Mother's Finest 1000W Aeroponics SCROG


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from today. I have been topping the res off with RO water and then balancing the pH to 5.8. The plants are looking good. The budsites are filling out. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
thanks genfranco. yeah... I may cut earlier depending on how they look. This harvest is for christmas. I'm going to give it out in cheap ass fruitcake tins to my friends and family :bigjoint:

such a long way to go eh...

they are looking sweet though ...


Well-Known Member
Here are today's pics... I put up a dowel rod for perspective. The rod is 30" tall. I have some close up shots too... a little bud porn for everyone to enjoy.



Well-Known Member
I haven't really had much trouble because my temps are low. They stay pretty healthy. This grow I started trying H2O2. I put in 2 oz per 5 gallon when I change solution and then in the middle of the week I add it to the rez. Have you had trouble with root rot?

do you use hygrozyme or anything for your roots?... not scared of root rot?


Well-Known Member
Here is the mother's finest. One week ago I drained the res and filled it with 26 CF solution. Today the CF is 18. I am debating whether to change solution tomorrow or let it keep feeding on the solution that's in there. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
Here is the mother's finest. One week ago I drained the res and filled it with 26 CF solution. Today the CF is 18. I am debating whether to change solution tomorrow or let it keep feeding on the solution that's in there. What do you guys think?
I use fox farms nutes and they call for changing the res every two weeks and adding nutes every week; topping off with plain h2o in between.

I go by ppm but it drops about 200 ppm between weeks right now; just started week 4


Well-Known Member
Hey Msdsm, those look great!

Very nice looking. I'm more or less a noob. & i have a couple questions for ya. But like I said I think your stuff looks great & i'm a noob, I repeat this because I don't want you to take my curiosity as critsism, I'm just looking for some education.

Anyhow, first of all I'm wondering if your screen is unusually low or if Scrog is the best set-up for what you have going? I haven't done a scrog b4 but I hope to one day, & it seems to me your screen is very low. I thought the idea of a scrog was to create a canopy of top buds, whereas you grow to me looks like it just grew thru & way on past the screen so that it's really serving no purpose but to be a plant support that could be easily replaced by a short bamboo stake.

Note: Again I don't mean this to sound as critisism. I'm not trying to put you down in any way. I really am just hoping to learn something.

Of course with a 1000W light & 6 plants I could see how you would want to grow them large. as w/ 6 plants I would think the 1000w could support 6 plants with enough light to bud more than just the canopy. But that makes me wonder if a scrog is the right way to go for a 1000w light & a 6 site hydro set-up???

So anyway, like i said b4, i am hoping to learn something here. so if I may ask have you done a grow just like this b4? & are you planning on changing anything your next grow? if so, what? & does anyone else have any opinions about the scrog msmdm has done?

Like I said, it looks awesome, i'm sure you will enjoy. I actually know someone working w/ a 1000w & I would just like to know all i can to give him the best advice as he relies on me for alot of that stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I think I need to change the solution. It looks like they are starting to starve for nutrients. Some leaves are turning yellow and starting to get brown spots. I don't think I can tell the difference between nutrient burn and nutrient deficiency. :) Maybe I need to smoke a little more :bigjoint:

I use fox farms nutes and they call for changing the res every two weeks and adding nutes every week; topping off with plain h2o in between.

I go by ppm but it drops about 200 ppm between weeks right now; just started week 4


Well-Known Member
all questions are welcome. i am just figuring this out as i go ;)

it is really difficult to see... but I have tied down many of the branches to the screen. The way to create all top buds is to tie down the top branches so they are on the same level as the lower bud. What looks like they are main branches are actually side branches off of the main stem that have grown up because the upper branches were tied down.

Take a look at this crappy picture I drew to explain the difference. The plant on the left is trained to a level screen where as the plant on the right is left to grow straight up. The scrog allows each side branch to receive the same amount of light as the top cola. The straight growing plant will receive a high amount of light at the top cola and less and less light for each branch below. The other drawing is from Ed Rosenthal's 'The Closet Cultivator'.

I think with 6 plants I could fill a much bigger screen. I will work on that for the next grow. Also, I will veg for less time with this strain. I think two weeks with be enough.

Hey Msdsm, those look great!

Very nice looking. I'm more or less a noob. & i have a couple questions for ya. But like I said I think your stuff looks great & i'm a noob, I repeat this because I don't want you to take my curiosity as critsism, I'm just looking for some education.

Anyhow, first of all I'm wondering if your screen is unusually low or if Scrog is the best set-up for what you have going? I haven't done a scrog b4 but I hope to one day, & it seems to me your screen is very low. I thought the idea of a scrog was to create a canopy of top buds, whereas you grow to me looks like it just grew thru & way on past the screen so that it's really serving no purpose but to be a plant support that could be easily replaced by a short bamboo stake.

Note: Again I don't mean this to sound as critisism. I'm not trying to put you down in any way. I really am just hoping to learn something.

Of course with a 1000W light & 6 plants I could see how you would want to grow them large. as w/ 6 plants I would think the 1000w could support 6 plants with enough light to bud more than just the canopy. But that makes me wonder if a scrog is the right way to go for a 1000w light & a 6 site hydro set-up???

So anyway, like i said b4, i am hoping to learn something here. so if I may ask have you done a grow just like this b4? & are you planning on changing anything your next grow? if so, what? & does anyone else have any opinions about the scrog msmdm has done?

Like I said, it looks awesome, i'm sure you will enjoy. I actually know someone working w/ a 1000w & I would just like to know all i can to give him the best advice as he relies on me for alot of that stuff.



Well-Known Member
Here are today's pics. I took some shots of the roots in the reservoir so you can see what they look like. The buds are filling out nicely. I've had some leaves turn yellow and drop but only a dozen or so out of all the plants.

