Elizabeth Warren

You volunteered, fraud.

You suck at this. You said you could prove it but you can't... because you made it up.
dude... I'm asking you because I thought you could come up with something unforgeable, like I can draw something and stick it to my forehead and stand in the middle of town, what exactly would satisfy you? While remaining anonymous if course.
I don't understand what you're trying to posit here. Read my prior posts about surveiling alt-right/fascist forums to understand their lingo/dogwhistles and where they meet. This is to compile evidence against the closetted/crypto fascists. This is how we use our speech to combat theirs. Most if them know it's untenable to remain a neo Nazis when you can't get a job(outside of I.C.E) that's how you de-platform people from speaking engagements at college campuses. If you bothered to comprehend what I was arguing you'd see I'm on board with the protests, not the violence.

If someone calls me a cracker or a kike, I don't have the right to punch them. This shouldn't even require a elementary school education. If they use violence first, then it's fair game. We have rights granted by our constitution, and I'd like to keep them.
Yeah right.

Talks of antifa as if they were as bad as the fascists, then cries when a post is made that denies your lies.

fighting words are not protected by the first amendment either. And, yes, if somebody comes up to you and calls you a kike, in certain situations, you can take a poke at them. You'll need to defend yourself if you are charged but the Supreme court has held that fighting words are not protected speech. In some cases, fighting words are reasonably interpreted as incitement to riot, present a clear and present danger and people have the right to defend themselves.

now then,

plasma beings. tell us about plasma beings.
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Yeah right.

Talks of antifa as if they were as bad as the fascists, then cries when a post is made that denies your lies.

now then,

plasma beings. tell us about plasma beings.
Yes, the antifa who show up with face masks and attack counter protesters make us look as bad as the 'patriotic' fascist types. It's all about how media spins the violence. You should know this, if you want to have a leftist movement, to frighten the people in the center with visible acts of violence. This makes us look bad, if you're a violent asshole who wants to pick fights with Nazis, do it somewhere else.
Bernie is an authoritarian who stands with dictators like Ortega. He's also a supporter of Maduro. His authoritarian healthcare plan would force people to give up healthcare plans that they like while Bernie hasn't even told them how much the new plan would cost and who would pay for it. At least Warren has done the honorable thing and actually put numbers to her plan.

A vote in the primary for Bernie is a vote for four more years of Trump.
You doing what we said we would not do. A vote for Bernie does not fucking mean 4 years of Trump. A vote for Trump is if you take your ball and go home, because your man did not win in the primary. PLEASE STOP
Bernie is an authoritarian who stands with dictators like Ortega. He's also a supporter of Maduro. His authoritarian healthcare plan would force people to give up healthcare plans that they like while Bernie hasn't even told them how much the new plan would cost and who would pay for it. At least Warren has done the honorable thing and actually put numbers to her plan.

A vote in the primary for Bernie is a vote for four more years of Trump.
Ok I thought so. I don't actually need to converse with you any longer.

This is a waste of time.

I support communists over fascists. Yes. Abroad that is a safer action than stateside. Stateside I support Democratic Socialists and social democrats. I don't support health insurance agencies.
God can you imagine living with the woman. That screechy voice calling you out to do your chores would be mind boggling. Don't forget to take out the trash dear. I am out of panty hose can you go to the market and get me some? You know how it is guys how it was when they were hurrying to get ready for work and they want you to go down and get some more tampax. Oh Rupert, I need some more love tubes, yeah the one with the strings. . Heh I have certain standards that I can't slip below and look myself in eye. Most of us men just want a happy warm women and don't need all the stupid questions about am I getting fat dear? Do you think I look butch dear? My friend Karen's little boy Anthony ( a 6 year old shit) bit Bart earlier and I don't know what to do. karen is so proud that no one has ever told Anthony the word "no" I just don't know what to do. What is wrong with you, get rid of that stupid witch!!! But Karen stayed a true friend and I left without the kids, car, house, money, credit , life etc.
So I do have some heavy creds when it comes to being tattooed and I am absolutely positive that Elizabeth Warren would take Anthony's side in any kind of sudden assault by that miserable little *rick. I am sorry but the woman is just not stable enough to be president. I have a very clear picture of what the situation room would look like. Warren with her shaking hands on a joystick sitting with some general and about fifty technicians and trainers.
Warren turns her crazy eyes on the general and says ",just one more time. please? " The general yawns and lazily turns to the first tech he looks at and says set it up so we can do it another ten times oky doky"
Warren turns to monitor she is watching and the general says that's right put the little cursor on the car there and hit the button. Warren starts to get a small case of the shakes and screams" I almost had him that time. Damn wind blew the missile onto that fried chicken place. shit shit. !

the general leans over and pats her on the shoulder and says.

