Bernie Sanders 2020

Up here in the frozen north we picked a young progressive, gonna change to sunny ways and sunny days
kinda prime minister( thats like your prez up here)
After Trump was elected all the Canucks were happy we didnt have some one like him up here....

After 4 years your economy is smokin hot, unemployment is at a all time low, and companies
are setting up shop again on your home soil.

Here? province sits with 8% unemployment, people are loosing theyre life savings and our
wing nut has us in more debt.....hundreds of billions with a pop of 36 million. Companies are leaving
and investing anywhere but province was the economic engine of the country 6 yrs ago.

Id take a talking monkey over any liberal/dem ever people dont know how lucky you are.
Up here in the frozen north we picked a young progressive, gonna change to sunny ways and sunny days
kinda prime minister( thats like your prez up here)
After Trump was elected all the Canucks were happy we didnt have some one like him up here....

After 4 years your economy is smokin hot, unemployment is at a all time low, and companies
are setting up shop again on your home soil.

Here? province sits with 8% unemployment, people are loosing theyre life savings and our
wing nut has us in more debt.....hundreds of billions with a pop of 36 million. Companies are leaving
and investing anywhere but province was the economic engine of the country 6 yrs ago.

Id take a talking monkey over any liberal/dem ever people dont know how lucky you are.
Jobs are being outsourced faster under trump than under Obama you dip

gdp growth is under 2%. Your gdp growth was 3% in 2017 and above 2% the last two years

stupid is no way to go through life
Up here in the frozen north we picked a young progressive, gonna change to sunny ways and sunny days
kinda prime minister( thats like your prez up here)
After Trump was elected all the Canucks were happy we didnt have some one like him up here....

After 4 years your economy is smokin hot, unemployment is at a all time low, and companies
are setting up shop again on your home soil.

Here? province sits with 8% unemployment, people are loosing theyre life savings and our
wing nut has us in more debt.....hundreds of billions with a pop of 36 million. Companies are leaving
and investing anywhere but province was the economic engine of the country 6 yrs ago.

Id take a talking monkey over any liberal/dem ever people dont know how lucky you are.
Oh look, another pretend Canadian.

Can we get an IP check here?

I hope you invested the time to spoof from Ottawa, comrade.
After 4 years your economy is smokin hot, unemployment is at a all time low, and companies
are setting up shop again on your home soil.

Id take a talking monkey over any liberal/dem ever people dont know how lucky you are.

No problem, most Americans would gladly trade our talking monkey for your liberal!

Do you think Presidents wave a magic wand and make the economy good?
Up here in the frozen north we picked a young progressive, gonna change to sunny ways and sunny days
kinda prime minister( thats like your prez up here)
After Trump was elected all the Canucks were happy we didnt have some one like him up here....

After 4 years your economy is smokin hot, unemployment is at a all time low, and companies
are setting up shop again on your home soil.

Here? province sits with 8% unemployment, people are loosing theyre life savings and our
wing nut has us in more debt.....hundreds of billions with a pop of 36 million. Companies are leaving
and investing anywhere but province was the economic engine of the country 6 yrs ago.

Id take a talking monkey over any liberal/dem ever people dont know how lucky you are.
Shove your Poutine and Putin up where the sun doesn't hit ya
Canadian trolls LOL
It's funny most of the moderates complained about the posts & replies from progressives when we would highlight Hillary Clinton's corruption during the 2016 election. They said it damaged her chances of winning the general election against Trump, and this somehow helped Trump get elected. It's funny because those same exact people are fabricating lies and perpetuating propaganda against the only viable candidate in the Democratic primary that can actually defeat Trump in 2020 now, exposing themselves as the hypocrites we knew them to be all along.

The difference is, people actually like Bernie Sanders, and what we were saying then was true. Nobody, not even most Democrats like Hillary Clinton, and everything said about Sanders doesn't land when he has four decades of receipts fighting for the working class.
It's funny most of the moderates complained about the posts & replies from progressives when we would highlight Hillary Clinton's corruption during the 2016 election. They said it damaged her chances of winning the general election against Trump, and this somehow helped Trump get elected. It's funny because those same exact people are fabricating lies and perpetuating propaganda against the only viable candidate in the Democratic primary that can actually defeat Trump in 2020 now, exposing themselves as the hypocrites we knew them to be all along.

