Testing Timber's B-lux Decor Vero fixture(1750k)= Hello beautiful SPD, finger still on the trigger


Well-Known Member
Nat Sherman's are the cigs dipped in formy to get Sherm's.

Also Grasshopper just had a fire and wiped out basically everything of stock. Had been finally thinking about one again, since the new heaters have had good feedback. Guess it wasn't mean to be !


Well-Known Member
Bummer, was just about to get some extras batteries........ Still on the original, proprietary, if it comes to the end of cycles I'm screwed===== big con as I said.


Well-Known Member
Chinesium strikes again poodle ....... Most affected by thickener though, still owe me money .

Grasshopper company fire not as bad as originally thought, back in business soon. Releasing a new model in May, 65w heater, instant ready :shock: ..... If same batteries? hard pass imo.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Really P ? Did You Even Read The Article?? Well I Have Cut And Pasted A Couple Of Sentence's That You Missed For Your Reading. :wall:

When the doctors tested the e-liquid left in the device, they found several metals: nickel, aluminum, manganese, lead, cobalt and chromium.

Inhalation of cobalt in particular has been implicated in the kind of lung damage seen in the California case, Jones said. He'd treated a similar case in a mill worker several years before

Hey P Smoke Any Cobalt Recently Ummy Ummy


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm deficient in Cobalt according to my doctor? Lol....... So good to go poodle

Find a new hobby, like growing cannabis..... I'll buy some of your rosin carts off you, if you need the money?