What did you accomplish today?

When I was working in the corporate world, my favorite and most frequent position was in sales (big surprise). I'm fucking great at it. The only down side is that I have to deal with people, and I don't really dig that. Luckily for me, my complete apathy seems to come across to clients as careful listening and concern. Anyway, I've been booking a LOT of last minute gigs lately with my favorite sales technique, The Takeaway. When they take more than a couple of days to sign, I simply contact them to say that another couple wants to book me for the same date, so do they still want me or should I take this other opportunity? They almost always sign and pay the deposit immediately, and when they don't, I figure that I wasn't going to land that gig, anyway. Very effective...
FOMO (scarcity marketing)
When I was working in the corporate world, my favorite and most frequent position was in sales (big surprise). I'm fucking great at it. The only down side is that I have to deal with people, and I don't really dig that. Luckily for me, my complete apathy seems to come across to clients as careful listening and concern. Anyway, I've been booking a LOT of last minute gigs lately with my favorite sales technique, The Takeaway. When they take more than a couple of days to sign, I simply contact them to say that another couple wants to book me for the same date, so do they still want me or should I take this other opportunity? They almost always sign and pay the deposit immediately, and when they don't, I figure that I wasn't going to land that gig, anyway. Very effective...
this works for pot too.....
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Daughter called today and asked if we would watch the Grandkids Fri evening, always fun to have them over. Son in law got hooked up with free concert tickets. So far we haven't lost power even though we were on "the map". Gave my back the day off because it has been warning me I have been doing too much recently. Buds and suds time.
Just finished dispersing 3000 ladybugs and 5000 green lacewing eggs to all 3 greenhouses. I've seen plenty wasps and adult green lacewings lately. No caterpillar damage. Just trying to get rid of these whiteflies now.
Where do you get your bugs? I've used Nature's Good Guys a couple of times, but once they left me hanging on an order for a week, and it kinda pissed me off. I need to get some nematodes soon.