DYI - Ethics, Morality, Politics Patriotism and society


Active Member
I'd like a real hot war with Russia and kick them out of the Ukraine and then destroy them with sanctions and take every dime they got.

It will happen, just maybe a bit earlier. After 2020 Russia is fucked, so is MDS who will have his head chopped off

Read the thread Dongle? Racism is finished in America, national security threat, bunch of traitors, they will be targeted
Keep this in mind.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but no thanks. I don't click on links, especially from a pedophile like you.
How do you like my new profile picture?
Ya haven't been sneaking on here to plant bullshit while nobody was around?

Gotta watch the doing of Donald. I'm enjoying the show!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Let the chips fall where they may. All politicians are self-serving hypocrites
( like you, @Fogdog, @UncleBuck )
Does this describe you too Dongle?
Dongle's cognitive issues are easy to see, his lack of social and emotional skills are obvious to any body with eyes, he is impulsive, has no morals or ethics, uses deceitful manipulative behavior, is a fabulist and a compulsive liar, whose volume of lies increases with his stress level. Dongle has neurolinguistic difficulties, he has no empathy and therefore no compassion and has no conscience and therefore no internal brakes on his emotional control, he rages in private and inside is a most unhappy sociopath. Nothing is sacred to such a man and others are mere objects for their selfish desires, the constitution is as meaningless to him as the law or the rights of others. A man with out a friend in the world, alone in the wilderness, scarred and scared, he is terrified about the future. He knows that the tribe is hunting him down and will kill him for antisocial acts. He is a criminal, an abuser, a rapist, con artist, thief, racist, a traitor......
Get the idea.



Well-Known Member
I though you liked Buck, what's not to like in a brave man and patriot
Are you a Russian patriot? or an American one?
I like UncleBuck, I would buy him a beer if I was at the bar with him. I would give UncleBuck a ride home if he was too drunk to drive. I'd stop and buy us some Taco Bell on the way.

I am an American Patriot, look at this picture of the inside of my garage and tell me I don't love America!
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Well-Known Member
I'm on the front line with my voter ID card fighting republicans at the ballot box, plus I'll cut off, pull it n front of, not let merge and drive real slow in my semi in front of anyone with a MAGA sticker on their car
I don't love Buck,(love everyone) but I do respect him and support his efforts


Well-Known Member
I'm on the front line with my voter ID card fighting republicans at the ballot box, plus I'll cut off, pull it n front of, not let merge and drive real slow in my semi in front of anyone with a MAGA sticker on their car
Bluebird I'm pissed at the news, Americans should be going out of their mind in a month, you ain't seen nothing yet. Donald will go into psychological collapse when the heat is turned up. His appearance shows me that is under a lot of stress right now, he knows they got him by the balls, wait a spell.
Donald has never faced any serious challenges in his life, his emotional and social retardation will do him in. It's gonna get a lot worse too. Fortunately nobody is gonna obey illegal orders any more. No way nobody is gonna launch nukes on Donald's orders