How much do you consume? Do you feel judged? How to appropriately approach/handle subject?

Bro...I smoke all day everyday, and throw edibles into the mix.
I use what I need. To anyone who gives the look, I just tell 'em live a day as me, then you can judge.
I'm a retired infantry vet...I use A LOT.
10 year 3 campaign army Bradley mechanic. Thank you. i needed this. deleted the rest. i also do that, but i just feel like a douche. but i know i am not doing anything wrong (from my point of course) and am good with it. maybe i am just not making enough room for the awkward silence that comes after.
10 year 3 campaign army Bradley mechanic. Thank you. i needed this. deleted the rest. i also do that, but i just feel like a douche. but i know i am not doing anything wrong (from my point of course) and am good with it. maybe i am just not making enough room for the awkward silence that comes after.
Hey, I'm in my 60's and you have nothing to wonder or question how much or why you smoke, ingest etc. Weed has allowed me to get completely off opioids, I feel great and owe no apologies for my use or journey. We should all make decisions based on what is best for us and our families. I did 8 years in Army and thank you for your service also. I have seen weed cure cancer, extend life that had been deemed terminal, treat depression, PTSD and eliminate pain killing, addictive, narcotics as was my case. Good luck with your journey.
Including my gardening time I work about 60 hours a week, with kids and the honest truth is I don't have enough free time to smoke enough for anybody to judge me. I'm lucky if I get enough time to smoke a joint on the weekdays and 2 on the weekends. But I will say, in my opinion, too many fucking people waste their life away being stoned. But I strongly believe in the ability of people to change those around them and make the world a better place however that may be. I'm not totally convinced playing fcking video games inside and catching up on series of shows is that way. I could be wrong. If you're suffering from pain, hey right. I'm not talking about you. It's you fuckers who wear pickchoo pajamas out in public I'm talking about.
10 year 3 campaign army Bradley mechanic. Thank you. i needed this. deleted the rest. i also do that, but i just feel like a douche. but i know i am not doing anything wrong (from my point of course) and am good with it. maybe i am just not making enough room for the awkward silence that comes after.
When I don't medicate, my world becomes consumed with PTSD symptoms( not good for anyone around me...myself included) and pain.
Once medicated, my day begins, and I can function.
I am what i consider a fully or as close as I can get, ready for the day, without it, forget it.
Including my gardening time I work about 60 hours a week, with kids and the honest truth is I don't have enough free time to smoke enough for anybody to judge me. I'm lucky if I get enough time to smoke a joint on the weekdays and 2 on the weekends. But I will say, in my opinion, too many fucking people waste their life away being stoned. But I strongly believe in the ability of people to change those around them and make the world a better place however that may be. I'm not totally convinced playing fcking video games inside and catching up on series of shows is that way. I could be wrong. If you're suffering from pain, hey right. I'm not talking about you. It's you fuckers who wear pickchoo pajamas out in public I'm talking about.
I know exactly what you mean.. objectively speaking of course.
I use a lot myself, and I'm not self conscious about it anymore. When I switched to cannabis for pain I felt judged at first, mostly because I medicate as soon as I wake up and take edibles to get me through the night. I am medicated constantly. It wasn't until my wife pointed out that I was on opiates and narcotics for years, 24/7 that I realized the truth. What's the real difference between being medicated around the clock either way? It's the same thing, except cannabis actually helps my pain in ways the opiates never did.
This^^^^ except when I was on a gd shopping list of opiates, narcotics, pams , antidepressants, etc, I was walking fucking zombie. Felt dead inside and out. Battled serious depression for years, almost ended my life twice.
I never touched mj except as a kid, hell anyone who smoked at my place had to go to the road , up until 4 yrs ago.
Mj changed my life, I am ok to say probably saved it.
Anyone who wishes to judge me for my new way of LIVING, well they can just take a flying fuck now, right? RIGHT!
i was just getting depressed writing this so i deleted it. i do not know how to delete the thread lol. my bad for the time wasted but thank you for visiting!!

cheers and happy new year!
Looks like we all got a lot of free therapy here. Take care and come back anytime, we got you.... There are always the ones that just don't get it and never will.
not that ive anything against it , but its a bit lame to brag about smoking a lot. i have enough on hand to smoke blunts all day. i choose not to because for me, a rec user, i prefer to get as high as possible when i do use. this isnt sustainable with a heavy tolerance. you need to find a happy medium. sure, day smoking is certainly fun, every so often on a nice day ill get blazed and walk the dog, but its not for everyday