Bernie Sanders 2020

Bernie just passed Biden on CNN's internal polling lol. After all that time they spent smearing him, all it took was Hillary to air her narcissistic grievances and his polls climbed again. Thanks hilldawg! Your anti-endorsement gave us the boost we needed to get Republicans to vote Bernie in the primary, we couldn't do it without you!

Steady growth since his heart attack.

Still the highest approval of any politician in the USA.

So you're just spouting crap again, since you said that Republicans can vote for Bernie in the primary! :roll: Get a clue!

And then you ask someone if they're retarded???

Are you retarded? He's raised the most funds during this primary cycle of all Democratic nominees, he doesn't need the DNC's help. All small dollar donations. He also Caucasus with the progressives in the Democratic party as well... You must not know anything. Try again.

So if anyone is a retard, you'll see him when you look in the mirror. :lol:

That has nothing to do with what I said. Now that he is in the race for Dem leader and has 27% of dem supporters, the Dems now need him not to run as independent, or they risk splitting the vote. His "morals", being the wrong word (you were right the second time when you said "convictions"), have nothing to do with what I was saying. Your personal feeling about him, or me, are irrelevant.
see post 1921. Does that sound like a person the DNC should choose to best represent the Dems?
see post 1921. Does that sound like a person the DNC should choose to best represent the Dems?

I guess that would depend on what direction you think the Democratic party should be going, and how they get there. He seems to have lots of support, whether you like it or not. That's the thing with democracy, you can't make everyone happy all of the time.
So you are saying he's abandoning his morals as a (I) to run as a (D)? Sounds like a bad choice to vote for a man without convictions
So you're just spouting crap again, since you said that Republicans can vote for Bernie in the primary! :roll: Get a clue!

And then you ask someone if they're retarded???

So if anyone is a retard, you'll see him when you look in the mirror. :lol:

Cool story bro