"that's right you are getting the hang of it , I think you are just too tense, you need to squeeze the button slowly as you let out a slow breath of air.
" okay I got it now. Look out you Iranian boogers. Oh crap I didn't mean to hit the button right then my weak eye gave out as it turned, damn but if you think about its all okay that lamb kabob cart had no refrigeration and I am sure was selling diseased meat because of the heat yeh. right? In the long run the neighborhood will be better off without all those oily calories.

Ok let's get back to work. *hit , don't look at me that way it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't parked in front of the damn hospital Tell them trump farted down there and the whole place collapsed, what do I care.

So now we leave one possible future and return you back to your home safe and sound this time.
Yes, the antifa who show up with face masks and attack counter protesters make us look as bad as the 'patriotic' fascist types. It's all about how media spins the violence. You should know this, if you want to have a leftist movement, to frighten the people in the center with visible acts of violence. This makes us look bad, if you're a violent asshole who wants to pick fights with Nazis, do it somewhere else.
did some dumb russian take over this account and forget to check what the other dumb russian said before?

Antifascist view the world in similar ways to fascists, in that they both convieve of a conspiracy by an other group(the rich/capitalist elite, or the Jewish elite, or some globalist conspiracy by Jews). Both have a warped sense of Justice, whereby the vangard(be they Antifascist or the fascists themselves) stand between the enemy and the ignorant commonfolk who are blind to the workings of the enemy. Antifascist think their are fascists everywhere, and that almost anyone can be brainwashed into being one; go onoton blame network news, mainstream media and middle-man democratic liberals as complacent or ignorant to the truth. Go check out a few anti-fa forums for yourself. See how the black block operates, anonymity, dispersion, violent retaliation against Boogeyman. How is that much different that wearing hoods(kkk) to hide your identity from yhe public and strike fear? The motivations of the 2 factors are very different, but the methodology, and how they view the out-group are strikingly similar.
God can you imagine living with the woman. That screechy voice calling you out to do your chores would be mind boggling. Don't forget to take out the trash dear. I am out of panty hose can you go to the market and get me some? You know how it is guys how it was when they were hurrying to get ready for work and they want you to go down and get some more tampax. Oh Rupert, I need some more love tubes, yeah the one with the strings. . Heh I have certain standards that I can't slip below and look myself in eye. Most of us men just want a happy warm women and don't need all the stupid questions about am I getting fat dear? Do you think I look butch dear? My friend Karen's little boy Anthony ( a 6 year old shit) bit Bart earlier and I don't know what to do. karen is so proud that no one has ever told Anthony the word "no" I just don't know what to do. What is wrong with you, get rid of that stupid witch!!! But Karen stayed a true friend and I left without the kids, car, house, money, credit , life etc.
So I do have some heavy creds when it comes to being tattooed and I am absolutely positive that Elizabeth Warren would take Anthony's side in any kind of sudden assault by that miserable little *rick. I am sorry but the woman is just not stable enough to be president. I have a very clear picture of what the situation room would look like. Warren with her shaking hands on a joystick sitting with some general and about fifty technicians and trainers.
Warren turns her crazy eyes on the general and says ",just one more time. please? " The general yawns and lazily turns to the first tech he looks at and says set it up so we can do it another ten times oky doky"
Warren turns to monitor she is watching and the general says that's right put the little cursor on the car there and hit the button. Warren starts to get a small case of the shakes and screams" I almost had him that time. Damn wind blew the missile onto that fried chicken place. shit shit. !

the general leans over and pats her on the shoulder and says.

