NRA a "terrorist organization" says San Francisco

Moscow, Global Warming, and selling off our nations Oil assets is your enemy Comrade.
If ya support a traitor it won't belong before yer thought of one yerself and that day is rapidly approaching. Many will have to recant the faith of Cheeto Jesus when he is proven a traitor. I figure he'll make a run fur Moscow on AF1 before the inauguration, it's the only way he's gonna avoid prison and the humiliation of a trial, his supporters would have shit on their faces then, right under the bus! Most of the stupid cunts would support him if AF1 was on the ground in Russia for a month and they sent back in pieces. Donald would hand Putin the nuclear biscuit upon arrival and probably they'd shoot the poor bastard with the football, Donald figures the military are losers anyway. He will leave everybody holding the bag and won't bother to pardon anybody except family members, who will just book a flight to Europe.
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Fuck Cisco. Its piling up, literally, with shit.

Then why is it presently listed as number 6 on the list of most desirable cities to live in attracting intelligent, affluent people?

Ahhhhh... that's why you hate it so much. It's a great city you can't possibly afford to live in and would be a social outcast if you managed to get there.

It's not other people's fault you're a bitter failure that blames everyone else for your own shortcomings.

That's just you.
High property values = desirable place to live

Examples: every liberal city that drunken right wing sock puppets cry about

Low property values = undesirable place to live

Examples: pretty much 99% of every deep red state in the nation

Want cheap land to park a trailer on? Oklahoma is a safe bet

Want a valuable piece of real estate that will appreciate in value? Choose a liberal city surrounded by good schools, services, arts, culture, and diversity

This drives the right wing sock puppets insane.

So much for letting the free market speak
Not to mention warm at night when homeless that is a nice option. I also wonder how many of those homeless are from the 'heartland'. Homelessness should not be a political 'side' issue. Except we not have Trump, and anything said against the cult leader is attacks from enemies.....
Nice, now if they can pop that zit San Francisco off their face.

Lmao better than the acne that is rampant in the 'real' rural Merika.



Id guess it would be easier to clean up shit off the street from a homeless person than it will be to clean up the rural's shitting and dumping they do in these homes.
Then why is it presently listed as number 6 on the list of most desirable cities to live in attracting intelligent, affluent people?

Ahhhhh... that's why you hate it so much. It's a great city you can't possibly afford to live in and would be a social outcast if you managed to get there.

It's not other people's fault you're a bitter failure that blames everyone else for your own shortcomings.

That's just you.
Lmao better than the acne that is rampant in the 'real' rural Merika.



Id guess it would be easier to clean up shit off the street from a homeless person than it will be to clean up the rural's shitting and dumping they do in these homes.

I do apologize for attacking your guys' famed city like that. I am sure there are tons of great genius minds in those overpriced houses, surrounded by homeless hordes, that are leading the world's technological advances. It just seems like they could pay off some of their debt if they where the intelligent and innovative leaders of America that they claim to be.

I also have to admit it is probably easier to clean the feces and debri, compared to a meth lab, when the homeless keep it so organized and packaged.




Atleast in Michigan the homeless have some where to shit. I am sure the genius minds of 'Cisco' have thought of something to curb the homeless issue by now.

Oh, wait, nope...
I agree, he stole the campaign. He needs shot for treason and/or have his anal stretched out (like you guys seem to be fascinated with). I stated before that he stole the campaign. Kind of surprised you didn't find it as you dug through all my old shit trying to find trump support to quote.

He bought all the statistics for all the key places he needed to visit. He told them what they wanted to hear based on those stats. What he said in every new area contradicted what he said in the last. Its all documented, with evidence, but people don't care. They got to see trump, shake his hand, and rally around a man that knew what was wrong with their communities. A man that promised to save those communities. He didn't save shit, as I stated before, he just told us what we wanted to hear (as stated before).

America is crumbling, you fucking zealots, and you are still babbling on about what happened in the last election.
You don't know the meaning of the word "zealot".

You used the word correctly if your intention is to diminish what others are saying. Of course that also means you have given up on facts and are just trying to "win" by attacking others. Rather crude of you. Not effective either. It just makes you look more of an idiot.
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I do apologize for attacking your guys' famed city like that. I am sure there are tons of great genius minds in those overpriced houses, surrounded by homeless hordes, that are leading the world's technological advances. It just seems like they could pay off some of their debt if they where the intelligent and innovative leaders of America that they claim to be.

I also have to admit it is probably easier to clean the feces and debri, compared to a meth lab, when the homeless keep it so organized and packaged.




Atleast in Michigan the homeless have some where to shit. I am sure the genius minds of 'Cisco' have thought of something to curb the homeless issue by now.

Oh, wait, nope...
Typical loser posts a picture as if it validates a false conclusion.

Detroit wishes it had San Francisco's problems. Stay in your yard, child. You aren't ready for a wider world.
I do apologize for attacking your guys' famed city like that. I am sure there are tons of great genius minds in those overpriced houses, surrounded by homeless hordes, that are leading the world's technological advances. It just seems like they could pay off some of their debt if they where the intelligent and innovative leaders of America that they claim to be.

