Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

On the other hand, Obama has done more than anyone else in history to expand health care coverage. Getting more people on plans reduces premiums. Expanding Medicare to the poor will cover the gap so that every single person is covered. ACA is the best way forward.

When confronted with a 10,000 dollar tax hike, I am very willing to pay a deductible. I'm not every person though. I concede that. I'm in good shape. I eat very well and avoid sugar. I don't drink alcohol. I'm a technical diver and as a result, I'm fit and athletic. I avoid unhealthy habits like sedentary living or excessive masturbation. I eat different kinds of mushrooms every day and lots of green plants like bitter gourd, broccoli, asparagus and leafy vegetables. I am in above average health. So yes, I am one of the minority who would save money by opting for a private plan as opposed to M4A with a massive tax hike.

My minority is not that small. We deserve the right to choose. Give it to us and I will support Bernie. I'm not asking for so much.

He won't even hear it. His fat head is unwilling to entertain any notion against his view of what is best for everyone. That's my main problem with this man in his 80s.

er..wait what do you mean excessive masturbation?!o_O
I voted Trump.......and im from Canada. I'd rather have a trump then a trudeu. Hands down.

Socialist. Democrats. Liberals. I like how they've handled Europe and New Zealand. Should be interesting see how they fuck up canada and United states next. You guys need a trump trust me. Because the worlds going to shit and the UN will see that it does.

You guys talking about only making 30 thousand dollars a year......... I will fly 20 hours. Drive 15. Or walk 2 in order to find a job where I make 80-100 grand a year.
I've worked for over 10 companies in 15 years doing 5 different trades or jobs without my grade 12 and I've been clearing 80 thousand a year or more since I was 18. I've never gone hungry. And never held my hand out.

Stop blaming your government for all your problems and start handling business.. Elon musk. Trump Democrats. You guys rely on crooks, thieves idiots. Then talk about it on a forum like any of it matters.

Just a way for the like minded to pat eachother on the bum and the trolls to get their kicks for the day

It literally blows my fucking mind
I voted Trump.......and im from Canada. I'd rather have a trump then a trudeu. Hands down.

Socialist. Democrats. Liberals. I like how they've handled Europe and New Zealand. Should be interesting see how they fuck up canada and United states next..you guys talking about only making 30 thousand dollars a year......... I will fly 20 hours. Drive 15. Or walk 2 in order to find a job where I make 80-100 grand a year.
I've worked for over 10 companies in 15 years doing 5 different trades or jobs without my grade 12 and I've been clearing 80 thousand a year or more since I was 18. I've never gone hungry. And never held my hand out.

Stop blaming your government for all your problems and start handling business.. Elon musk. Trump Democrats. You guys rely on crooks, thieves idiots. Then talk about it on a forum like any of it matters.

Just a way for the like minded to pat eachother on the bum and ghd trolls to get their kicks for the day

It literally blows my fucking mind
Europe and New Zealand are well governed. You should stop listening entirely to right wing radio.
Europe and New Zealand are well governed. You should stop listening entirely to right wing radio.
Right ring radio? Theres only one right wing news center in canada and it's called rebel media.

Everything else is left. The hell you talking about willis?

venezuela, Canada buys their oil from them
even tho we have as much as the states.

venezuela used to be stupid wealthy. They have more oil than anyone. Now Canada's bailing them out? Giving them money..
That dont sound well governed to me.

Greece well governed? France? Come on man.
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Idk, I am guessing most people on this site is not unused to seeing a few stacks of $50's from time to time.

The American dollar is still king, until there is a government who has less governmental control over their currency while still backing it like we do, it will still be the most stable. Every other currency is a competitor though, and it is good to have that competition.
The US dollar is the world's reserve currency. It's the only currency that people have faith in everywhere. In many countries, it is more desirable than the local currency by most of the locals. This is so even in places hostile toward US interests. In 38 countries I have never had trouble finding someone who wanted dollars. In most of them, I could spend it as easily as the local currency. Remember who you were directing this comment toward. He isn't a good source of anything useful.
Here you go..

UBI replaces SSI and snap ect, universal healthcare replaces Medicare/medicaid. Go ahead give the military 700B, and if you want to keep corporate tax where it's at then that's ok it just means more income tax.. Distribute the countries needs based on wealth not income (40% would pay 0.1% of their income 50% would pay 1.1% ect ect). Quit taxing the working class. In time the %s will even out. Enough of this sitting on wealth that ppl only inherited and most likely was the result of imbalances in power or unequal opportunities historically...

We've had historically higher income rates before, its not absurd...