"that's right you are getting the hang of it , I think you are just too tense, you need to squeeze the button slowly as you let out a slow breath of air.
" okay I got it now. Look out you Iranian boogers. Oh crap I didn't mean to hit the button right then my weak eye gave out as it turned, damn but if you think about its all okay that lamb kabob cart had no refrigeration and I am sure was selling diseased meat because of the heat yeh. right? In the long run the neighborhood will be better off without all those oily calories.

Ok let's get back to work. *hit , don't look at me that way it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't parked in front of the damn hospital Tell them trump farted down there and the whole place collapsed, what do I care.

So now we leave one possible future and return you back to your home safe and sound this time.
your ex got everything in the divorce settlement didn’t she
God can you imagine living with the woman. That screechy voice calling you out to do your chores would be mind boggling. Don't forget to take out the trash dear. I am out of panty hose can you go to the market and get me some? You know how it is guys how it was when they were hurrying to get ready for work and they want you to go down and get some more tampax. Oh Rupert, I need some more love tubes, yeah the one with the strings. . Heh I have certain standards that I can't slip below and look myself in eye. Most of us men just want a happy warm women and don't need all the stupid questions about am I getting fat dear? Do you think I look butch dear? My friend Karen's little boy Anthony ( a 6 year old shit) bit Bart earlier and I don't know what to do. karen is so proud that no one has ever told Anthony the word "no" I just don't know what to do. What is wrong with you, get rid of that stupid witch!!! But Karen stayed a true friend and I left without the kids, car, house, money, credit , life etc.
So I do have some heavy creds when it comes to being tattooed and I am absolutely positive that Elizabeth Warren would take Anthony's side in any kind of sudden assault by that miserable little *rick. I am sorry but the woman is just not stable enough to be president. I have a very clear picture of what the situation room would look like. Warren with her shaking hands on a joystick sitting with some general and about fifty technicians and trainers.
Warren turns her crazy eyes on the general and says ",just one more time. please? " The general yawns and lazily turns to the first tech he looks at and says set it up so we can do it another ten times oky doky"
Warren turns to monitor she is watching and the general says that's right put the little cursor on the car there and hit the button. Warren starts to get a small case of the shakes and screams" I almost had him that time. Damn wind blew the missile onto that fried chicken place. shit shit. !

the general leans over and pats her on the shoulder and says.

"that's right you are getting the hang of it , I think you are just too tense, you need to squeeze the button slowly as you let out a slow breath of air.
" okay I got it now. Look out you Iranian boogers. Oh crap I didn't mean to hit the button right then my weak eye gave out as it turned, damn but if you think about its all okay that lamb kabob cart had no refrigeration and I am sure was selling diseased meat because of the heat yeh. right? In the long run the neighborhood will be better off without all those oily calories.

Ok let's get back to work. *hit , don't look at me that way it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't parked in front of the damn hospital Tell them trump farted down there and the whole place collapsed, what do I care.

So now we leave one possible future and return you back to your home safe and sound this time.
Please STFU. Im sorry that your mother abandon you as a child but most women are the nurtures of life and teach you most of your early lesson on life. You sound like an abusive male that beats his wife because dinner was late due to her having to pick up the kids.
You doing what we said we would not do. A vote for Bernie does not fucking mean 4 years of Trump. A vote for Trump is if you take your ball and go home, because your man did not win in the primary. PLEASE STOP
I did not say Democrats would vote for Trump if Bernie won the primary. Nor did I say anything about my not voting for Bernie if he wins the primary. I've said the opposite and mean it. I do believe that enough independents will choose Trump over Bernie to give Trump another presidency. I don't think Bernie can win it all. Feel free to disagree with me. You don't believe in opinion polling so I won't try to convince you using them. I stated my opinion based upon what I've read and if you think I'm wrong, then I have the right to be as wrong as anybody else and you do too.
I did not say Democrats would vote for Trump if Bernie won the primary. Nor did I say anything about my not voting for Bernie if he wins the primary. I've said the opposite and mean it. I do believe that enough independents will choose Trump over Bernie to give Trump another presidency. I don't think Bernie can win it all. Feel free to disagree with me. You don't believe in opinion polling so I won't try to convince you using them. I stated my opinion based upon what I've read and if you think I'm wrong, then I have the right to be as wrong as anybody else and you do too.
you said a vote for Bernie in the primaries is four more years of Trump and I say Bullshit. whomever comes out the primary should mop the fucking floor with Trump. Stay together and stay focus. I'm smart enough to understand how fucking polls work. THINK FOR YOURSELF
Yes, the antifa who show up with face masks and attack counter protesters make us look as bad as the 'patriotic' fascist types. It's all about how media spins the violence. You should know this, if you want to have a leftist movement, to frighten the people in the center with visible acts of violence. This makes us look bad, if you're a violent asshole who wants to pick fights with Nazis, do it somewhere else.
I've been there.

