How much do you consume? Do you feel judged? How to appropriately approach/handle subject?

cool story bro.
60 year old man assumes shit left right and centre. according to you, someone you never met is a) a lightweight b) able to knock me out.


i dont judge anyone for smoking weed dont be fucking ridiculous.

i made my position very clear the ONLY people who i judge are dickwads like you who go around thinking they are somehow better than others who dont smoke as much

youre obviously butthurt because the truth does hurt . a man your age going online a calling someone a lightweight and calling names. grow up.
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I am better than no one probably even less ,but I know what I'm talking about puffdadick like I said Ive lived on this planet twice as long as you.
and in conditions which Iam certain would already kill some asshole like you.
Do as you please as long as it doesn't harm others do not judge what you do not know.

As far as education I dare say I have accumulated way more than you so if you have a BS or equivalent and certifications I might listen to you but instead you are just some asshole that latched on to a comment I made directed at no one .
I have a couple puffs off the vape 2 or 3 times a week, mainly for anxiety and insomnia. I don't tell anyone because it is none of their business. I don't ask them about their blood pressure medicine or opiates they may be taking so why should I tell them about the medication I take?
60 year old man - "puffdadick" "asshole"

dude you are not mentally 60 years old ill say that much. you come across immature and bitter.

not want to take the olive branch? fine ,go f yourself.

and ill just add , your last paragraph is nothing more than deranged rambling. education was never mentioned and you have no fn idea what eduction ive got.

get a grip on life, you dont have that long left
Vaping as much Black Gold as I damn well please this morning, got my 100 knee bends in, attack the Bowflex later.
I smoke as I please, retired.....But I do quit for a month every I can keep gettin high........since 1972...........actually in August it will be 48 yrs of weed. Quit alcohol and any other drug besides weed in 91.
I’d recommend tinctures or edibles, just mix it up so you can up your consumption :bigjoint:

Handle what subject? Just never leave, and if you have to, hit stores right before close or right at open. Cheers ;)
Walmart at 6am. All the old ladies with the short morning shifts know me so well “hey theres that guy that comes in here stoned asf at the butt crack of dawn”
Walmart at 6am. All the old ladies with the short morning shifts know me so well “hey theres that guy that comes in here stoned asf at the butt crack of dawn”
Jesus Christ I thought you were following me! I was like uhhhhh how did this guy know where I was this morning... Ya man Walmart at open is the best, way better than close! No one is there, everyone is quiet, everything is stocked fresh..

The one thing I’ll give late night Walmart is the cooked chickens. THEY DROP TO $2.67 BEFORE CLOSING!!!
I've got a lot of pain with varying degrees of intensity... I'm a light weight though.... Vape .5 gm every night if I want to get any sleep. Really. . . who's to judge anyway????? :-)
Jesus Christ I thought you were following me! I was like uhhhhh how did this guy know where I was this morning... Ya man Walmart at open is the best, way better than close! No one is there, everyone is quiet, everything is stocked fresh..

The one thing I’ll give late night Walmart is the cooked chickens. THEY DROP TO $2.67 BEFORE CLOSING!!!
Wow! I have no idea how much the chickens are here at closing, but I always hit the deli for a $1 french bread loaf. Perfect for making super duper Shaggy and Scooby Sandwiches!

Walmart knows me as the guy that buys most of their distilled water gallons, lol. Use humidifiers upstairs and down.
Small town life for me. Under 5k population. Its has its ups and downs.
I have health problems unlike anybody I know, but if I smoke too much, people I know start getting noticeably hurt and subtly, silently offended. They aren't anti-cannabis but I think it's a natural, annoyed response if you're around someone that smokes way more than they should.

I need it medicinally because I am severely underweight with lifelong nausea problems. I was born weighing 0 pounds and 0 ounces. I'm over 7 feet tall and I still weigh 0 lbs. Medical marijuana does not help me gain weight but it stops me from throwing up sometimes and helps lessen my chronic pain. It makes life more comfortable, but doesn't solve any of my issues 100%.