Cows ate my weed

So everyone that doesnt want her cows to come over has to put a fence up. I dont have a fence on her side ( yet). This essentailly costs everyone else to protect her property from coming to my property. This is the fence out law" its bs it was set 150yrs ago when there was only 8 people LIVING OUT HERE!!!!

That's fucking stupid. We should mail that lady and that inspector a bag of dicks.
Can we design the brand?

I have design experience, I was on stage crew in HS.

So, theoretically speaking, if they wander over to your property again, since they are not branded (loophole), you could brand them? Then they're yours? And then you can still could go all Diaberg on them. Correct?
No they know whos they are now. Cant play that card . Shes the only irrisponsable livestock owner on my road. Currently the law protects this bitch.
No they know whos they are now. Cant play that card . Shes the only irrisponsable livestock owner on my road. Currently the law protects this bitch.

Sounds like you're letting reason and better judgement get in the way of some really sweet revenge. If her's aren't branded and you stole some and branded them couldn't you just be like "What? These are mine, I'm a cowgirl now fucking deal wit it!"
@lokie it makes my job a lot harder when you consistently reply to this bullshit
It’s not fun for me to have to really clean up this much it’s rather tedious job cleaning up reply quotes
Next time if you can simply ignore such socks and report them once so I can remove :)

Damn it! I missed it all! Sunni, please PM me the transcripts of all deleted material so I can repost. Thanks...
No they know whos they are now. Cant play that card . Shes the only irrisponsable livestock owner on my road. Currently the law protects this bitch.

I see what needs to be done. We'll take up a collection so you can buy your own herd of cows, train them in deadly fighting arts, and send them out to take care of her herd. If you can capture it on video, we'll easily make back our investment. This could become an entirely new genre of reality TV...




That's cow piss in those buckets. That'll learn 'em...