Antifa stand in front of the crowds that stand in front of fascists. They absorb the shock from attacking fascists. They are heroes. It is completely understandable why fascists want to paint the picture otherwise. Which side are you on?

now then,

plasma beings. Tell us about plasma beings.
did some dumb russian take over this account and forget to check what the other dumb russian said before?
that was over a year and a half ago, and to be fair, I've honestly moved much much further left, and started to associate with the more socialist/Marxist/trotskyist/gramscist clubs before graduation. It's a bit cringey to read that.
It's still true to an extent that anonymity in public places will be used against us by law enforcement, just like at occupy wallstreet. That I can say has enough evidence to bring pause.don't conceal my identity at get togethers, those that do welcome law enforcement to do the same as controlled opposition. This isn't a difficult analogy to understand, although now reading it again, you would be right to criticise me for making this comparison. My analogy doesn't claim the antifascists are incorrect, just many that I've met share remarkable semblance to fascist ideology, different Boogeyman. You can be anti fascistic and not want to pal around with some of the nutters who frequent antifa meetups. I've met NOI and 5%'s at these meetups, they're basically in agreement about Jews. Nation of Islam and 5%'s are black ethnic/religious groups with heavy anti-Semitic rhetoric and they're invited to the same meetups I am. They believe Jews orchestrated the American slave trade. These people infected left wing movements for years, including but not limited to 'The Women's March'. Google Tamika Mallory and her crew. I don't do the gatekeeping like you though so I don't exactly see this as a big tent movement, it's individuals acting out on our collective necessity to counter fascists. There's a lot of nuance people like you miss when you only live online
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It's still true. I don't conceal my identity at get togethers, those that do welcome law enforcement to do the same as controlled opposition. This isn't a difficult analogy to understand, although now reading it again, you would be right to criticise me for making this comparison. My analogy doesn't claim the antifascists are incorrect, just many that I've met share remarkable semblance to fascist ideology, different Boogeyman. You can be anti fascistic and not want to pal around with some of the nutters who frequent antifa meetups. I've met NOI and 5%'s at these meetups, they're basically in agreement about Jews. Nation of Islam and 5%'s are black ethnic/religious groups with heavy anti-Semitic rhetoric and they're invited to the same meetups I am. They believe Jews orchestrated the American slave trade. These people infected left wing movements for years, including but not limited to 'The Women's March'. Google Tamika Mallory and her crew. I don't do the gatekeeping like you though so I don't exactly see this as a big tent movement, it's individuals acting out on our collective necessity to counter fascists. There's a lot of nuance people like you miss when you only live online
I will just leave this here for you to began you own research. If needing any more direction feel free to ask me

I will just leave this here for you to began you own research. If needing any more direction feel free to ask me

View attachment 4455158
Ship owners. who owned the slaves prior to boarding? Who sold the slaves? Muslim slave trade is still strong till today in Africa, the blame isn't merely with Jews, everyone got on on it except for the few sects of Christianity who were against the institution. But biblically even Christian's don't have a leg to stand on.
Ship owners. who owned the slaves prior to boarding? Who sold the slaves? Muslim slave trade is still strong till today in Africa, the blame isn't merely with Jews, everyone got on on it except for the few sects of Christianity who were against the institution. But biblically even Christian's don't have a leg to stand on.
yawn. show you info and you close your eyes and sing the pussy song.
Do you even know what a khazar jews. If so are you one ?