What did you accomplish today?

My sister has been trying to grow cucumbers. Our feral cat got in one of the pots and smashed one of the cucumber plants.
I told my sister that this means it's now a squash and not a cucumber anymore since the cat squished it.
I pulled some sourdough bread out of the oven. It proofed most of the night before it was ready to put in the oven. No yeast was used to make it. I made my own sourdough starter awhile back using just flour, water, and the wild yeast in the air. Some of the starter is used to make a levain which provides the leavening. I've been baking bread for decades. The end result is worth the trouble.

I gave up on going back to sleep. Made my pot of coffee... probably just as well, I'm going to be busy in the garden today. It's harvest time. I have another rotation ready to hit the flower table so I need to up pot. Clones have taken so need to put those in cups. My sister's bday party is today. She's turning 50.
I best get my ass moving

happy birthday sis!




One of these should cover the occasion.;-)