Hello everyone! Im posting here with a new grow i started a couple weeks ago. Im a very amateur grower who is just having some fun so i dont have exacts or anything like that. I will get numbers for soil when i get them. The lights are 1 75w led 5000k daylight bulb. 2 65 w led 5000k daylight bulbs and 2 45 w led 5000k daylight bulbs. I have a small fan to circulate air in the small closet im currently using which is like 4x3ft or something around there. I am using organic soil for 2 plants (the back 2 in pics) miracle grow standard potting soil for 2 (the front 2 in pics) and a mix of two (the center in pics). ***full disclaimer this is how i tried to do it with regards to the positioning of the plants and the soil. Im really not 100% positive that the organic vs. Miracle pots are where i said they are. I was in a pinch and had to get the different soil when i ran out. Im amateur.**** I started the back left one ( the big one) about a week and a half earlier than the others. I know that will very soon be a problem but we'll see. Anyhow im just sharing my little fun project and hoping for thoughts or suggestions or critiques. They have lights on 24hrs right now. When do i start turning lights off? I see some curling on leaves( i way overwatered the soil when i transplanted from their starting homes which is a whole story of stress to these guys which, if relevant, ill further explain. Suffice to say they were transplanted twice before the second set of fan leaves started) what could be causing that? Or do you think this is doomed to fail? Throw out your thoughts! Ill keep this updated if it strikes anyones interest! Pics attached!