Racist Justin Trudeau sure loves being racist


Well-Known Member
And for the whole race thing (sorry for short post, on break at work) you really think that racism held only black people from Africa but not new immigrants from Africa or brown or Asian or other (perceived as lower) classes of whites (ie protestants) down for the last 50 years? Really?

It's black culture that keeps them down. It's basically assumed that you shouldn't talk proper English or learn anything in school. If you do you will be an outcast called an oreo etc. So what do they do? Choose friends wit black skin over success. Look at the ideals in rap music (a large price of black culture) laziness, get rich quick schemes, criminal activity, guns. And you want to blame gun crime, the fact that more blacks get shot than whites on racism.. It's culture pure and simple, more black people have guns, they put the cop killah album to platinum status, and they are responsible for what you call racism.


Well-Known Member
And for the whole race thing (sorry for short post, on break at work) you really think that racism held only black people from Africa but not new immigrants from Africa or brown or Asian or other (perceived as lower) classes of whites (ie protestants) down for the last 50 years? Really?

It's black culture that keeps them down. It's basically assumed that you shouldn't talk proper English or learn anything in school. If you do you will be an outcast called an oreo etc. So what do they do? Choose friends wit black skin over success. Look at the ideals in rap music (a large price of black culture) laziness, get rich quick schemes, criminal activity, guns. And you want to blame gun crime, the fact that more blacks get shot than whites on racism.. It's culture pure and simple, more black people have guns, they put the cop killah album to platinum status, and they are responsible for what you call racism.
What shitty propaganda


Well-Known Member
If zero tolerance for racists is the standard you have set, off with his head. Truth is, you have a double standard for your own liberal leaders. Shocking! Please defend Justin some more for my entertainment.
Trudeau hasn't called white supremacist-murderers "good people" while Trump has. You lost the right to call anybody else a hypocrite the moment you became a Trump supporter.


Well-Known Member
Everything is transactional period. You work because you get benefit from it. Would you have sex with a hag for a million bux? I would. If you told me I could get another million after by claiming rape I would do that too.

Edit to say that by your logic work is rape because it's coerced.. Also by your logic people are marrying out of their class all the time (they're not, people are likely to choose a mate that has a similar iq and income), why? Because they BOTH get something out of it, not just one person. Think.
My definition of rape is someone saying no and the other party not taking it for an answer forcing themselves onto the other person. I am not talking about the date rape kind of shit guys pull all the time, crying until they get what they want just to shut you up after a few thrusts.

I am talking about husbands making their wives lives hell if they don't hop to doing shit. Forcing someone into having to give it up or be screamed at, pushed around, threatened. That shit is rape, regardless of whatever form of marriage people are into.

You again lost me with whatever that stupid shit was at the end. Marrying outside of class? That is meaningless.


Well-Known Member
And for the whole race thing (sorry for short post, on break at work) you really think that racism held only black people from Africa but not new immigrants from Africa or brown or Asian or other (perceived as lower) classes of whites (ie protestants) down for the last 50 years? Really?

It's black culture that keeps them down. It's basically assumed that you shouldn't talk proper English or learn anything in school. If you do you will be an outcast called an oreo etc. So what do they do? Choose friends wit black skin over success. Look at the ideals in rap music (a large price of black culture) laziness, get rich quick schemes, criminal activity, guns. And you want to blame gun crime, the fact that more blacks get shot than whites on racism.. It's culture pure and simple, more black people have guns, they put the cop killah album to platinum status, and they are responsible for what you call racism.
Huh. Wow, that's a very well recited line of reasoning by just about every fascist political movement looking for a scapegoat to divert attention away from the facts. You did your thought guide proud.

Is this where you tell us about how Democrats are the party of the KKK too?


Well-Known Member
And for the whole race thing (sorry for short post, on break at work) you really think that racism held only black people from Africa but not new immigrants from Africa or brown or Asian or other (perceived as lower) classes of whites (ie protestants) down for the last 50 years? Really?

It's black culture that keeps them down. It's basically assumed that you shouldn't talk proper English or learn anything in school. If you do you will be an outcast called an oreo etc. So what do they do? Choose friends wit black skin over success. Look at the ideals in rap music (a large price of black culture) laziness, get rich quick schemes, criminal activity, guns. And you want to blame gun crime, the fact that more blacks get shot than whites on racism.. It's culture pure and simple, more black people have guns, they put the cop killah album to platinum status, and they are responsible for what you call racism.
Yeah defiantly, I strongly push against the idea that somehow it is some genetic or whatever your arguing is to blame instead of the governmentally sanctioned racism that has only ended in the last 50 years. When you place a large number of poor people in a small area, all those bad stats will start to increase. When the Wealthy White people fled the cities to become landowners in the suburbs and all those poor black people moved into the city that now has a much lower tax base, it is no surprise that the cities started to fall apart.

And since the governmental boot has lifted, yeah black people have been lifting themselves out of poverty all the time. Is it surprising that with such a high number of black people have not been able to yet since they started with far less as a whole than white people had at the same point in time 50 years ago? I am betting you have some great propaganda charts coming soon.


Well-Known Member
My definition of rape is someone saying no and the other party not taking it for an answer forcing themselves onto the other person. I am not talking about the date rape kind of shit guys pull all the time, crying until they get what they want just to shut you up after a few thrusts.

I am talking about husbands making their wives lives hell if they don't hop to doing shit. Forcing someone into having to give it up or be screamed at, pushed around, threatened. That shit is rape, regardless of whatever form of marriage people are into.

