Elizabeth Warren

The whole blood thing doesn't mean much to me. I could be 0% ethnically Jewish and that wouldn't change anything to me. My life experience grants me the understanding of what it means to be Jewish. I am an atheist, and not a racist so why give a fuck about what %of my blood is this or that other than
ummm so stop saying you are a Jew, but I guess you can be Jewish is you want. True Jews come from a bloodline
I'm not so sure about that, but I do fear it. The Dems need to get their shit together and focus on defeating Trump. Period.
Seriously, why the fuck is someone polling at zero or one percent still in the race?
I'm not all that sure about Bernie losing. Not betting my house on that. My main reason is that independents tend to be more conservative than Democrats. This is shown in attitudes toward healthcare plans.

Americans want Medicare for All … who want it
Share of respondents who agreed that these versions of a Medicare for All plan were a good idea
Medicare for All, replacing private insurance64%14%39%41%
Medicare for All who choose it, allowing private insurance90467070

61% of independents disagree with a key provision in Bernie's healthcare bill. Healthcare is THE most important issue today. I think Bernie's healthcare bill is a loser.

To be honest, Warren is no better than Bernie in this regard. I plan to vote for her. Sounds like I am confused, right? I probably am. What I see in Warren that is different from Bernie is her willingness to compromise in order to make progress. I think Warren will pivot away from wholesale endorsement of Bernie's plan if she wins the nomination. "Medicare for all who choose it" is by far the best political policy for 2020 and Warren is not the uncompromising fool that Bernie is.
ummm so stop saying you are a Jew, but I guess you can be Jewish is you want. True Jews come from a bloodline
I said I don't care, I know my ancestry goes all the way back to Spain before they were driven out. I am an atheist humanist, but ethnically I am a Jew, I only brought it up because the folks here like to toss around the Nazi accusation without any evidence. Being against violent public displays is now siding with Nazis what a fucking joke. I never thought until now that cannabis had deleterious effects on intelligence. Now I know.
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I'm not all that sure about Bernie losing. Not betting my house on that. My main reason is that independents tend to be more conservative than Democrats. This is shown in attitudes toward healthcare plans.

Americans want Medicare for All … who want it
Share of respondents who agreed that these versions of a Medicare for All plan were a good idea
Medicare for All, replacing private insurance64%14%39%41%
Medicare for All who choose it, allowing private insurance90467070

61% of independents disagree with a key provision in Bernie's healthcare bill. Healthcare is THE most important issue today. I think Bernie's healthcare bill is a loser.

To be honest, Warren is no better than Bernie in this regard. I plan to vote for her. Sounds like I am confused, right? I probably am. What I see in Warren that is different from Bernie is her willingness to compromise in order to make progress. I think Warren will pivot away from wholesale endorsement of Bernie's plan if she wins the nomination. Medicare for all who choose it is clearly the best political policy for 2020 and Warren is not the uncompromising fool that Bernie is.
Do you base your whole life on polls.?
I know what you want for breakfast
I said I don't care, I know my ancestry goes all the way back to Spain before they were driven out. I am an atheist humanist, but ethnically I am a Jew, I only brought it up because the folks here like to toss around the Nazi accusation without any evidence. Being against violent public displays is now siding with Nazis why a fucking joke.
Again you are not a Jew. You and you family are imposters that were forced to convert. You are JeWISH...as in You wish you were a Jew
I said I don't care, I know my ancestry goes all the way back to Spain before they were driven out. I am an atheist humanist, but ethnically I am a Jew, I only brought it up because the folks here like to toss around the Nazi accusation without any evidence. Being against violent public displays is now siding with Nazis why a fucking joke.
I'm not all that sure about Bernie losing. Not betting my house on that. My main reason is that independents tend to be more conservative than Democrats. This is shown in attitudes toward healthcare plans.

Americans want Medicare for All … who want it
Share of respondents who agreed that these versions of a Medicare for All plan were a good idea
Medicare for All, replacing private insurance64%14%39%41%
Medicare for All who choose it, allowing private insurance90467070

61% of independents disagree with a key provision in Bernie's healthcare bill. Healthcare is THE most important issue today. I think Bernie's healthcare bill is a loser.

To be honest, Warren is no better than Bernie in this regard. I plan to vote for her. Sounds like I am confused, right? I probably am. What I see in Warren that is different from Bernie is her willingness to compromise in order to make progress. I think Warren will pivot away from wholesale endorsement of Bernie's plan if she wins the nomination. "Medicare for all who choose it" is by far the best political policy for 2020 and Warren is not the uncompromising fool that Bernie is.
You don't understand what you're arguing here. The medicare for all who want it system is doing nothing but creating a 2 tiered system where all the unhealthy patients will be unloaded onto the medicare system and crash it while those who don't want it, their insurance companies reap the rewards with none of the responsibility. What a joke. The logical progression is obvious, insurance and healthcare are not synonyms, you've merely bought into republican talking points.

