Gun control is coming

No. Semi auto hunting rifles are not restricted and some assault style rifles are still unregulated.
The government could ban them if they wanted, no need here, but rifle magazines are limited to three rounds I believe. The NRA have brought the American public to a different place with mass gun violence, they might have a radical reaction to the radical laws that have been in place.
My rifles are not scary-looking and only hold five rounds
I'm part of the FPV community and we are being regulated to death all over the world and as far as I know a racing drone hasn't killed anybody or brought down a plane. I understand your concerns about gun laws, it's one of your passions, like FPV flying is mine, but I understand the need for regulations, registration and licencing of pilots. I don't agree with many of the regulations either and figure a lot make no sense, but technological change has brought us to this point and you can do shit today with a drone you couldn't before the technology. Idiots were giving folks hair cuts on beaches with racing drones at a hundred miles an hour and many people get pissed off about that, I would. The more idiots involved the tighter the laws, those who don't know right from wrong need to be told and kept in check. Likewise a locked and loaded AR15 with a full mag is an awesome death machine (any semi with a big mag too), a marvel of modern technology.

As a young man I was C2 man in my company and if I could see it I could hit it with a three round burst and have used automatic pistols and sub machine guns as well as the regular FN C1. We used to own guns in my family too, a shotgun and a .22 repeater, long since turned into the police when dad died. I have a friend who was a forest ranger and he gave gun safety courses, used to say years ago that the number of people applying dwindled over the years. Regulations didn't have much to do with the decline either, social and lifestyle changes did.

If the NRA had represented the concerns of the membership instead of being a lobby group for the industry and driving a crazy agenda, America would not be at this point now. You would have sensible gun laws and not the public uproar that threatens the rights and hobby of millions of innocent people. Guys like me wouldn't be making unpleasant suggestions either and sticking my nose into domestic American politics, sorry about that.

The list might have offended some, but not as much as "thoughts and prayers" does to many more and besides, some of the suggestions would work better too.
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I'm part of the FPV community and we are being regulated to death all over the world and as far as I know a racing drone hasn't killed anybody or brought down a plane. I understand your concerns about gun laws, it's one of your passions, like FPV flying is mine, but I understand the need for regulations, registration and licencing of pilots. I don't agree with many of the regulations either and figure a lot make no sense, but technological change has brought us to this point and you can do shit today with a drone you couldn't before the technology. Idiots were giving folks hair cuts on beaches with racing drones at a hundred miles an hour and many people get pissed off about that, I would. The more idiots involved the tighter the laws, those who don't know right from wrong need to be told and kept in check. Likewise a locked and loaded AR15 with a full mag is an awesome death machine (any semi with a big mag too), a marvel of modern technology.

As a young man I was C2 man in my company and if I could see it I could hit it with a three round burst and have used automatic pistols and sub machine guns as well as the regular FN C1. We used to own guns in my family too, a shotgun and a .22 repeater, long since turned into the police when dad died. I have a friend who was a forest ranger and he gave gun safety courses, used to say years ago that the number of people applying dwindled over the years. Regulations didn't have much to do with the decline either, social and lifestyle changes did.

If the NRA had represented the concerns of the membership instead of being a lobby group for the industry and driving a crazy agenda, America would not be at this point now. You would have sensible gun laws and not the public uproar that threatens the rights and hobby of millions of innocent people. Guys like me wouldn't be making unpleasant suggestions either and sticking my nose into domestic American politics, sorry about that.

The list might have offended some, but not as much as "thoughts and prayers" does to many more and besides, some of the suggestions would work better too.

Not one of your ideas stops or even hurts the criminal with a gun, all they do is hurt the legal gun owner. You are a stupid and ignorant person. Stop wasting bandwidth.
Not one of your ideas stops or even hurts the criminal with a gun, all they do is hurt the legal gun owner. You are a stupid and ignorant person. Stop wasting bandwidth.
Thoughts and prayers...

They were American ideas, not mine, I just listed them and yes they will work, there is data to support an evidence based policy. Gun policy is up to congress, not me and many of the things on the list above are on the democratic agenda, many more will be added if they win it all by a big spread in 2020.

