UV Suppliment Lighting

youre right, thanks.
I cant use UVB alone anyway, wrote wrong.
As my only UVB source is the reptile light, there will be always UVA in a higher ratio.

I read the document you got the graphic from,that where my open question come from, what to add in the 400-450 range.
For a try i will probalby take some 370-380nm and hope that all above 400 is covered by the white leds.
The Cryptochrome should get his photons mainly from the white leds then.

In the future i may will also include some 285nm leds like you recommended.
youre right, thanks.
I cant use UVB alone anyway, wrote wrong.
As my only UVB source is the reptile light, there will be always UVA in a higher ratio.

I read the document you got the graphic from,that where my open question come from, what to add in the 400-450 range.
For a try i will probalby take some 370-380nm and hope that all above 400 is covered by the white leds.
The Cryptochrome should get his photons mainly from the white leds then.

In the future i may will also include some 285nm leds like you recommended.

I came across an interesting claim from bigby in one of the recent led videos where he mentions that uvb treated plants develop a pigment that makes the absorption in the lower 400nm range less efficient. Figured id throw that in here to muddy the waters.
good to know ! thanks.
So far no big concern, as when i have UVB on them i think i have what i am looking for :-)
Well i will simply play arround a bit and see.
As long some receptors react i will be happy.

Would be nice if the 370-380 make some nice terps, but really have to see what it will give.
I came across an interesting claim from bigby in one of the recent led videos where he mentions that uvb treated plants develop a pigment that makes the absorption in the lower 400nm range less efficient. Figured id throw that in here to muddy the waters.
Well...that is probably right...UVB change pigments...anthocyanin instead of clorophyll..and the first is less efficient regarding photosynthesis.
I have experienced that increase in anthocyanin, but it occurs mostly at advanced maturation time and mostly in flowers and pistils...at leaves appear at very late time, so I think if there is a reduction in production due to less efficacy in photosynthesis it will be not very much..

UVB anthocyanins in action....

So looking for knowledge and advice , I have a 4 x 4 tent , running 2 Q.B.260 v2 from H.L.G.
What exactly would be recommended to perk up the ladies , Will 1 fixture at 4' of uv bulb work ?
at what wattage ,? and can it be ran for the 12 hour light period ?

all in all what will help me the most ? and can I get it on amazon ?

thanks , my friends for any advice
So looking for knowledge and advice , I have a 4 x 4 tent , running 2 Q.B.260 v2 from H.L.G.
What exactly would be recommended to perk up the ladies , Will 1 fixture at 4' of uv bulb work ?
at what wattage ,? and can it be ran for the 12 hour light period ?

all in all what will help me the most ? and can I get it on amazon ?

thanks , my friends for any advice

for a 4x4 i think you want two of the 36" or 48" T5HO reptile bulbs from arcadia.

thats where i got mine. u can get the bulbs there as well as t5ho fixtures. i got the 12% and i run them 8hrs and i've seen a pretty noticable increase in trichome production.
Well...that is probably right...UVB change pigments...anthocyanin instead of clorophyll..and the first is less efficient regarding photosynthesis.
I have experienced that increase in anthocyanin, but it occurs mostly at advanced maturation time and mostly in flowers and pistils...at leaves appear at very late time, so I think if there is a reduction in production due to less efficacy in photosynthesis it will be not very much..

UVB anthocyanins in action....
they say run them at the last 2 to 3 weeks before harvest , true ?
View attachment 4417337
Ive been interested in adding UV to my grow setup as Im currently running 3000k 90 CRI COBs and am not getting much blue or uv during flowering and would like the benefits of increased potency and terpenes. What would be the best way of adding UV light to a 3x3 tent ? Ive mostly seen mentions of AgroMaxs bulbs or Reptisun reptile bulbs. Ive aso found some 390-400nm UVA LED diodes as well. Would just UVA do me any good ? Ive read that theres no point in using UV unless your hitting 285nm which is UVC. Anyones opinions or suggestions are greatly aprreciated.

The atmosphere filters nearly all UVC so it's definitely not something that the plants have actually evolved to use. Between that and the fact that UVC is very high energy and actually causes chromosomal damage I wouldn't go anywhere near it. UVA and maybe the top portion of the UVB spectrum are really all you need.
forgot to say, real nice colors nachooo!

dont get confused guys, UVC isnt 285nm, still UVB.

Ultraviolet AUVA315–4003.10–3.94
Long-wave, black light, not absorbed by the ozone layer: soft UV
Ultraviolet BUVB280–3153.94–4.43
Medium-wave, mostly absorbed by the ozone layer: intermediate UV
Ultraviolet CUVC100–2804.43–12.4
Short-wave, germicidal, completely absorbed by the ozone layer and atmosphere: hard UV