The affordable Care act was written by a republican think tank called the heritage foundation. You people really think you're progressives?
Again you are not a Jew. You and you family are imposters that were forced to convert. You are JeWISH...as in You wish you were a Jew
How was I forced to convert? I still have relatives who live in Spain who did convert... to Catholicism. This is silly. Jews have mixed for thousands of years, from ethiopea to Puerto Rico, it doesn't make someone not Jewish if only their mother was. Ethnicity isn't important either way, only Nazis and ethno-centrists fetishize who their ancient ancestors were.
Ok I thought so. I don't actually need to converse with you any longer.

This is a waste of time.

I support communists over fascists. Yes. Abroad that is a safer action than stateside. Stateside I support Democratic Socialists and social democrats. I don't support health insurance agencies.

Run and hide true believer. The facts will find you anyway.

Maybe Ortega will take you in.
You don't understand what you're arguing here. The medicare for all who want it system is doing nothing but creating a 2 tiered system where all the unhealthy patients will be unloaded onto the medicare system and crash it while those who don't want it, their insurance companies reap the rewards with none of the responsibility. What a joke. The logical progression is obvious, insurance and healthcare are not synonyms, you've merely bought into republican talking points.
No, we already have a deeply flawed, stratified system. Expanding medicare to get everyone covered will be paid for through increased taxation. Nothing in your post is based on reality or sound economics.

In any case, good luck getting congress to pass a bill that turns all federal spending into healthcare. The tax hikes would be astronomical. Nearly everyone in congress who originally signaled support has subsequently come out against it.
Do you base your whole life on polls.?
View attachment 4455167
I know what you want for breakfast
I'm aware that you can't accept a poll as information and did't present it to you in my reply to you. People who don't understand statistics shouldn't use them. And, you don't. I respect that. So, instead of citing a poll to you, I gave you my reasons. Argue with them. There are plenty of objective facts that are not poll based that back up what I said.

Bernie is a chump and I won't vote for him My reasons for saying that are shown in my earlier post:
I believe that if Bernie wins the primary, Trump will win the general. You believe otherwise. The following are my reasons why I think Bernie jeopardizes the Democratic Party's chances of winning the WH in 2020.
  • Starting off, Bernie has in many instances given his support for brutal dictators. I can't go there.
  • Bernie's healthcare bill is a foolish, symbolic and incomplete bill that would force about 150 million people from plans they like and into his undefined healthcare bill.
  • Bernie has shown zero ability to lead or get things done as a senator.
  • Bernie has repeatedly shown he is a weak leader on civil rights issues.
  • The election doesn't hinge on Democrats, it hinges on Independents., I don't think enough independents , who, for the most part are more conservative than Democrats, will choose Bernie.

This is my opinion. Argue with my reasons listed above if you can but don't tell me to shut up just because we have different opinions.

That said, IF Bernie should win the primary, I'll vote for him. But I will not at this time stop explaining why I think Bernie sucks.

So, quit blowing your horn and tell me in a rational argument why my reasons are wrong.

Has Bernie gotten much, if anything done? Is Bernie's bill actually a good one? why?
You don't understand what you're arguing here. The medicare for all who want it system is doing nothing but creating a 2 tiered system where all the unhealthy patients will be unloaded onto the medicare system and crash it while those who don't want it, their insurance companies reap the rewards with none of the responsibility. What a joke. The logical progression is obvious, insurance and healthcare are not synonyms, you've merely bought into republican talking points.

The affordable Care act was written by a republican think tank called the heritage foundation. You people really think you're progressives?
It's you who don't understand. Prove me wrong by citing a source for your misinformation.
Link me to the story on Warren. I'm all about exposing everyones faults. Then I judge as to which I could accept and those I cannot.
FYI I too made money off two foreclosed homes as well...just not let us get mad at each other as we discuss. do this like grown people
I already know about it, I was just trying to get the thread back on its original topic is all.
I'm aware that you can't accept a poll as information and did't present it to you in my reply to you. People who don't understand statistics shouldn't use them. And, you don't. I respect that. So, instead of citing a poll to you, I gave you my reasons. Argue with them. There are plenty of objective facts that are not poll based that back up what I said.

Bernie is a chump and I won't vote for him My reasons for saying that are shown in my earlier post:

So, quit blowing your horn and tell me in a rational argument why my reasons are wrong.

Has Bernie gotten much, if anything done? Is Bernie's bill actually a good one? why?
SO if Bernie wins the primary, you will take your ball and go home ? Grow the fuck up
SO if Bernie wins the primary, you will take your ball and go home ? Grow the fuck up
I've never said that. How about you calming down and breaking my reasons for disliking Bernie as a DNC presidential candidate? If you want to just get angry, I'm still going to think you are OK. After you calm down.