The difference is, people actually like Bernie Sanders, and what we were saying then was true. Nobody, not even most Democrats like Hillary Clinton, and everything said about Sanders doesn't land when he has four decades of receipts fighting for the working class.
There's literally nothing in this word salad that is factual. Every single thing you just said was false.
this is not a question, it is a bullshit statement.
It's the first part of a multiple part question, hence the "?" at the end of the question

It's addressing your factions strategy towards defeating Trump, which again, is mainly trying to recapture the votes of people who voted for Obama in 2008/2012, then voted for Trump in 2016. That's why they believe presenting themselves as more moderate will appeal to these sorts of voters.

But this idea of what you think the progressive strategy is devoid of reality of how to actually get anything done. It is just pushing the opposite arguments (usually) of what Trump promised which will result in the same getting of nothing done. Democrats need to learn how to keep power for more than 2 years at a time in post-civil rights era.
How do you plan on getting anything done with a Republican held Senate if a moderate wins?

The progressives in the race are pushing actual policy, the moderates are rallying around "At least I'm not as bad as Trump though" devoid of all policy

By working together to win the Senate and House
How, though? How do you plan on working together with progressives to win the Senate?
I have not seen any real information on how the 'micro-donations' work, and with click farms I do not trust them what so ever to be anything close to reality.
You should read the article, it explains it. Sanders receives, by far, the most donations from Obama-Trump counties, not even close
It's funny most of the moderates complained about the posts & replies from progressives when we would highlight Hillary Clinton's corruption during the 2016 election. They said it damaged her chances of winning the general election against Trump, and this somehow helped Trump get elected. It's funny because those same exact people are fabricating lies and perpetuating propaganda against the only viable candidate in the Democratic primary that can actually defeat Trump in 2020 now, exposing themselves as the hypocrites we knew them to be all along.

The difference is, people actually like Bernie Sanders, and what we were saying then was true. Nobody, not even most Democrats like Hillary Clinton, and everything said about Sanders doesn't land when he has four decades of receipts fighting for the working class.
Glad you can vouch for Bernie's strong character. It might mean something if you weren't personally such a coward that you run away from answering a simple question that you yourself have posed.
It's the first part of a multiple part question, hence the "?" at the end of the question

It's addressing your factions strategy towards defeating Trump, which again, is mainly trying to recapture the votes of people who voted for Obama in 2008/2012, then voted for Trump in 2016. That's why they believe presenting themselves as more moderate will appeal to these sorts of voters.
The voters that went to Trump are likely either 1. Regretting their getting sucked into the internet propaganda because they woke up to the Russian plot. or 2. Are fully in Trump's cult now.

The trick this year is to get people who don't want to see our nation mired in hateful rhetoric and lies to show up and vote. The voter suppression campaign was and is real and we need to push back on the lies and disinformation that make it so effective.
How do you plan on getting anything done with a Republican held Senate if a moderate wins?

The progressives in the race are pushing actual policy, the moderates are rallying around "At least I'm not as bad as Trump though" devoid of all policy
Chances are we can't get much done other than undoing the bullshit that Trump has done since the Democrats won the House last year. You should relax and stop watching propaganda clips and start watching full speeches of people without trying to find parts to argue before digesting the entire speech.

How, though? How do you plan on working together with progressives to win the Senate?
Our goals are not in conflict. I try all the time to get you and people like yourself to see this.

You should read the article, it explains it. Sanders receives, by far, the most donations from Obama-Trump counties, not even close

It does not explain what it takes to donate to a candidate:
Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 6.54.57 AM.png

I am afraid that these micro donations are just click farms funneling foreign money into candidates that they want to elevate to help Trump. And would appreciate any feedback from people that have donated if they think this would be possible.
I see by your guys deserve what you get......HILLARY IN 2020......LMAO, go get em tiger
It's a shame that you are a fan of Trump when he has caused a lot of turmoil in your economy with all his bullshit threats about NAFTA. Maybe now that he was able to rebrand the same trade deal with minor updates that could have been done with less uncertainty to businesses things will get better.