarked “nice tits” upon seeing attractive women. Employees of his in 1990 put together an entire booklet of his some of his more egregious comments, including, "If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they'd go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale's,” and, of the computer terminal that made him a billionaire, “It will do everything, including give you [oral sex]. I guess that puts a lot of you girls out of business."

Bloomberg’s sexism, like that of fellow New York City billionaire Donald Trump, has been prolific and well-documented, but for some reason, the stories about him don’t seem to have taken hold. He is still being embraced by the Democratic establishment as a viable option for its presidential nominee. He surged to third place in several 2020 polls this week; the Democratic National Committee changed its rules to allow him to participate in the next primary debate; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said his presence in the primary is a “positive one.”

All this, despite what’s already been reported and alleged for decades about Bloomberg’s behavior. As a recap, here are some examples: Sekiko Sakai Garrison, a former sales representative at Bloomberg LP, alleged in a 1997 lawsuit (one of four separate lawsuits in a two-year period) that when then-CEO Mike Bloomberg found out she was pregnant, he told her, “Kill it!” and “Great! Number 16!”—an apparent reference to the number of pregnant women or women on maternity leave at his company. She also alleged that when Bloomberg saw her engagement ring, he commented, “What is the guy dumb and blind? What the hell is he marrying you for?” and that he once pointed to another female employee and told Garrison, “If you looked like that, I’d do you in a second.” Bloomberg denied having said most of those things, but reportedly left Garrison a voicemail saying that if he did say them, he “didn’t mean it.”

Bloomberg once described his life as a single billionaire bachelor in New York City to a reporter as being a “wet dream.” "I like theater, dining and chasing women," he said. On a radio show in 2003, he said that he would “really want to have” Jennifer Lopez, which he later explained away as wanting to “have dinner” with her. A top aide said Bloomberg frequently remarked “nice tits” upon seeing attractive women. Employees of his in 1990 put together an entire booklet of his some of his more egregious comments, including, "If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they'd go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale's,” and, of the computer terminal that made him a billionaire, “It will do everything, including give you [oral sex]. I guess that puts a lot of you girls out of business."
So Ill read that, but I will point out that " and Bloomberg LP" is the obvious troll here. Since Bloomberg LP has about ... google search....Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at 3.14.22 PM.png

20,000 employees... I am guessing equating those to him is not going to hold water.

So the attempt to pin all those on him is bullshit right at the start. Second, that number 40/20,000 I might say seems really low compared to the companies I have worked for, so it might end up actually being a talking point of how little sexual harassment happened at his company.

Not that it is ever ok, but as a troll against Bloomberg when Trump is laughing about attempting to rape a woman is very weak.
Seems like ol’ bloomy is putting the fear of god into the bernouts

That only makes me like him more

And Bloomberg actually pays his staffers well. $6000 a month, an iphone 11 and a brand new MacBook on day one, three catered meals a day, holy hell. Bernie didn’t even pay his people $15 an hour!