Rudy is Gonna Go to Jail


Well-Known Member
Trumpgret, LOL first I've heard that. too funny

I get that the Republican Party is on the hot seat if conventional standards of supporting the Constitution, rule of law, do what's best for 'merica and cherry pie were universally held values in the US. Republicans have become the party of old white fascists. I don't think they subscribe to the standards of decency that I just listed. Also, most Republican congressmen up for election in 2020 are in safe red districts. Until sentiment in enough red districts change, they will feel more heat from flipping to oppose Trump than staying with him.

I'm not passionately arguing against you guys, I'm just taking the position that it's not a lock that today's Republican congressmen will feel enough heat to flip on Trump given the information we have already seen. I think the threshold for when the Republican Senate turns on Trump is when 65% of the population are demanding Trump's impeachment and removal from office. Right now we are at 51%.
I took trumpgret from reddit lol. It's a whole subreddit dedicated to it


Well-Known Member
This administration is full of white devils and they all need to go down. I’ve never liked using the term, white devil but the Trump administration is full of them. I understand why Malcolm X used the term to describe whites during his life time.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
When you think about it
If Moscow Mitch gives the signal, Trump is toast it would potentially save the Republican Party from the trash heap
4th level chess


Well-Known Member