What did you accomplish today?

I’m making more coffee
AND I was able to roll one myself!!! She may sleep on the can for hours but thank goodness she can grind my dope
Still raining, we’ve got several fences. One is maybe 3 inches out of the water now. It’s in the shallow part of the pond for gators. The other back fence separates our actual yard from the pond yard. The water is up to this fence. Normally I mow this acre or so but the pond has tripled in size.
Time for Netflix I think.
I know I didn’t accomplish this but my niece just watched Chernobyl on Netflix and called me freaking out. “How did you deal with this when it happened? I had no idea! What will happen?! Are we safe?!?!”
Now mind you she’s 30 with a masters degree from a prestigious university.
I said honey, do you know what Fukushima is? How about 3 mile island?
How does an intellectual young woman who’s all about saving the environment not know of these accidents? I mean seriously? Did you have to live through them to be aware? I’m not sure what age she was when Fukushima happened but I’m pretty sure it’s still blowing shit everywhere.

Ok I’m stoned. I love Jack Herer.

2011 so she was 22. Meh, kids these days
Today I gave my plants their first round of bloom nutes. And hacked down a bunch of weeds that were growing around all my pots.
I still have about half the weeds to go. I also sprayed for bugs. I had an aphid and ant problem on one plant so I sprayed that plant once,
about two weeks ago. And haven't seen any ants or aphids since. I just sprayed all the plants today just as precaution.
Not in my plants, just growing up from around the bottom of the smart pots.
These weeds have been feeding from the run off.
Next time I think I'll put down plastic, or weed block, or something.
Oooo insomnia they say? I’m a professional.
I'm generally a sativa guy; was gifted some of these seeds and it was a sticky gooey plant in flower, smelled great. Knocks you on your ass, so it's nice at night. I tried it the other day around maybe 11 am and got absolutely nothing done all day lol

edit: actually I did, spent about an hour brushing the dog's fur. He loved it
I got lazy and just smashed down the remaining weeds.
My hand clippers suck ass. Every time I clip they stay stuck and I have to manually spread the blades out again.

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I'm generally a sativa guy; was gifted some of these seeds and it was a sticky gooey plant in flower, smelled great. Knocks you on your ass, so it's nice at night. I tried it the other day around maybe 11 am and got absolutely nothing done all day lol
That's how this Zookies I just smoked got me. Hits you like a ton of bricks right behind the eyes. Very relaxing effect on the body.