NRA a "terrorist organization" says San Francisco

Data and facts will do no good in this case my friend, that is not what has brought him to his present place, other forces did.
Perhaps the point was not to convince the knucklehead but to counter propaganda with facts in order to prevent the propaganda from becoming the common narrative.

from Wikipedia, the first element of counterpropaganda is a foundation in facts:

Elements of counterpropaganda
While counterpropaganda shares similar traits with propaganda it also consists of unique key elements which define its effective employment.

Basis in truth[edit]
While propaganda messages may not always be truthful, effective counterpropaganda generally only broadcasts the truth.[3][5] Indeed, counterpropaganda is commonly understood to be the "truthful, honest opposition" to an adversary's propaganda.[4] Counterpropaganda communicates truthful messages for moral and practical reasons. During the Cold War, the United States' reputation for broadcasting the truth to refute Soviet propaganda resulted in the U.S. being viewed as a "truth teller" where as the Soviet Union had a reputation as a "lie teller."[3] Herbert Romerstein argues that using truth based counterpropaganda resulted in the U.S. being perceived as honest where as the Soviet Union's use of false statements discredited their messages.[3] This Cold War example demonstrates how a false message is discredited when the truth is revealed. In practice a counterpropaganda message that was intentionally or mistakenly false could be revealed to be as biased as the propaganda it sought to oppose. Thus, telling the truth strengthens the effectiveness of counterpropaganda and weakens the propaganda of those revealed to be liars. The use of false messages in counterpropaganda is not effective and fails to adequately refute the propaganda message. Revealing a counterpropaganda message as incorrect or intending to influence via a lie would also harm the broadcaster's reputation and reduce their ability to effectively counter propaganda messages in the future.
Perhaps the point was not to convince the knucklehead but to counter propaganda with facts in order to prevent the propaganda from becoming the common narrative.

from Wikipedia, the first element of counterpropaganda is a foundation in facts:

Elements of counterpropaganda
While counterpropaganda shares similar traits with propaganda it also consists of unique key elements which define its effective employment.

Basis in truth[edit]
While propaganda messages may not always be truthful, effective counterpropaganda generally only broadcasts the truth.[3][5] Indeed, counterpropaganda is commonly understood to be the "truthful, honest opposition" to an adversary's propaganda.[4] Counterpropaganda communicates truthful messages for moral and practical reasons. During the Cold War, the United States' reputation for broadcasting the truth to refute Soviet propaganda resulted in the U.S. being viewed as a "truth teller" where as the Soviet Union had a reputation as a "lie teller."[3] Herbert Romerstein argues that using truth based counterpropaganda resulted in the U.S. being perceived as honest where as the Soviet Union's use of false statements discredited their messages.[3] This Cold War example demonstrates how a false message is discredited when the truth is revealed. In practice a counterpropaganda message that was intentionally or mistakenly false could be revealed to be as biased as the propaganda it sought to oppose. Thus, telling the truth strengthens the effectiveness of counterpropaganda and weakens the propaganda of those revealed to be liars. The use of false messages in counterpropaganda is not effective and fails to adequately refute the propaganda message. Revealing a counterpropaganda message as incorrect or intending to influence via a lie would also harm the broadcaster's reputation and reduce their ability to effectively counter propaganda messages in the future.
Oh I agree and told him as much and thanked him for it too, in another post. I too was also speaking to a larger audience.
Oh I agree and told him as much and thanked him for it too, in another post. I too was also speaking to a larger audience.
So, your idea of "reaching and allying with" is it with Trumpkins or who?

@The Gram Reaper , for example claims not to be a Trumpkin but he repeats Trumpkin propaganda. We've seen this from other so-called left-siders. He doesn't side with Trump but is a useful idiot to Trump and the fascist right because he repeats Trump's propaganda packaged as if it is coming from the left. You can criticize me all you want for not wanting to coddle ignoramuses like him but I have yet to see anybody take on the job of winning them over and succeeding. Show us how. Take a shot at "allying" with Gram to side with others who proactively oppose Trump rather than dropping out of the vote because "can't vote for the lesser evil".
So, your idea of "reaching and allying with" is it with Trumpkins or who?

