Racist Justin Trudeau sure loves being racist


Well-Known Member
Pushing 'guilty by association', what a pathetic attack point. He must have really hurt your feelings at one point. Was he one of the many people on this thread that you have had business go sour with? Odd how its never your fault. I associate with people knowledgeable in cultivation that aren't pushing establishment viewpoints. Buy some new shoes you pathetic fuck.

Anything else you want to add about Russia? Like how you want millions of innocent people to suffer because your party lost an election to a moron like trump and a ghetto country like Russia teaming together? A few thousand ads destroyed your millions of dollars in campaign funding. Weak fuck.

You ran when I asked you if you even graduated high school. Stupid fuck.
Guilt? What are you feeling guilty about?

I am just pointing out that anybody that makes Tyler feel good about himself is his friend regardless of their position on the political spectrum. He's a lot like Trump as is every other malignant narcissist.


Well-Known Member
it is something you might want to try to think about.
Respectfully, I did think long and hard about this. My position didn't change. Yeah it sucks for these women, but as pointed out above they can still leave and there are resources to help them yet they choose to stay. No sympathy then. Maybe respect if they stay for the kid.

My problem with saying that these women are stuck or raped or otherwise have hardship forced upon them is it reduces them to either a mindless idiot or some object that doesn't have personal agency. It is the same issue with black people above. Saying that a a black family that has a family and they have been here for years is somehow held back more than a somalian that just arrived with nothing and knows nobody is insulting to the African American. What do you think held them back anyways, genetics?

By saying that only African Americans were victims of racism and that women choosing to stay in abusive relationships is rape, you are saying they somehow don't have agency or the ability to think for themselves. By proposing things like affirmative action and it's always the mans fault you 1) state that the two groups are not equal, that there is some fundamental difference between the two (which is false, except maybe with women and strength) and 2) that one group is actually below the other in reality (which is also false). This is the whole basis of the belief that the two groups should be treated differently.


Well-Known Member
Respectfully, I did think long and hard about this. My position didn't change. Yeah it sucks for these women, but as pointed out above they can still leave and there are resources to help them yet they choose to stay. No sympathy then. Maybe respect if they stay for the kid.

My problem with saying that these women are stuck or raped or otherwise have hardship forced upon them is it reduces them to either a mindless idiot or some object that doesn't have personal agency. It is the same issue with black people above. Saying that a a black family that has a family and they have been here for years is somehow held back more than a somalian that just arrived with nothing and knows nobody is insulting to the African American. What do you think held them back anyways, genetics?

By saying that only African Americans were victims of racism and that women choosing to stay in abusive relationships is rape, you are saying they somehow don't have agency or the ability to think for themselves. By proposing things like affirmative action and it's always the mans fault you 1) state that the two groups are not equal, that there is some fundamental difference between the two (which is false, except maybe with women and strength) and 2) that one group is actually below the other in reality (which is also false). This is the whole basis of the belief that the two groups should be treated differently.
Trump bragged about walking in on naked underage girls

You support a pedophile


Well-Known Member
I graduated high school, rocked a 3.2 or higher gpa in college, and made the deans list half the time I was there
Whoaaaaa hold the door. He made deans list HALF the time he was there. Look out folks we got a smart guy.

All that and you still ended up cleaning up jobsites for a living. Oh wait you just got promoted to building multi-million dollar homes I forgot. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Whoaaaaa hold the door. He made deans list HALF the time he was there. Look out folks we got a smart guy.

All that and you still ended up cleaning up jobsites for a living. Oh wait you just got promoted to building multi-million dollar homes I forgot. :clap:
you're still triggered?

poor thing

youre 43 times more likely to kill yourself or a loved one with your gun than to stop that boogeyman you live in fear of. facts are facts. dont cry too much more. go do some racism and take your mind off of it


Well-Known Member
you're still triggered?

poor thing

youre 43 times more likely to kill yourself or a loved one with your gun than to stop that boogeyman you live in fear of. facts are facts. dont cry too much more. go do some racism and take your mind off of it
You keep tossing around that same tired old statistic..
  1. It's only true if he intentionally kills them. Which means the gun served it's intended purpose.
  2. It might be true for a person randomly selected from the population, but not him specifically. Lrn2statistics.
  3. The center for disease control did a study and found that defensive gun uses outnumber shootings 10:1
>claims the other person is scared of a bogeyman when he's afraid of a simple piece of metal
>"racist" says the man who believes different races should be treated differently



Well-Known Member
you're still triggered?

poor thing

youre 43 times more likely to kill yourself or a loved one with your gun than to stop that boogeyman you live in fear of. facts are facts. dont cry too much more. go do some racism and take your mind off of it
Please dear god go respond to DIY’s thread. He’s already blocked me from posting after he rambled on for a few pages with himself. He’s dying for “Master Buck” to come through and back him up. I noticed you live in the politics section and have yet to acknowledge his thread...ashamed bc your “protege” is a fucking loon???


Well-Known Member

So far, on three different occasions this racist wore brown or black face, could be more. Will this liberal leader step down? Oh Canada!
He's a better man than you'll ever be if ya'd lived to be a thousand, that's the kind of leader America is gonna get next and there a few to pick from.

Look at the big picture what are you afraid of, he could also beat the shit out of you no problem and like his dad he got the guts to do it


Well-Known Member

So far, on three different occasions this racist wore brown or black face, could be more. Will this liberal leader step down? Oh Canada!
He seems to be with the people he is dressed as? Was his intention honorable? is Donald's. That's who ya support and ya got the stink on ya.

Maybe when many white american's use black face, it is to mock people and there intention shows through. What evidence do you have he is a racist these prove nothing. In Canada we got a law called criminal libel and you would get 2 years for that even with the OM, though probably not for him. Try that shit with a regular citizen and it would be a whole lot different. No character, that's you, a pretty stupid liar too. Who did you think that was going to convince, bet ya never change a single fucking mind with it, a failure.


Well-Known Member
Yep pot legalized in the states and the price dropping like a rock as competition and capitalism work. Bet it will be real cheap there too, online dispensaries in Canada are doing a roaring trade at a third the government price and dope is $110 an ounce in some places and good pot too. We haven't even got one out door growing season in, folks are still harvesting, the price will drop even more, there's money to be made.