GN Telos 6, 8 or 10 or Sanlight led q6w


Well-Known Member
That's the fun in having moms. You find a strain you grew out you really like and you get to keep it around. But if you need to stay under 9, do as you please


Well-Known Member
That's the fun in having moms. You find a strain you grew out you really like and you get to keep it around. But if you need to stay under 9, do as you please
I just don't see it that way really, but I do understand why you do and why you see it's fun. You build a bond with certain mothers, care for them. lol It's just Not fun for me, it just sits there, grows bigger and bigger. It also takes up a tent that isn't producing a thing for me, whilst costing me £ in electricity and time watering. I don't want to keep mothers in soil either, I don't miss the bugs that came with it. So i'd have to feed the mother plants in coco at least once per day. No way. Haven't got time for that either.

To stop people getting bored of having the same 3-4 strains constantly, I'd need what, 14 mother plants and chop and change each grow? Really people just get really bored of the same weed.

I have grown photoperiods before and have had more of them hermie than autoflowers, mainly due to cold temps in dark periods. I never saw the point in turning off a 400w lamp for 12 hours then paying for heating in the dark periods. I'm hardly ever at home. Some days I'm only there for half an hour - hour. I can't just close windows in the dark period and open them 12 hours later. I'm not up for that type of commitment at all. I used to do all that, that's why I don't want to go back to that. 7am alarms going off every day to open windows. lol No way am I doing that shit again!

I've had the odd auto gives me seeds before and 100% of them have been feminised autoflowers. I did a whole fast bud#2 grow years ago with them. Can't lose with autoflowers.

Fun for me is germinating the seeds and watching them go from start to finish in 8-9 weeks with minimal effort. Supercropping them to keep them low and strong. Watering once per day, so not spending more than half an hour each day with the plants. That's about all I want to do. I don't want it taking over my life.

I loved training photoperiod plants to fill the tents, but the auto's do that anyway.


Well-Known Member
If the par 150 model covers 60cm x60cm, then surely the par 275 which is two of these stuck together would then cover 90cm x 60cm, or 120cm x 60cm? It says 90cm x90cm. I can't see how by sticking 2 of them together suddenly changes the coverage by an extra foot. Nice looking light with good specs though.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is you buying autoflower seeds everytime, costs you money, and contributes to the downfall of the freedom of the plant. One day, big companies will shut out photo periods and they'll be rare to come by. You'll be forced to buy their fuckin seeds.
I'm not about it


Well-Known Member
If I cut my electric in half I will save a fuck load of £, so these within a year will easily pay for themselves with the savings made on electricity.
i wonder if its cheaper to veg photoperiods for 2-3weeks and then flip and run flower at night when its cheap...rather than autos on 24hr? i run more watts in flower than you and my bills are less, i think...i'd need to check that...but £1700 for 3 months of more or less 3000w? sounds a lot! Which supplier?

you could in theory flower your 63ft² with 12/12 and save a fortune in electric...i shit at maths, about 12 dabs and 14 cups of tea down though so i might be wrong

diyled' new boards look pretty sweet yah


Well-Known Member
All I can say is you buying autoflower seeds everytime, costs you money, and contributes to the downfall of the freedom of the plant. One day, big companies will shut out photo periods and they'll be rare to come by. You'll be forced to buy their fuckin seeds.
I'm not about it
If it makes you feel better I have a decent photoperiod seed collection, which is a collection. I don't intend to grow any of them for years. Even got regs in case I have to breed them. The freedom of the plant stuff is a bit heavy for me. Yes it does cost £ to buy autoflowers. I'm cool with that. It's nothing really though is it. 70 ounce grow, I ain't worried about spending £50-£100 on seeds 3 or times a year after each grow. I spend more on new lamps than I do on seeds.

I'm not trying to convince you auto's are better. I have explained myself in many ways why I grow auto's. Why does it get to you so much that I grow auto's? It seems like it really irritates you. No offence, but I ain't going to be converted by you or anybody else. I'm 100% sold on auto's.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if its cheaper to veg photoperiods for 2-3weeks and then flip and run flower at night when its cheap...rather than autos on 24hr? i run more watts in flower than you and my bills are less, i think...i'd need to check that...but £1700 for 3 months of more or less 3000w? sounds a lot! Which supplier?

you could in theory flower your 63ft² with 12/12 and save a fortune in electric...i shit at maths, about 12 dabs and 14 cups of tea down though so i might be wrong

diyled' new boards look pretty sweet yah
Each ballast draws 440w. 4 clip on fans. 60w Extractor is approx 50 I think at a guess. 550w each set up.
550w x 7 tents 3850w on for at least 21 hours per day.If you plug in 4000w almost on 21 hours, half on 24 hours trust me your bill will a brutal one lol

My tents are split over 3 rooms. It would be difficult to warm the flat up. At 7am when cheap electric finishes, the lights would go off, so I would have to be at my flat every night after 7pm, 7 days a week. That is no life. I watch football in the evenings, see my family after they finish school. It's a pain in the arse already just imagining it. lol


Well-Known Member
What I'm trying to say is the high electric bill concerns come in a distant 2nd to my freedom and lifestyle choices.


