Sanders is the strongest candidate against Trump in 2020

John Conyers, Mich.,


The Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda being ran by the Republican party party line of that out of date list of all those people you said are 'communists'. And they are wrong, not everything that is geared towards people that are Not Only Wealthy White Heterosexual Males is not socialism and in fact are very cost effective ways to improve our economy and country.
Sanders is the oldest candidate against Trump in 2020

Sanders is the opposite of Trump in every way- Sanders has hair Trump doesn't and so on..the thing he mostly does have that Trump doesn't is trustworthiness.

have you ever heard of speak softly, carry big stick? Sanders can hold his own in true debate one on one. Sanders has quick wit while Trump is witless.


The Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda being ran by the Republican party party line of that out of date list of all those people you said are 'communists'. And they are wrong, not everything that is geared towards people that are Not Only Wealthy White Heterosexual Males is not socialism and in fact are very cost effective ways to improve our economy and country.

i call them The Traveling Cloud of Testosterone Funk.
Sanders is the opposite of Trump in every way- Sanders has hair Trump doesn't and so on..the thing he mostly does have that Trump doesn't is trustworthiness.

have you ever heard of speak softly, carry big stick? Sanders can hold his own in true debate one on one. Sanders has quick wit while Trump is witless.
yes but

Sanders is the oldest candidate against Trump in 2020
I do not approve of Russia attacking us, and I also do not approve of them attacking other democracies causing chaos stirring up hate and divisiveness. I especially do not like Trump's inviting it (and other countries interference) and his campaign giving the Russians our voting data so that they know how to attack us down to the district we vote in giving him the best chance at re-election.

I bring this up because you appear to be a new member here posting in the political section. If you have not read up on the invasion or understand how widespread their propaganda machine has been pushing, and are a actual person and not some planted Trump troll, this information would be helpful to understand what you will find here.
So, here I sit about six after my last post, and THIS is the only one that is really interesting ... and challenging. The rest of them, I'm sure, were penned by 19 year olds. (No offense to 19 year olds.)

Most of the first paragraph is progressive propaganda. As usual, just skimming over the top of the truth.
What is truly interesting to me, is your assumption that I am a "trump troll".
Did I give that impression.
Let me set you straight.
I am not a Trump fan, troll, or cheerleader.
I did vote for him, however, and I will again.

I don't like the guy.
He's a bad guy.
But, I didn't hire him (with my vote) to be loved. I hired him to kick ass for MY team, for a change.

The word I really flashed on was "invasion".
What invasion do you refer to.
Give me more ...
If I hadn't already went through the thought process you are trying to exploit my first time in college right out of high school, I might almost fall for it.

But I already had my 'wealthy are out to get us' phase and like most others that then have to go out into the world and earn a living, I realize it is all bullshit selective editing.

"The wealthy are out to make their lives better and barely spend any time really trying to figure out how to use their money in ways to get the rest of us a better life."
The wealthy are out to lower their tax rates and increase their profit margins, the consequence is increased wealth and income inequality, increased poverty, and overall increased despair on a global level. The Democratic candidates centrists support for president support the same neoliberal economic policies that ensure the system continues, which is why they're treading water at best with voters. There's a reason left wing populist economic policies are being revived across the world and why two of the top three candidates in the Democratic primary support them.
So, here I sit about six after my last post, and THIS is the only one that is really interesting ... and challenging. The rest of them, I'm sure, were penned by 19 year olds. (No offense to 19 year olds.)

Most of the first paragraph is progressive propaganda. As usual, just skimming over the top of the truth.
What is truly interesting to me, is your assumption that I am a "trump troll".
Did I give that impression.
Let me set you straight.
I am not a Trump fan, troll, or cheerleader.
I did vote for him, however, and I will again.

I don't like the guy.
He's a bad guy.
But, I didn't hire him (with my vote) to be loved. I hired him to kick ass for MY team, for a change.

The word I really flashed on was "invasion".
What invasion do you refer to.
Give me more ...

