Racist Justin Trudeau sure loves being racist


Well-Known Member
Less is not starting in the red. When normal immigration flows into the country it is spread out. There is not the 200 years of oppression to overcome. We now have more black people in prison than were actual slaves I heard the other day. This is government sanctioned suppression of a group of people.

"The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites." Google, the first page. This is why I couldn't be bothered doing a 2s search for you for something that is common knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Its just lifestyle, people become accustomed to how they grew up, role models and what not.

The problem with the tiki torch crowd is that they don't understand that too many Black men have been systematically been removed from society through prison, murder, military, etc, and even the ones that made it and had done the work to buy into the American dream, they were denied based on being black. And then the ones that did make it got harassed on a epic scale for being black in a nice neighborhood.

I agree. But it's more than the torch boize. I worked electronic maintenance in a factory with 27,000 people. Approximately 130 of us. We had some of the strangest processes from electron beam welding, lasers, edms, standard machine tools, just to name a few. I got to meet lots of people. Working for 35 years with people if you say very little you will get little clues of how they think. Then start feeding then similar signals before you know it they are telling you stuff they wouldn't if they knew you were a human being not a republican. I got stories. My manager committed suicide. UK mechanical engineer degree. Over a woman. My work partner also. Over his wife. These are successful people. The black people I knew were 95% likable.


Well-Known Member
Because they are in an abuse spiral maybe? If everybody has been abusing you your entire life you might not be the most outgoing personality.
So you're saying they're CHOOSING the known abuse over the unknown because they think the unknown is horrible? I admitted right at the beginning that their value system might be fucked up. Still a choice and even after you show someone the light they will run right back to the darkness. There is no helping some people. And it doesn't change the fact that abuse is wrong period. Doesn't make it rape is she chooses to sleep with her abuser, just a bad choice.


Well-Known Member
"The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites." Google, the first page. This is why I couldn't be bothered doing a 2s search for you for something that is common knowledge.
what does illegitimate mean? Is somehow one baby born legitimate but others are not? Stupid shit man, I would guess this just would mean a lot of poor people tend to bang before getting married or pairing up yeah? Doesn't mean that the kid doesn't have a father or family. I would guess if you did a stat for all children born to white mothers who live in a trailer park or low rent apartment it would look really similar. Your shitty racist cherry picked stats are just that.
So you're saying they're CHOOSING the known abuse over the unknown because they think the unknown is horrible? I admitted right at the beginning that their value system might be fucked up. Still a choice and even after you show someone the light they will run right back to the darkness. There is no helping some people. And it doesn't change the fact that abuse is wrong period. Doesn't make it rape is she chooses to sleep with her abuser, just a bad choice.

I don't have the first clue why beaten people keep returning home to the abuser. You saying that their 'values' are fucked up is like saying someone crippled should just walk it off. Ignorant.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
If you have ever been in a relationship you know everything is a transaction. If they had sex it's because they wanted to ie they got something out of it, the decision made sense from a values perspective.

Their statement that they were raped is based on the same idea (they get something out of it). It doesn't make it true.
You are a fucking adolescent boy child who doesn’t know shit. I pity your partner, if you have one. By your standards it is only “you” that matters, she/he must be feeling very alone and trapped. I hope they get away soon.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
They could leave but they don't. I've known women in this situation and they choose to stay. They have options, they're not going to be socially ostracized or killed (unless they are Muslim or Mormon). So we ask ourselves why they choose to stay, and the answer is the same as why we do anything. Because we get something out of it. Maybe their value systems are all fucked up, but it doesn't change the point that they choose what they choose for it's perceived value. Don't pretend it's not what they want. If it wasn't they would choose otherwise. Simple as that.

And yes the marriage example is a good example of people choosing what has the most value for them.
You just keep looking stupider (if that’s even a word). Women don’t choose to stay in those relationships to get “something out of it”. They are trapped like caged beaten animals without a cage. Gee mom why don’t you just bundle up your kids and head to the shelter for the rest of your life. Gee mom why don’t you just live in your car and get a free lawyer to help you fight for what is yours, while being hunted with no support system to help you. “Yes we can file a stay away order, but he has to kill you before we can act on it”. Yes your right they get to stay alive, that’s something. Just a few of the 1000’s of reasons why partners are forced to endure a relationship you are ok with because their getting something out of it? You are a loath-able piece of crap and need to grow the fuck up!!!


Well-Known Member
she/he must be feeling very alone and trapped. I hope they get away soon.
If the relationship is not fulfilling their needs then yeah, I hope they would too. As would I.

You just keep looking stupider (if that’s even a word). Women don’t choose to stay in those relationships to get “something out of it”. They are trapped like caged beaten animals without a cage. Gee mom why don’t you just bundle up your kids and head to the shelter for the rest of your life. Gee mom why don’t you just live in your car and get a free lawyer to help you fight for what is yours, while being hunted with no support system to help you. “Yes we can file a stay away order, but he has to kill you before we can act on it”. Yes your right they get to stay alive, that’s something. Just a few of the 1000’s of reasons why partners are forced to endure a relationship you are ok with because their getting something out of it? You are a loath-able piece of crap and need to grow the fuck up!!!
What part of they are making a choice between abuse and hardship don't you understand. It's still a choice.


Well-Known Member
If the relationship is not fulfilling their needs then yeah, I hope they would too. As would I.

What part of they are making a choice between abuse and hardship don't you understand. It's still a choice.
Imagine a world where you place the harmful impacts of not knowing what you will do to help your children over your own personal happiness.


Well-Known Member
Implying that my children's happiness has no value to me.
Not at all, I implied that a beaten/regularly raped wife has a choice of leaving their children with the abuser, leaving to a uncertain future with their children, or staying and continuing to be abused.
I think also that too many guys at way too many times in their lives get fed up and think they are somehow entitled to do what they want to their families, and your complaining using cherry picked bullshit statistics and pretending that they somehow say that a huge portion of women go to shelters with their kids and claim rape falsely is a problem.

And if you are not just a paid propaganda troll trying to throw smoke for dear leader, it is something you might want to try to think about.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
STFU Russian troll
Oh, ok, so if a white person paints their face black, that is racist? But a black person painting their face white isn't? Hannimal claimed it was racist even if they didn't intend it to be, but that doesn't go for blacks?

That is just spooky how unintentionally fucked up this stuff is. This is a big division tactic, race is a hard one to come at the misunderstandings that get amplified. And peoples reactions to being told they are wrong (as offensively as they have inadvertently been to the other person generally) is that 'I am caught off guard and am now going to blow up right back' defensive one.


Well-Known Member
Oh, ok, so if a white person paints their face black, that is racist? But a black person painting their face white isn't? Hannimal claimed it was racist even if they didn't intend it to be, but that doesn't go for blacks?
Oh no the reverse racism battle cry, how can I possible deal with this!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, video, bunch of posts with links, but figure nah, lets keep this basic.

If someone says your being an asshole for doing something, just stop doing it. If you don't get why they are bothered by it and would like to know more, ask them politely what you did/said that was offensive. And listen, don't try to judge the merit of what they said, just absorb it to think about over time.

What worked for me is to realize that my defensive "I was just joking" and being offended someone could be mad at me, was just me being a dick and not wanting to admit it.