What did you accomplish today?

@jerryb73 sorry to hear bud. The 26th of last month was my 16 year anniversary and all I got was signed divorce papers. Gave me a bit more closure though so that's nice. The time thing does help too, lately I've been talking to and go out with 3 different ladies. Don't think I'll be settling down again any time soon. Also had some issues with the kid and school that's been keeping me busy. The bike really did help though, took my mind off things and help me get out and meet new people. Even better for you since it's hot all the time. I went for a ride today and it was 53° out, brrr.
Seed mat showed up today, guess I ought to use it for something. Hung a light in the grow room and put a yellow trap next to it to see if there were still bugs in there, it only caught a fly, so that is good. Wife wants me to put one of her pineapples in the grow room for winter, I wonder how it will do under 18 hrs of indirect light...
Seed mat showed up today, guess I ought to use it for something. Hung a light in the grow room and put a yellow trap next to it to see if there were still bugs in there, it only caught a fly, so that is good. Wife wants me to put one of her pineapples in the grow room for winter, I wonder how it will do under 18 hrs of indirect light...
I’ve tried blueberries & strawberries, complete fails
I won a bet at the gym and a big musclebound guy had to be my topless human chariot for the morning. Fun day!
Did you flash him?
When I read musclebound guy, and you’re Canadian my mind went here:bigjoint:

when I think of Canada my mind goes to this Tom Segura joke,
spent time around lake of the woods and Superior, never visited Canada though
Pulled most of the weeds out of one of the rose gardens, I'll finish up and dead head them tomorrow. Might get one more bloom before it gets too cold. Heard some geese last night, and the white crowned sparrows are showing up now so it is definitely fall. The geese/swans/ducks spend the winter in the flooded rice fields after they harvest them. Buds and suds time.