Up yours
so you have a federal minimum wage job which is allowable by law..your total for the week is $290..ummmmmmmm, where do you live for less than $300 per week and once you pay that how do you feed and clothe yourself?

what these people want is equality through wage...

it's time to force the wealthy to pay a 'living wage'..if you work a full time job you should be able at the very MINIMUM have a ROOF, FOOD and CLOTHES!!! no ones' talking about the latest iOffering or Nike gear or cable..or even a 2nd hand car.

do you feel that it's an equitable expectation?

i do.

Absolutely no, I don't feel like that is an equitable expectation

A minimum wage job is just that, the MINIMUM. Why should someone who flips burgers or delivers newspaper make the same wage as a highly skilled tradesperson?

What you're saying is you want maximum benefits for minimum effort? Or are you saying that someone who has worked hard and applied themselves through training and education and is valuable to an employer doesn't deserve above average wages?

Shit, I can solder/braze copper pipe and measure/cut and glue PVC, does that mean I should be paid what a master plumber is paid?

When you give everyone maximum benefits for minimum effort, you're taking away the incentive to be productive, learn useful skills or become educated.

Why do you hate a strong, productive and skilled society?
The wealthy are out to lower their tax rates and increase their profit margins, the consequence is increased wealth and income inequality, increased poverty, and overall increased despair on a global level. The Democratic candidates centrists support for president support the same neoliberal economic policies that ensure the system continues, which is why they're treading water at best with voters. There's a reason left wing populist economic policies are being revived across the world and why two of the top three candidates in the Democratic primary support them.

Translation - equality through poverty
So, here I sit about six after my last post, and THIS is the only one that is really interesting ... and challenging. The rest of them, I'm sure, were penned by 19 year olds. (No offense to 19 year olds.)

Most of the first paragraph is progressive propaganda. As usual, just skimming over the top of the truth.
So this kind of answers the next point you mention:
Most of the first paragraph is progressive propaganda. As usual, just skimming over the top of the truth.
What is truly interesting to me, is your assumption that I am a "trump troll".
Did I give that impression.
By calling Russian attacking our country and ever intelligence agency under Trump screaming "They are attacking us still and constantly", propaganda, I get suspicious. Especially for a new member that joins up and just so happens to find the political section and immediately starts their trolling.

Now saying that Russian attacking us is 'progressive propaganda' is even more suspect.

Let me set you straight.
I am not a Trump fan, troll, or cheerleader.
I did vote for him, however, and I will again.

I don't like the guy.
He's a bad guy.
But, I didn't hire him (with my vote) to be loved. I hired him to kick ass for MY team, for a change.
It must suck that your team allows extremely incompetent people to be assigned to top leadership roles around our country, rallies around people thumbing their nose at any attempts to clean up the way we treat our environment, rely on 'gut' other than scientifically measured responses, stopping all legislation so he can stuff as many racist and religious zealot judges into the courts as possible, too many ridiculous things to list out really. Just utter incompetence everywhere with Trump.

But that is not his greatest sins in my opinion. It is his spreading hate. As a private citizen whipping up conspiracy theories that are designed to pit Americans against each other making discussions impossible, I dislike it strongly, but whatever he is a private citizen. But as soon as he became President of the United States, he stopped being a private citizen and his pushing these lies now carry a weight that is dangerous.

And his keeping our intelligence agencies from protecting our electorate is inexcusable and for that he needs to go.

And aside from his trolling, which is epic, he has not really done much else besides make messes, and when people get things back to somewhat stable, claim victory and walk away.

The word I really flashed on was "invasion".
What invasion do you refer to.
Give me more ...
Check my sig for a couple links to the reports about Russians attacking us is a good start. Here is a link to the Bi-Partisan report from the Senate:

There is now years of research to go through with this.
Absolutely no, I don't feel like that is an equitable expectation

A minimum wage job is just that, the MINIMUM. Why should someone who flips burgers or delivers newspaper make the same wage as a highly skilled tradesperson?