@The Gram Reaper , for example claims not to be a Trumpkin but he repeats Trumpkin propaganda. We've seen this from other so-called left-siders. He doesn't side with Trump but is a useful idiot to Trump and the fascist right because he repeats Trump's propaganda packaged as if it is coming from the left. You can criticize me all you want for not wanting to coddle ignoramuses like him but I have yet to see anybody take on the job of winning them over and succeeding. Show us how. Take a shot at "allying" with Gram to side with others who proactively oppose Trump rather than dropping out of the vote because "can't vote for the lesser evil".
I'm having trouble with this post, I don't think I've criticized you and agree on most things. Go through my responses to this troll on this thread and get back to me if ya think I coddle the bastards! I figure Americans should use the stick of patriotism to beat some sense into these assholes and if that doesn't work beat the fuckers to death with it. I'd like to see more folks take that stick from the republicans and start using it in earnest, and on this forum too, treason is politics of the most serious kind.

I didn't know much about this guy and he was a bit sly, I might not be as knowledgeable about trolls and such as many around these threads, but I learn real quick my friend. Buck has been my master in these matters and I've learned a lot at his knee, in a way that troll was right, I've also had many other teachers here and I'd like to thank them too, you among them.
Lmao better than the acne that is rampant in the 'real' rural Merika.



Id guess it would be easier to clean up shit off the street from a homeless person than it will be to clean up the rural's shitting and dumping they do in these homes.
Nice meth lab. :neutral:
Shit, if I could afford it, I would live there.
Yer not alone, that's why a bunk goes for $1400 a fucking month there, a bunk in a room with a half dozen strangers! A lot would rather shit on the streets, or more correctly would have to. Affordable housing is another thing the government should look into, works here in Canada, though it could work better. Mental health policy is another thing they should change and stop letting the cops and prisons deal with it, Many of the homeless suffer from mental illness.
Apparently, people getting assault weapons and opening fire on total strangers killing dozens is a mental health problem that the Republicans have great sympathy for - but living and pooping on the street is due to lib'rals.

What a bunch of clowns.

It makes sense that California and New York would be where the largest population of homeless people would be, its the edges of our countries map. If people are walking around trying to find a place to survive, they will wind up somewhere eventually. Makes sense that they would end up at the extreme points in our country at the highest population area.
"Why should the votes of human citizens living in the country of "one person - one vote" be able to negate those endless, millions of acres of scrubland in an election!?"
Yer not alone, that's why a bunk goes for $1400 a fucking month there, a bunk in a room with a half dozen strangers! A lot would rather shit on the streets, or more correctly would have to. Affordable housing is another thing the government should look into, works here in Canada, though it could work better. Mental health policy is another thing they should change and stop letting the cops and prisons deal with it, Many of the homeless suffer from mental illness.
Now, that’s a true statement when it comes to mental illness. All that stuff about white mass shooters being mentally ill is bullshit IMO.
I'm having trouble with this post, I don't think I've criticized you and agree on most things. Go through my responses to this troll on this thread and get back to me if ya think I coddle the bastards! I figure Americans should use the stick of patriotism to beat some sense into these assholes and if that doesn't work beat the fuckers to death with it. I'd like to see more folks take that stick from the republicans and start using it in earnest, and on this forum too, treason is politics of the most serious kind.

I didn't know much about this guy and he was a bit sly, I might not be as knowledgeable about trolls and such as many around these threads, but I learn real quick my friend. Buck has been my master in these matters and I've learned a lot at his knee, in a way that troll was right, I've also had many other teachers here and I'd like to thank them too, you among them.
I'm just curious how effective well done "debate rhetoric" works on people like @The Gram Reaper

Mostly, I'm hearkening back to this post of yours:
I see you've been studying rhetoric ;)
Ya want to gain allies and too radical an approach will turn people off, evidence based policy is best and if ya can't make a case in court...
Whaaaaaaaaat? That's crazy, yo!
We have the same constitutional issues in Canada about regional power etc and have equalization payments to poorer provinces etc. Most of the population is concentrated in the cities and within a hundred miles of the US border and we get the full Monty of American media just like you folks do. If the farmers in the mid west go bust, the billionaires will just fill'em with corporate farms and buy em lock stock and barrel, the population will disappear into the cities.
I'm just curious how effective well done "debate rhetoric" works on people like @The Gram Reaper

