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Very nice! $70K for the car parked at a $35K house. Neighbors must be jelly.
The pic was in front of my moms house which I pay her mortgage too but thanks, we got it for her 20 years ago at 86k. She doesn't need much being she's 68, beat cancer twice and just got her double hip replacement. So talk shit about my mothers dump, big guy.
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So working hard and taking care of your family to you, is selling out the future of our world. That made me laugh.
sure it made you laugh...you only see what you want to see. you working and taking care of your family isn't selling out. supporting politicians who fuck over a lot of people to make that happen for a few people is selling out....
see the difference?
sure it made you laugh...you only see what you want to see. you working and taking care of your family isn't selling out. supporting politicians who fuck over a lot of people to make that happen for a few people is selling out....
see the difference?
All I said is my savings and 401k has grew a lot of the last couple years, more so than losing a ton of money in the previous 8 years. I could care less about politicians and their daily rants. I was just pointing out facts that I know to be true because of my financial reports.

Not sure how this got turned around on me about what politician I support or any trivial bullshit like that. I was just saying the Trump stock market and my take home pay has been very well to me the last couple years and to me that matters more than arguing over politics anyday. I vote for my interest and what policies will do for me. I cant save the world, but I take care of myself, my family, and my friends. We are eating good and loving life.
All I said is my savings and 401k has grew a lot of the last couple years, more so than losing a ton of money in the previous 8 years. I could care less about politicians and their daily rants. I was just pointing out facts that I know to be true because of my financial reports.

Not sure how this got turned around on me about what politician I support or any trivial bullshit like that. I was just saying the Trump stock market and my take home pay has been very well to me the last couple years and to me that matters more than arguing over politics anyday. I vote for my interest and what policies will do for me. I cant save the world, but I take care of myself, my family, and my friends. We are eating good and loving life.
In other words,

you're just another greedy, self-important, fukwad
In other words,

you're just another greedy, self-important, fukwad
No, not exactly.

I'm a person who had nothing, that worked hard to get where he is, and takes care of his family and friends, that's votes for his best interest regardless of political party or the persons personal life. I vote for what they campaign on. The material.

The complete opposite of a freeloading, welfare, food stamp having government assistance person who votes for free shit that comes from others people tax money.

The opposite of greedy, I am generous.
The complete opposite of self important, I take care of my mom, nieces, nephews, children, and friends.
You can say Im a fukwad, I've been called worse.

Ive said it before, if every person takes care of the lives they create and were created by, there wouldn't be the problems we have today. If this fukwad can do it, so can others.
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So as long as you get yours, fuck the country, you're quite the patriot.
I work hard for what I got. And yes, I get mine.

Fuck the country? Hell no, god bless America. The land of opportunity. The land of the free and home of the brave. I would love to see everyone, every color, every religion or lack there of do good in life. I would like for every able bodied person to get a job and take care of their own family. Teach their children good work ethic and morals. Preach about doing right from wrong and make their children better than the previous generation. I would love to see an america that doesn't need government support, free this or free that. I would love to see everyone successful.
Go jerk off to your financial statement, don't let the fact that a criminal is selling out the country and people are dying rain on your parade, times are great for you.
All I said is my savings and 401k has grew a lot of the last couple years, more so than losing a ton of money in the previous 8 years. I could care less about politicians and their daily rants. I was just pointing out facts that I know to be true because of my financial reports.

Not sure how this got turned around on me about what politician I support or any trivial bullshit like that. I was just saying the Trump stock market and my take home pay has been very well to me the last couple years and to me that matters more than arguing over politics anyday. I vote for my interest and what policies will do for me. I cant save the world, but I take care of myself, my family, and my friends. We are eating good and loving life.
So you are blaming Obama for Bush dumping the Great Recession on his lap, tanking the entire country, your 401k with it along with housing values, etc..

But then ignoring the fact that over the next 7 years his presidency expanded under the same rate that Dear Leader's mess of a economic policy has even though the first 2 years Republicans did everything he wanted, and instead of using it to actually get some real work done he made them kiss the ring and stuffed the courts for him.