You again lost me with whatever that stupid shit was at the end. Marrying outside of class? That is meaningless.
They could leave but they don't. I've known women in this situation and they choose to stay. They have options, they're not going to be socially ostracized or killed (unless they are Muslim or Mormon). So we ask ourselves why they choose to stay, and the answer is the same as why we do anything. Because we get something out of it. Maybe their value systems are all fucked up, but it doesn't change the point that they choose what they choose for it's perceived value. Don't pretend it's not what they want. If it wasn't they would choose otherwise. Simple as that.

And yes the marriage example is a good example of people choosing what has the most value for them.


Well-Known Member
They could leave but they don't. I've known women in this situation and they choose to stay. They have options, they're not going to be socially ostracized or killed (unless they are Muslim or Mormon). So we ask ourselves why they choose to stay, and the answer is the same as why we do anything. Because we get something out of it. Maybe their value systems are all fucked up, but it doesn't change the point that they choose what they choose for it's perceived value. Don't pretend it's not what they want. If it wasn't they would choose otherwise. Simple as that.

And yes the marriage example is a good example of people choosing what has the most value for them.
You just cried foul that they should have left, and when they described the problem as to why they left you complained about that too. They can't win.


Well-Known Member
Yeah defiantly, I strongly push against the idea that somehow it is some genetic or whatever your arguing is to blame instead of the governmentally sanctioned racism that has only ended in the last 50 years. When you place a large number of poor people in a small area, all those bad stats will start to increase. When the Wealthy White people fled the cities to become landowners in the suburbs and all those poor black people moved into the city that now has a much lower tax base, it is no surprise that the cities started to fall apart.

And since the governmental boot has lifted, yeah black people have been lifting themselves out of poverty all the time. Is it surprising that with such a high number of black people have not been able to yet since they started with far less as a whole than white people had at the same point in time 50 years ago? I am betting you have some great propaganda charts coming soon.
Your argument is invalid because recent immigrants are starting with even less and not managing to commit so much crime and earn more money.

Please don't lump me with the genetics people, populations differ yes, but this is a cultural problem. If you want to argue that people promoted ideals that would keep them down (such as the sexual revolution) I might give you that but it is all about money not race.

Continuing with the sexual revolution and fatherlessness, fatherlessness is a better predictor of success than your socioeconomical status as a kid. Twenty years ago almost 70% of black kids in some urban centers (can't be bothered to look up the source) were born to single mothers. This is why there is more crime and more poverty.


Well-Known Member
You just cried foul that they should have left, and when they described the problem as to why they left you complained about that too. They can't win.
huh? If they leave they win. Why won't they leave then if it's something they want?


Well-Known Member
Huh. Wow, that's a very well recited line of reasoning by just about every fascist political movement looking for a scapegoat to divert attention away from the facts. You did your thought guide proud.

Is this where you tell us about how Democrats are the party of the KKK too?
You wrote all that text but didn't answer the question, then you accuse me of diverting attention. Lmao.

So, do you really think that racism held only black people from Africa but not new immigrants from Africa or brown or Asian or other (perceived as lower) classes of whites (ie protestants) down for the last 50 years? Really?


Well-Known Member
Your argument is invalid because recent immigrants are starting with even less and not managing to commit so much crime and earn more money.

Please don't lump me with the genetics people, populations differ yes, but this is a cultural problem. If you want to argue that people promoted ideals that would keep them down (such as the sexual revolution) I might give you that but it is all about money not race.
Less is not starting in the red. When normal immigration flows into the country it is spread out. There is not the 200 years of oppression to overcome. We now have more black people in prison than were actual slaves I heard the other day. This is government sanctioned suppression of a group of people.

Continuing with the sexual revolution and fatherlessness, fatherlessness is a better predictor of success than your socioeconomical status as a kid. Twenty years ago almost 70% of black kids in some urban centers (can't be bothered to look up the source) were born to single mothers. This is why there is more crime and more poverty.


Well-Known Member
People judge others on various things from age to weight. Always have always will. Hard to shake off something that helped shape us over the many years. But some try to look closely at their own reactions to various inputs and ask why. That's the best way I've found in 75 years to understand. Youngsters these daze seem to be angry. That's one emotion that wipes out logic. That's why some religions as well as some cultures tend to do well in education in certain countries or regions. Teaching kids the first few years of early childhood is important in that person's future. Sadly most are concerned with other things. Living in rural Appalachia we are 100% white rednecks. Trailer trash abounds. It tends to follow families.


Well-Known Member
People judge others on various things from age to weight. Always have always will. Hard to shake off something that helped shape us over the many years. But some try to look closely at their own reactions to various inputs and ask why. That's the best way I've found in 75 years to understand. Youngsters these daze seem to be angry. That's one emotion that wipes out logic. That's why some religions as well as some cultures tend to do well in education in certain countries or regions. Teaching kids the first few years of early childhood is important in that person's future. Sadly most are concerned with other things. Living in rural Appalachia we are 100% white rednecks. Trailer trash abounds. It tends to follow families.
Its just lifestyle, people become accustomed to how they grew up, role models and what not.

The problem with the tiki torch crowd is that they don't understand that too many Black men have been systematically been removed from society through prison, murder, military, etc, and even the ones that made it and had done the work to buy into the American dream, they were denied based on being black. And then the ones that did make it got harassed on a epic scale for being black in a nice neighborhood.

Example of racist: