That's great Bro it really is, buuuut...Some use it instead of or to accompany big pharma. If you dont need it to survive, awesome. I do, not fakn bragging by any means .not that ive anything against it , but its a bit lame to brag about smoking a lot. i have enough on hand to smoke blunts all day. i choose not to because for me, a rec user, i prefer to get as high as possible when i do use. this isnt sustainable with a heavy tolerance. you need to find a happy medium. sure, day smoking is certainly fun, every so often on a nice day ill get blazed and walk the dog, but its not for everyday
Hyper vigilance, my friend, sucks is exhausting.Pain can be very demanding and so is PTSD and over vigilance and event anxiety etc.
not that ive anything against it , but its a bit lame to brag about smoking a lot. i have enough on hand to smoke blunts all day. i choose not to because for me, a rec user, i prefer to get as high as possible when i do use. this isnt sustainable with a heavy tolerance. you need to find a happy medium. sure, day smoking is certainly fun, every so often on a nice day ill get blazed and walk the dog, but its not for everyday
Very high tolerance indeedif you smoke a hell of a lot and its for legit medical reasons to cut big pharma out of your life ..then youre doing it right. no issues at all.
i dont even have issue with people who overdo it recreationally , it can become a crutch as i know well myself.
i just loathe when these people make comments like 'light weight' or brag about how much they do a drug they dont medically need to do as much as they do. Theres no honour in it .
i learned to respect the herb since i do it rec i like to get the most out of it while im healthy enough. nothing lightweight about that choice.
hopefully not ,but some day i might need it on an ongoing daily basis for medical reasons, which im sure sucks for you guys, your tolerance must be through the roof and you cant get as high as you used to.
First off you know nothing
second I Could look at this two ways
Do as you please but don't judge others, or
Always some douche talkin shit but can't back it up and calling themselves chronic why the fuck are you even here?
I could have swore this was a weed site not a weenie one seems its loaded with punks.