I see you must already be ready to jump when they blame Trumps economic collapse on the next guy. Obama set up the next president up for great economic success and Trump screwed it up by deciding to take on the world because of his ego.
Go jerk off to your financial statement, don't let the fact that a criminal is selling out the country and people are dying rain on your parade, times are great for you.
I have a smoking hot girl that will do that for me. Money doesn't make me happy, its just something I don't have to worry about anymore.
So you are blaming Obama for Bush dumping the Great Recession on his lap, tanking the entire country, your 401k with it along with housing values, etc..

But then ignoring the fact that over the next 7 years his presidency expanded under the same rate that Dear Leader's mess of a economic policy has even though the first 2 years Republicans did everything he wanted, and instead of using it to actually get some real work done he made them kiss the ring and stuffed the courts for him.

I see you must already be ready to jump when they blame Trumps economic collapse on the next guy. Obama set up the next president up for great economic success and Trump screwed it up by deciding to take on the world because of his ego.
I never blamed obama. I was just pointing out that I have hit record gains in the last couple years. I hope the gains continue.
That's great you don't have to worry about money, now you can enjoy the suffering of others without that being on your mind.
See how all 3 of you totally twisted everything I said and put words in my mouth? Re-read all of your posts. You may think you're slick but I see through all your BS. I clearly stated I would love to see everyone self sufficient and doing well. Do you have a mental handicap or just a lack of comprehension skills?

I know whats next, the name calling. GO ahead and let it out, captain.
All I said is my savings and 401k has grew a lot of the last couple years, more so than losing a ton of money in the previous 8 years. I could care less about politicians and their daily rants. I was just pointing out facts that I know to be true because of my financial reports.

Not sure how this got turned around on me about what politician I support or any trivial bullshit like that. I was just saying the Trump stock market and my take home pay has been very well to me the last couple years and to me that matters more than arguing over politics anyday. I vote for my interest and what policies will do for me. I cant save the world, but I take care of myself, my family, and my friends. We are eating good and loving life.
you don't seem to understand that for every one person that is doing well under trump, thousands...literally thousands...are getting fucked over, with little recourse to fix the situation.
i don't begrudge you your good fortune, but it would reflect well on you if you would acknowledge that your situation isn't everyone's situation. that for the population in general, trump is fucking them all over. look at a wider picture, try to have some foresight. how long do you think all the people working for practically nothing are going to put up with it?
I never blamed obama. I was just pointing out that I have hit record gains in the last couple years. I hope the gains continue.
It makes sense when you figure you have more money after years of growing it to get bigger returns. I wish you the best o gains as well.
I'm sure it helps to not have empathy, good times.
it helped me for a long time...when i was a teenager and into my early 30s, i was a diagnosed sociopath. had no compassion for anyone, no pity....didn't have an epiphany, it just grew in me a little at a time, and by the time i was 35, i had empathy. i wasn't particularly happy about it at the time, but it made me a better person. it made me a person...not sure what i was before then, but i don't think i qualified as a human being.
i hate having empathy, i have more than enough pain of my own to bear...but i wouldn't give it up.
you don't seem to understand that for every one person that is doing well under trump, thousands...literally thousands...are getting fucked over, with little recourse to fix the situation.
i don't begrudge you your good fortune, but it would reflect well on you if you would acknowledge that your situation isn't everyone's situation. that for the population in general, trump is fucking them all over. look at a wider picture, try to have some foresight. how long do you think all the people working for practically nothing are going to put up with it?

Good post. People tend to be narcissistic, always using ourselves for the reference for everyone else; everyone above me is awesome and everyone below me sucks. Trump did blow up markets when he was elected, but it was pretty much based on nothing. Even if it were based on the whole "he's a businessman" thing, investors should have known well enough that he's a shit businessman that would have made more money had he literally done nothing but put his money an index fund. By no measure whatsoever is he a savvy businessman and markets has nothing to be optimistic about, but we're stupid and here we are. And yes, the redistribution of wealth does point to a zero sum game. People are unable to save and are unquestionably getting screwed by the elite.
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