What you're saying is you want maximum benefits for minimum effort? Or are you saying that someone who has worked hard and applied themselves through training and education and is valuable to an employer doesn't deserve above average wages?

Shit, I can solder/braze copper pipe and measure/cut and glue PVC, does that mean I should be paid what a master plumber is paid?

When you give everyone maximum benefits for minimum effort, you're taking away the incentive to be productive, learn useful skills or become educated.

Why do you hate a strong, productive and skilled society?
"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living."

-FDR, 1933 on the National Industrial Recovery Act

The minimum wage was always meant to be a living wage

Why should executives and shareholders be allowed to steal all the created wealth of their workers while they can't afford a basic standard of living and rely on the government for subsistence?
"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living."

-FDR, 1933 on the National Industrial Recovery Act

The minimum wage was always meant to be a living wage

Why should executives and shareholders be allowed to steal all the created wealth of their workers while they can't afford a basic standard of living and rely on the government for subsistence?
And by people, I mean white men.

that other 70% helping them is just called socialism....
Absolutely no, I don't feel like that is an equitable expectation

A minimum wage job is just that, the MINIMUM. Why should someone who flips burgers or delivers newspaper make the same wage as a highly skilled tradesperson?

What you're saying is you want maximum benefits for minimum effort? Or are you saying that someone who has worked hard and applied themselves through training and education and is valuable to an employer doesn't deserve above average wages?

Shit, I can solder/braze copper pipe and measure/cut and glue PVC, does that mean I should be paid what a master plumber is paid?

When you give everyone maximum benefits for minimum effort, you're taking away the incentive to be productive, learn useful skills or become educated.

Why do you hate a strong, productive and skilled society?
I don’t think a living wage equates to maximum benefit by any stretch. I do think that there should be checks and balances to ensure a system of livable remuneration is equatable and fair. I also think the world has changed in the fact that even hard working, sincere people are having difficulty finding work that allows for a decent livable wage. I also think the corporate structure is broken. Success is no longer based on the success of the employee but profits above all else.
"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living."

-FDR, 1933 on the National Industrial Recovery Act

The minimum wage was always meant to be a living wage

Why should executives and shareholders be allowed to steal all the created wealth of their workers while they can't afford a basic standard of living and rely on the government for subsistence?

If FDR wanted "equality" he would never have put Americans in concentration camps without due process.

Speaking of stealing....why did FDR steal (confiscate) gold?

Absolutely no, I don't feel like that is an equitable expectation

A minimum wage job is just that, the MINIMUM. Why should someone who flips burgers or delivers newspaper make the same wage as a highly skilled tradesperson?

What you're saying is you want maximum benefits for minimum effort? Or are you saying that someone who has worked hard and applied themselves through training and education and is valuable to an employer doesn't deserve above average wages?

Shit, I can solder/braze copper pipe and measure/cut and glue PVC, does that mean I should be paid what a master plumber is paid?

When you give everyone maximum benefits for minimum effort, you're taking away the incentive to be productive, learn useful skills or become educated.

Why do you hate a strong, productive and skilled society?

okay so someone who works 40 no matter what it is doesn't deserve a roof, food and clothing? cold, dude..cold.

they shouldn't advertise by wage any longer just by what you get for your trouble..McD 40 = 1/3 week rent

putting it that way, chances are there'd be no one to serve you your burger..
okay so someone who works 40 no matter what it is doesn't deserve a roof, food and clothing? cold, dude..cold.

they shouldn't advertise by wage any longer just by what you get for your trouble..McD 40 = 1/3 week rent

putting it that way, chances are there'd be no one to serve you your burger..

Your sentiments are well meaning. Thanks for thinking of people!

If people were allowed to rent spare rooms, or divide their larger house into two housing units etc. without a bunch of red tape, the supply of available housing would increase and help lower income people shelter themselves at a reduced cost.