Well-Known Member
At 7am when cheap electric finishes, the lights would go off, so I would have to be at my flat every night after 7pm, 7 days a week.
i dunooooo...the gas comes on all by itself. and like the electric bill, like you say, its well worth it.

i grew in a flat over 3 rooms, a 45min drive away for two years straight. on a drip feed and dialled, the hours are minimal. i left that place for a week and longer really quite regularly. power cuts were my biggest fear. different styles but its very do-able. anyhoo, im not gonna tell ya how to run your garden, your autos look great.

but you could light that area with half as many Watts
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Well-Known Member
i dunooooo...the gas comes on all by itself. and like the electric bill, like you say, its well worth it.

i grew in a flat over 3 rooms, a 45min drive away for two years straight. on a drip feed and dialled, the hours are minimal. i left that place for a week and longer really quite regularly. power cuts were my biggest fear. different styles but its very do-able. anyhoo, im not gonna tell ya how to run your garden, your autos look great.

but you could light that area with half as many Watts
I don't have central heating in my flat. What I mean by I'd have to be at my flat at 7pm everyday is because I would have to water them then after the dark period. When the lights are on all the windows need to be open, even in the winter. They all need to be shut when the lights are off.


Well-Known Member
ah! that makes it tricky! makes sense to run 24hr autos in that kinda situation

have you tried any dutch passion autos? i have the Mazaar and Daiquiri Lime seeds in the fridge. The Mephisto gear looks great
Automazar is very nice and yields well. Going to do that again. I'd like to do think different again too.


Well-Known Member
If it makes you feel better I have a decent photoperiod seed collection, which is a collection. I don't intend to grow any of them for years. Even got regs in case I have to breed them. The freedom of the plant stuff is a bit heavy for me. Yes it does cost £ to buy autoflowers. I'm cool with that. It's nothing really though is it. 70 ounce grow, I ain't worried about spending £50-£100 on seeds 3 or times a year after each grow. I spend more on new lamps than I do on seeds.

I'm not trying to convince you auto's are better. I have explained myself in many ways why I grow auto's. Why does it get to you so much that I grow auto's? It seems like it really irritates you. No offence, but I ain't going to be converted by you or anybody else. I'm 100% sold on auto's.
I am definitely intrigued by autos, and I totally understand why you've chosen them for you particular situation. And by all accounts (from up-to-speed auto growers) the genetics have improved so greatly that a good auto is no longer a compromise on yield and potency. Personally, the two things that keep me growing photos are the cost of staying stocked with seeds (I don't sell my bud, so there's no ROI) and the idea that no matter how good it is, or how much I love a given strain, I can't take a cut and keep growing it. But I get attached to things like that anyway! In any case, it sounds like you're on track with your lighting - best of luck!


Well-Known Member

Similar dimensions as diyleduk board - 185mm x 700
Invisible sun - 205mm x 645mm x 20mm
Similar light spread, not sure if it's waterproof or is waterproof a necessary thing for you?


Well-Known Member
If I used a light that didn't light up the edges very well, with 4 plants in a 3ft x 3ft tent, surely that would be a problem... But if I'm growing just 1 plant and it's getting all the light anyway and most of the light in the centre, will it not use the energy to fatten up side colas anyway, even if the led was lacking light in the edges of the tent?


Well-Known Member
@Moflow Do you have one of the par+ panels?
No, none of those. They're not long out.
I've the Scope 240 from diyleduk- below.
270 watts full blast in a 4 x 4 tent.
20191209_173512.jpg lm301b strip lights originally, then @diyled send me some enhanced v2 strips for free to try, with added red and far reds.
I love the strips, far better coverage of the canopy in my opinion. 2ft strips - 560mm, 5 of them
I had them in an 80cm x 80cm tent originally , ~270 watts on a MW hlg240h 48A .
I didn't run it much above 200 watts in the 80cm x 80cm tent as the par readings where too high.

Maximizing canopy coverage with light is the way I like to grow.
I've now the Scope 240 And an HLG550 in the 4 x 4 tent, each running at 200 watts apiece.
I could just run the HLG550 on its own at 400 watts but I've far more light spread coverage beaming down with the 2 fixtures running at no extra cost.

The best light for your 3ft x 3ft would be 2 x FOTOP Boards if they could be shoehorned in, 35.4" long, wall to wall lighting lol but you'd need to diy.....