What did you accomplish today?

Should have done more work outside and not watched the pathetic football game. The Rams suck. Buds and Suds time.
That was only the second game this season i actually sat down and watched in real time. Last monday night football was the other. DVR’d the others but by the time i would sit down to watch those ones i already new the outcome so it’s of course not even close to being the same.


I had a Rott that wanted to herd the fuck out of anything. She was also the only one I ever had that used the bumping technique to control "herd" flow. She was very gentle around kids even if they were rough, but she bumped more than one down trying to get them to circle especially if they were running (stampeding). LOL
My boys will take you out at the knees. Pirate is my ADD boy a bit too high strung and energetic to be around kids, would never intentionally hurt anything but he has a lack of depth perception and no understanding of how big he is. Tucker will walk nose to nose with kids, then they get corralled, if they get excited he gets a little excited then sneezes on them. Its what he does when gets excited about anything.
@Chunky Stool

Missed a lot of posts, but caught a few.
You said that he came at your wife, was she pulling on he neck? I think when my dog was young they would drag him by the neck n lock him in a cage when they didn’t want him around. Pulling on his neck or trying to force his body, is a instant trigger , that brings out fear aggression. Could be similar

He will bully as long as he’s trying to figure out his place in the pack, he wants to be the alpha, and will push the limits trying to get it.
You have to make sure he sees you in this role. Then he’ll try for 2nd , make sure he knows your wife is 2nd . You need to back her up . For a bit , try feed you & the wife 1st , then him, the higher you are in the pack the sooner you eat.
Thanks everyone for being patient with me & my goofball dog -- and extra thanks for the awesome advice!
I didn't mean to hijack the thread...

Plant porn!
'Farmers Daughter' by High Alpine Genetics
View attachment 4407616
I chopped all the plants with spider mites and much to my surprise, the CBD girls look bug free! (Except for the random real spider that hitched a ride from outdoors.)

Buds look somewhat normal and have a fruity smell.
View attachment 4407620

love the plant porn....

eh...it's no thing about the pooch, always like to help if i can....even a little....speaking of hows the pooch today?
all bullvines are safe and ready for next week.......it's branding and pregnacy ck next week.......time for an ice tea and a smoke......

think one of the little calves likes me.......kept wanting to play....think i'll get him a beach ball to push around at a later date