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Doesn't mean the wealthy still can't accumulate wealth, just that they're going to have to pay a higher % of the 6.65T needed to satisfy everyone and run the country.. The rates are absurdly low, if you are worth $500k it looks like a burden of ~5.4% of the 6.65T is distributed to your bracket, not 5.4% of your income, 5.4% of 6.65T so probably much less (roughly $5.5k/yr if using 327mil as pool, $7k/yr if using 254mil as pool), and that's with everyone getting free healthcare and spending money.. The top 1% is at 1.3mil/yr.. (1.7mil/yr if using 254mil pool).

The numbers would need to be tweaked for this or that but you can see what I'm getting at. The wealth can still accumulate, but everything gets paid for and the rates are like nothing..

At a $7k/yr rate for a guy worth $500k, you could realistically double education and non-defense and he'd barely notice it, invest in infrastructure...

If you decide to include corporate tax into the equation it only gets better..
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I avoid unhealthy habits like sedentary living or excessive masturbation.
I voted Trump.......and im from Canada. I'd rather have a trump then a trudeu. Hands down.

Socialist. Democrats. Liberals. I like how they've handled Europe and New Zealand. Should be interesting see how they fuck up canada and United states next. You guys need a trump trust me. Because the worlds going to shit and the UN will see that it does.

You guys talking about only making 30 thousand dollars a year......... I will fly 20 hours. Drive 15. Or walk 2 in order to find a job where I make 80-100 grand a year.
I've worked for over 10 companies in 15 years doing 5 different trades or jobs without my grade 12 and I've been clearing 80 thousand a year or more since I was 18. I've never gone hungry. And never held my hand out.

Stop blaming your government for all your problems and start handling business.. Elon musk. Trump Democrats. You guys rely on crooks, thieves idiots. Then talk about it on a forum like any of it matters.

Just a way for the like minded to pat eachother on the bum and the trolls to get their kicks for the day

It literally blows my fucking mind

The trick is that online/cherry picking news sources have worked really hard to convince the world that we need Trump and everything is so messed up. It isn't. The middle class is still growing.

It doesn't mean everything is roses, it isn't, there is still lots of problems to deal with, but pretending like we are somehow worse (aside from maybe plastic pollution) than we were 50 years ago, is a pretty privileged mindset.

The world is dealing with new forms of communication and just like what happened in War of the Worlds, people are scaring themselves because they think things are happening that really are not because they are not as savvy with the new media manipulation. It is all a smoke screen designed to keep Trump, Putin, MBS and other despots in charge.

The trick is that online/cherry picking news sources have worked really hard to convince the world that we need Trump and everything is so messed up. It isn't. The middle class is still growing.

It doesn't mean everything is roses, it isn't, there is still lots of problems to deal with, but pretending like we are somehow worse (aside from maybe plastic pollution) than we were 50 years ago, is a pretty privileged mindset.

The world is dealing with new forms of communication and just like what happened in War of the Worlds, people are scaring themselves because they think things are happening that really are not because they are not as savvy with the new media manipulation. It is all a smoke screen designed to keep Trump, Putin, MBS and other despots in charge.

Its one way of looking at it that's for sure.
But that's exactly what the left wants us to think the right is an old relic only interested in hate. Set.in their dinosaur ways of power preventing ourselves from moving forward.

I tell you one thing. Our world has not gotten better..the mental health of our countries have gotten worse.
This new and improved all accepting all equal world hasnt done a bloody thing in terms of being healthy. Wrong is now right.
Pedophile groups marching in pride parades. Only a matter of time before that shits normal and accepted..
People serving life for weed but out on the streets in 3 years for fucking children
Democrats trying to passing laws where you can abort delivered children.

You keep thinking we dont need trumps and Putin's man. They gonna be the only people who can bail us out when the rest of us get tired of the bullshit and start the biggest civil\worldwar this world ever seen.

Why u think canada trying to take all our guns away.
They know we aint happy with this socialist bullshit man.
They know..they want to control it. Control us..hand us over.to UN
So Socialism can destroy us like it did Europe and Venezuela
Proofs all around us.
Lol it was a couple theology academics that wrote a piece to get reactions and debate with other theology nerds, cause thats what those guys do lol, no-one is trying to get after birth abortion passed..

No the world will probly be fine to be honest. But I dont trust right or left. Im more right. But their all fucking crooks.

The only man Id trust is John Wayne..the duke would never let me down.......pilgrim

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No the world will probly be fine to be honest. But I dont trust right or left. Im more right. But their all fucking crooks.

Spoken like a true republican: improper grammar, poor spelling, incomplete sentences; you've run the full gambit there.

That's the problem with "right leaning" people: they're typically uneducated and lack the intelligence to realize exactly how wrong they really are.