Mostly, I'm hearkening back to this post of yours:
I'm one of those "life long learners" and I find the forum instructive in many ways and a place where one can evolve skills and study human nature, I have several reasons for being here. Practice writing and prose style experiments are among my reasons, not to mention supporting folks such as yerself in an Historic battle for the soul of your nation. It wasn't for his benefit that I debated him, but for others and myself, he was like a bug under a microscope to me and when Buck put the heat on he reveled more of himself and gave others an opening. Buck's "Don't like my posts" in the dumb cunt's sig didn't help his case either, I learn from Buck and have a lot of fun too. It's also a convenient place for me to channel my "aggression" at the outrages and towards the right people or socks, Trumpers and trolls are my prey. Mostly though I like to have fun, if I wasn't having any I wouldn't be here.
I once saw his info on the site awhile back and didn't like personal info posted, it was from a dating site he used the same name on. Sad to hear it, only talked technical with him advising on electrical issues etc. Seemed like a nice guy, on those threads and topics I don't look too close at others, just try to help with problems.
His state of the art, cutting edge technology, stolen from 30 year old popular mechanics articles is a sham to go with his self proclaimed title of grow consultant. It all made sense when the pimping, women beater story came to light. His politics is made up of cherry picked articles that he often changes the meaning of to garner support. Fact checked, they are either fact-less, or outright lies. I lost respect for him rather quickly and now loath him for the person he is. Boy that felt good lol.
His state of the art, cutting edge technology, stolen from 30 year old popular mechanics articles is a sham to go with his self proclaimed title of grow consultant. It all made sense when the pimping, women beater story came to light. His politics is made up of cherry picked articles that he often changes the meaning of to garner support. Fact checked, they are either fact-less, or outright lies. I lost respect for him rather quickly and now loath him for the person he is. Boy that felt good lol.
Much that is said around these forums is the result of a sore ass, though I'm not accusing you of such motives. Anybody can get conned under the right circumstances, you just appeal to their desires, just look at the current political situation. I just was focused on helping folks back in them pre Trump days and didn't go near many other threads, but stuck to my own and helped whenever folks came along with an interest in what I was up to. The reason I got on RIU was to share and learn, this shit is more recent! There comes a time when yer lights are built, ya got what ya want and it's time to move on. With pot legal in Canada I can be more open about helping folks on the ground and in my own back yard and focus effort there instead.

Last time I spoke to tty was to give him shit about the novichok incident and the Russian attack on the British with a weapon of mass destruction, he was spreading disinformation.
His state of the art, cutting edge technology, stolen from 30 year old popular mechanics articles is a sham to go with his self proclaimed title of grow consultant. It all made sense when the pimping, women beater story came to light. His politics is made up of cherry picked articles that he often changes the meaning of to garner support. Fact checked, they are either fact-less, or outright lies. I lost respect for him rather quickly and now loath him for the person he is. Boy that felt good lol.
I've had good people with clear motives provide reliable information to support their conclusions about this individual. Our next encounter might not be very pleasant for him...
Much that is said around these forums is the result of a sore ass, though I'm not accusing you of such motives. Anybody can get conned under the right circumstances, you just appeal to their desires, just look at the current political situation. I just was focused on helping folks back in them pre Trump days and didn't go near many other threads, but stuck to my own and helped whenever folks came along with an interest in what I was up to. The reason I got on RIU was to share and learn, this shit is more recent! There comes a time when yer lights are built, ya got what ya want and it's time to move on. With pot legal in Canada I can be more open about helping folks on the ground and in my own back yard and focus effort there instead.

Last time I spoke to tty was to give him shit about the novichok incident and the Russian attack on the British with a weapon of mass destruction, he was spreading disinformation.
Regarding tty, if you don't want to know the facts, don't say anything. What I see you saying is: I don't know and I don't care. People are telling you the truth, citing verifiable facts and you don't want to hear it. That's fine. Just don't say anything because on this subject you are being deliberately ignorant.

The only con that is going on regarding him is his plea for pity. The plea comes from a narcissist sociopath who lies to manipulate. Just don't reply back on this, you don't have a clue.

I'm here for mostly the same reasons you are. Mainly for my own entertainment also to hear what the other side is saying and to use what I learn here as well as elsewhere to learn.
Regarding tty, if you don't want to know the facts, don't say anything. What I see you saying is: I don't know and I don't care. People are telling you the truth, citing verifiable facts and you don't want to hear it. That's fine. Just don't say anything because on this subject you are being deliberately ignorant.

The only con that is going on regarding him is his plea for pity. The plea comes from a narcissist sociopath who lies to manipulate. Just don't reply back on this, you don't have a clue.

I'm here for mostly the same reasons you are. Mainly for my own entertainment also to hear what the other side is saying and to use what I learn here as well as elsewhere to learn.
Please read my most recent post to this thread.