I also have to admit it is probably easier to clean the feces and debri, compared to a meth lab, when the homeless keep it so organized and packaged.




Atleast in Michigan the homeless have some where to shit. I am sure the genius minds of 'Cisco' have thought of something to curb the homeless issue by now.

Oh, wait, nope...
Triggered by a city
Typical loser posts a picture as if it validates a false conclusion.

Detroit wishes it had San Francisco's problems. Stay in your yard, child. You aren't ready for a wider world.
I do apologize for attacking your guys' famed city like that. I am sure there are tons of great genius minds in those overpriced houses, surrounded by homeless hordes, that are leading the world's technological advances. It just seems like they could pay off some of their debt if they where the intelligent and innovative leaders of America that they claim to be.

I also have to admit it is probably easier to clean the feces and debri, compared to a meth lab, when the homeless keep it so organized and packaged.




Atleast in Michigan the homeless have some where to shit. I am sure the genius minds of 'Cisco' have thought of something to curb the homeless issue by now.

Oh, wait, nope...

Homeless vet in the country.

Is it better that it has a nicer backdrop?

I wonder who picks up their plastic and shit? Any chemicals being dumped, contanimated ground water etc. At least in the cities there is some kind of plan to deal with the problem. It just sucks that middle America keeps sending their homeless to the big cities and don't help them at home.

Quit being brainwashed by Russian propaganda aimed at demonizing 'liberal' cities. They are just trying to turn everyone into enemies. So that they can get Trump reelected because everyone that would vote against Trump is equally convinced the Democrats are incompetent so they just don't vote. There is no reason for it, if you are an American, or any country whose democracy will eventually get screwed with to vote in someone they shouldn't have, understand the problem and talk about the real reason you fell back on some propagandized argument or troll.
I do apologize for attacking your guys' famed city like that. I am sure there are tons of great genius minds in those overpriced houses, surrounded by homeless hordes, that are leading the world's technological advances. It just seems like they could pay off some of their debt if they where the intelligent and innovative leaders of America that they claim to be.
I don't think the plight of the homeless is the source of your motivation or that you even give a shit about the unfortunate, they are just a tool to use in attack. If you defend and support the indefensible you'll lose every time and the opposing forces don't need to be strong, informed and smart like around these parts either. Trying to say yer sitting on the fence won't work either, because there is none, it's a battlefield not yer backyard, and the only no man's land is dead man's land. The difference between right and wrong couldn't possibly be more stark and the shadow line is knife sharp. To be neutral, you'd have to be OK with Trump and if yer any kind of decent human being yer not.
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It makes sense that California and New York would be where the largest population of homeless people would be, its the edges of our countries map. If people are walking around trying to find a place to survive, they will wind up somewhere eventually. Makes sense that they would end up at the extreme points in our country at the highest population area.

It makes sense that California and New York would be where the largest population of homeless people would be, its the edges of our countries map. If people are walking around trying to find a place to survive, they will wind up somewhere eventually. Makes sense that they would end up at the extreme points in our country at the highest population area.
Data and facts will do no good in this case my friend, that is not what has brought him to his present place, other forces did.
Data and facts will do no good in this case my friend, that is not what has brought him to his present place, other forces did.
Yeah but their attacking in a brute force fashion. There are a lot of people like Trump, if someone says something and the troll can't respond it actually sticks a little bit, until someone else tells him what to do and he moves onto the next thing...

If that works, maybe it works both ways. This person may not be a paid troll, they might just have not actually had anyone point out how this bullshit is put together, and if they see it a few times and come back, hopefully a little understanding can break through the fog.

I don't know a better way than to make sure anything I say is backed up by facts/data. Otherwise I am just bullshitting and will eventually say something stupid. At which point I should very much expect to be trolled right back for it and have to suck it up and realize I was wrong.
Yeah but their attacking in a brute force fashion. There are a lot of people like Trump, if someone says something and the troll can't respond it actually sticks a little bit, until someone else tells him what to do and he moves onto the next thing...

If that works, maybe it works both ways. This person may not be a paid troll, they might just have not actually had anyone point out how this bullshit is put together, and if they see it a few times and come back, hopefully a little understanding can break through the fog.

I don't know a better way than to make sure anything I say is backed up by facts/data. Otherwise I am just bullshitting and will eventually say something stupid. At which point I should very much expect to be trolled right back for it and have to suck it up and realize I was wrong.
Your not wrong in disseminating facts to counter bullshit, I do too, but you won't win any arguments with this guy using them, or common sense either!
Keep up the good work, others lurk and might learn, also your allies can use the ammo too.
Shit, if I could afford it, I would live there.
Yer not alone, that's why a bunk goes for $1400 a fucking month there, a bunk in a room with a half dozen strangers! A lot would rather shit on the streets, or more correctly would have to. Affordable housing is another thing the government should look into, works here in Canada, though it could work better. Mental health policy is another thing they should change and stop letting the cops and prisons deal with it, Many of the homeless suffer from mental illness.
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