How much do you consume? Do you feel judged? How to appropriately approach/handle subject?

not that ive anything against it , but its a bit lame to brag about smoking a lot. i have enough on hand to smoke blunts all day. i choose not to because for me, a rec user, i prefer to get as high as possible when i do use. this isnt sustainable with a heavy tolerance. you need to find a happy medium. sure, day smoking is certainly fun, every so often on a nice day ill get blazed and walk the dog, but its not for everyday
That's great Bro it really is, buuuut...Some use it instead of or to accompany big pharma. If you dont need it to survive, awesome. I do, not fakn bragging by any means .
not that ive anything against it , but its a bit lame to brag about smoking a lot. i have enough on hand to smoke blunts all day. i choose not to because for me, a rec user, i prefer to get as high as possible when i do use. this isnt sustainable with a heavy tolerance. you need to find a happy medium. sure, day smoking is certainly fun, every so often on a nice day ill get blazed and walk the dog, but its not for everyday

I believe, they are discussing medical dosage here, not recreational. Most of us shouldn't be blazing 24/7 I agree, but if some dude broke his back and this is what gets him through the day, toke on man.
I'm flower or hash only, in cannabis. Old school still, old dogs and new habits dont play well together.

Have the Storz and Bickel "Mighty" and the Arizer Solo 2 if I choose to vape it. Better taste that way.
Original Air and Solo here and Underdog and other too. Old as dirt and ways are set. Today’s weed is strong enough for me.
Smoking a personal hybreed chuck at this moment. Space Monkey x SleeSkunk.
have the Boundless tera v3 and the XMAX "starry" vaporizers too, but those rarely get action since I got the Solo2 and the Mighty.
If I grow it or hit a dispensary (long ass drive, high prices) I'm satisfied. Local weed is hit or miss.
if you smoke a hell of a lot and its for legit medical reasons to cut big pharma out of your life ..then youre doing it right. no issues at all.
i dont even have issue with people who overdo it recreationally , it can become a crutch as i know well myself.
i just loathe when these people make comments like 'light weight' or brag about how much they do a drug they dont medically need to do as much as they do. Theres no honour in it .
i learned to respect the herb since i do it rec i like to get the most out of it while im healthy enough. nothing lightweight about that choice.
hopefully not ,but some day i might need it on an ongoing daily basis for medical reasons, which im sure sucks for you guys, your tolerance must be through the roof and you cant get as high as you used to.
if you smoke a hell of a lot and its for legit medical reasons to cut big pharma out of your life ..then youre doing it right. no issues at all.
i dont even have issue with people who overdo it recreationally , it can become a crutch as i know well myself.
i just loathe when these people make comments like 'light weight' or brag about how much they do a drug they dont medically need to do as much as they do. Theres no honour in it .
i learned to respect the herb since i do it rec i like to get the most out of it while im healthy enough. nothing lightweight about that choice.
hopefully not ,but some day i might need it on an ongoing daily basis for medical reasons, which im sure sucks for you guys, your tolerance must be through the roof and you cant get as high as you used to.
Very high tolerance indeed
I take about four hauls off of one of my vapes about an hour before going to bed to completely eliminate my restless leg syndrome. After each harvest, I make some form of edibles, so I'll substitute a gummy bear or a cookie instead of the vape.

I'll do the same thing if I get extremely anxious or feel panic for any reason.

I very rarely use any for recreational purposes; my wife uses enough for both of us in that regard.
First off you know nothing
second I Could look at this two ways
Do as you please but don't judge others, or
Always some douche talkin shit but can't back it up and calling themselves chronic why the fuck are you even here?
I could have swore this was a weed site not a weenie one seems its loaded with punks.
First off you know nothing
second I Could look at this two ways
Do as you please but don't judge others, or
Always some douche talkin shit but can't back it up and calling themselves chronic why the fuck are you even here?
I could have swore this was a weed site not a weenie one seems its loaded with punks.

cant back what up? That I freely admit that I'm not a burn out who smokes too much weed that i dont need or go around calling people lightweights online.
anyone needs to not judge people here its you, anyone who needs to back anything up here its you.

why am i here, because i grow and smoke weed. your brain that fried from 45 years of buring them down lol. punk
Ok puffdadickhead
This exactly why I said I would join or participate in this shit is because some asshole like you.
Like I said Ive been growing and smoking longer than you've been alive and your calling me names?
I will about guarantee you that I can knock your dumbass out and Iam probably twice your age and half your size.
So why don't you shut the fuck up and speak of things you might actually know about dipshit
Generally, I smoke an Oz a month. There are times when I consume slightly more, but that is a good measure for the most part.

I'm a functional user. I work a full time office job and wear a suit most days. I would say that not one person I work with knows that I use.

My family knows and does not care. My wife knows exactly how much I use, and likely would vote for less, but she knows the benefits it provides to me as well.

I couldn't care less about someone's opinion. I think often times people are just not educated about the topic. Especially older folks. I try my best to educate them in a manner that is non-aggressive.
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