It sure triggered you, so there must be some good in it. Buck will be pleased:p
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The government could ban them if they wanted, no need here, but rifle magazines are limited to three rounds I believe. The NRA have brought the American public to a different place with mass gun violence, they might have a radical reaction to the radical laws that have been in place.
5 rounds and yes they could try but there would be a huge blowback, better to start with a total ban of handguns.
5 rounds and yes they could try but there would be a huge blowback, better to start with a total ban of handguns.
A parliamentary system is a dictatorship for 5 years and can do what it wants inside the constitution and the bill of rights. There would be costs, but not the need, pistol owners are regulated tighter than a gnat's ass here anyway. This over regulated drone pilot sympathizes with them.

Thanks for the correction, accurate information is good information.
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A parliamentary system is a dictatorship for 5 years and can do what it wants inside the constitution and the bill of rights. There would be costs, but not the need, pistol owners are regulated tighter than a gnat's ass here anyway. This over regulated drone pilot sympathizes with them.

Thanks for the correction, accurate information is good information.
Yes they could as I said but also there would be a huge protest vote and they won’t. Fuck we can still purchase assault style rifles. And yes our problems with handguns are mostly due to lax laws governing the sale and tracking in the States, not legal owners, as it is with every country in the Western hemisphere. Not sure semi auto rifles are a huge concern or should be.
Thoughts and prayers...

They were American ideas, not mine, I just listed them and yes they will work, there is data to support an evidence based policy. Gun policy is up to congress, not me and many of the things on the list above are on the democratic agenda, many more will be added if they win it all by a big spread in 2020.

It sure triggered you, so there must be some good in it. Buck will be pleased:p
400 years later, and they still subjugating people with verbal and Holy writ, thoughts and prayers. The Native Americans got the trifecta subjugation: (2nd Amendment) Musket to the face, (Religion) to take the fight out of them, and Fire water (Alcohol/ Drugs) used in the same way crack cocaine was used in the destroy.
400 years later, and they still subjugating people with verbal and Holy writ, thoughts and prayers. The Native Americans got the trifecta subjugation: (2nd Amendment) Musket to the face, (Religion) to take the fight out of them, and Fire water (Alcohol/ Drugs) used in the same way crack cocaine was used in the destroy.
Sounds like a familiar pattern, now that it's being applied to many white folks with Trump(GOD) to them, guns to kill em and fentanyl to knock em down, things might change. They had a war on drugs and brown folks, attitudes have suddenly changed when it's white kids dropping like flies, and getting shot down in mass shootings, they can empathize then.
Sounds like a familiar pattern, now that it's being applied to many white folks with Trump(GOD) to them, guns to kill em and fentanyl to knock em down, things might change. They had a war on drugs and brown folks, attitudes have suddenly changed when it's white kids dropping like flies, and getting shot down in mass shootings, they can empathize then.
Why in the ever living love of fuck would you want to do that?

Tell us, do his nuts rest on your chin or straddle your nose?
Jus having a little fun and no I don't have any homosexual propensities. You won't see the thread from me, but others...

I'm here to have fun too and trigger the Trumpers, trolling works both ways.
Yes they could as I said but also there would be a huge protest vote and they won’t. Fuck we can still purchase assault style rifles. And yes our problems with handguns are mostly due to lax laws governing the sale and tracking in the States, not legal owners, as it is with every country in the Western hemisphere. Not sure semi auto rifles are a huge concern or should be.
Evidence based policy, no evidence of a problem, no problem, no change in policy.

Just think though, if they banned semi autos and we didn't, they'd be lined up at the boarder and it would give'm a chance to see how civilized folk live!;)
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Dunno, different system and there isn't a whole lot of public debate, nobody cares much because there are not too many problems. People are generally happy about the approach too, we can do things in the law that you can't and I figured I'd post some work arounds.

Many Americans feel hopeless about gun violence and think the 2nd amendment is absolute, not so, much can be done within the framework of the US constitution and with the blessing of the SCOTUS. The list I posted exemplifies what might be tried and I hope more add to it or remove the impractical. Saving Americans lives is not such a bad intention or goal, it's something a friend should try to do, "Put down the needle Sam, yer gonna killer yer self with that shit"!
I'd prefer we use the Canadian system as a model ours system. No need to try to do more than a system that is already working.
She turned 80 this year. Prolly says more about you than her.

Lol, granny fucker!!
Tell her Happy Birthday from me.
If yer nasty to me I'll return the favor, don't call folks cocksuckers if ya don't want the same back. An intelligent response might have been, " Really. tell me more? How can you support his rude posts?" etc.

Calling someone a cocksucker right out of the gate is not required to make your point, what goes around comes around.