Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

I think her success comes from how hard she works to be very prepared in her questioning from what I have seen. Kavenaugh, Barr, then even tripped up Biden hard in first debate. This is why I like her odds if she is in a debate with Trump to just make him look like a yellow sack of jelly.

I don't think she is a wonk like Warren for sure though. Biden still has my vote, as long as he is in it still by my state though. Id rather the Democrats win the senate and house along with the presidency in 2020 and Biden gives the best shot at that. If nothing else if the house is lost, investigations will effectively be shut down by republicans, so that is most important to me. I would rather win senate and house and Trump stay as president god forbid.
I can see that POV.
Spam more bullshit as Tesla keeps going belly up.

You're a complete laughingstock.
Nah, he's not a laughing stock. You know, sometimes you're right when you come to correct people but you don't have to let it validate your existence and insult people whether they dig in or not. When they turn to insult and you start teeing off on them I sit back and cheer for you. Sometimes you are wrong and it could be forgiven if you are a gentleman. Sometimes though, as in this case, you're right and the guy you're arguing with concedes ground and you still lob insults and it makes you look like a complete dick.

@doublejj is one of the most honorable and honored members of the site. He's a warrior and he grows huge amounts of great cannabis. He is no laughing stock.
Can't stand Kamala, she's a sell out, made a living locking up MJ users.. Haven't really watched Klobuchar but I liked her at the Kavanah hearings..
Cannabis related cases dropped precipitously during her time as DA but mainly because she forced the racial disparities in the prosecutory policy to be eliminated. To expect her to have been in the court room for minor offenses as DA or to give everyone a pass when they were breaking the law would have been a breach of her fiduciary responsibility to her client, which was the state. That would be enough to lose one's job as DA.

As a lawmaker, it is now her duty to change the law whereas before, it was her duty to enforce it, beholden to the governor of California. As a lawmaker, she introduced a bill to deschedule marijuana and expunge convictions at the federal level. It is something that you should consider supporting. I'm trying to be polite but to hate the one person up there who is actually doing the most for cannabis legalization because you feel that she was on a crusade against us, well it doesn't win points for intelligence.

She was the DA. She did her job and she actually had an effect contrary to what you seem to be claiming. Gabbard was citing one of the most biased right-wing sources that doesn't pass fact check.
Cannabis related cases dropped precipitously during her time as DA but mainly because she forced the racial disparities in the prosecutory policy to be eliminated. To expect her to have been in the court room for minor offenses as DA or to give everyone a pass when they were breaking the law would have been a breach of her fiduciary responsibility to her client, which was the state. That would be enough to lose one's job as DA.

As a lawmaker, it is now her duty to change the law whereas before, it was her duty to enforce it, beholden to the governor of California. As a lawmaker, she introduced a bill to deschedule marijuana and expunge convictions at the federal level. It is something that you should consider supporting. I'm trying to be polite but to hate the one person up there who is actually doing the most for cannabis legalization because you feel that she was on a crusade against us, well it doesn't win points for intelligence.

She was the DA. She did her job and she actually had an effect contrary to what you seem to be claiming. Gabbard was citing one of the most biased right-wing sources that doesn't pass fact check.
I don't care if she had declining numbers. Its the fact that she was the top cop. You blew it right there. She sold out. No one told her to be AG. She had to fight for it. MJ is popular and a talking point, to me she is just riding what's popular. She seems super fake. Not relatable to the common person at all. If you're the AG you look down your nose at the people that need public defenders as stats to keep you in office. Its not her fault its that way but it is her fault to seek that out. This is only my opinion. And you are entitled to yours. I don't like old balls, or Kamala, or Gabbard, or Booker, or pretty much any except Yang, Klobuchar, Sanders, and I'd like to hear more than I have from Castro and, I kinda like the Hoosier too. If you like Kamala then awesome, I just don't.

Actually the AG thing is probably not that much an issue haha just learned Klobuchar was a county AG :oops:, and probably many others, it just was brought to my attention (by bill maher), but she just seems fake, I'm not trying to offend. Ill give her another shot.
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Who better to reform the racial injustice in prosecutory policy than the DA? Who better to counter racist fucking police departments than a black woman DA? As a prosecutor, she specialized in prosecuting sex crimes and she was better at it than pretty much anyone has ever been.

I'm pretty sure she was high during her interview with the breakfast club. Trump and his minions are terrified of her which is why Assad supporting Russia-bot Gabbard was deployed against her with right wing BS talking points.
Who better to reform the racial injustice in prosecutory policy than the DA? Who better to counter racist fucking police departments than a black woman DA? As a prosecutor, she specialized in prosecuting sex crimes and she was better at it than pretty much anyone has ever been.

I'm pretty sure she was high during her interview with the breakfast club. Trump and his minions are terrified of her which is why Assad supporting Russia-bot Gabbard was deployed against her with right wing BS talking points.
Who better to head the EPA than Scott Pruit, he did his job in the private sector and he knows all the dirty secrets of the energy industry, frac-ing, ect...
Who better to head the EPA than Scott Pruit, he did his job in the private sector and he knows all the dirty secrets of the energy industry, frac-ing, ect...
That comparison is quite a stretch. Her record does not suggest a fox in the henhouse. Her reforms toward racial justice in prosecutory policy prove that. The claim that she was on a crusade against smokers comes from The Washington Free Beacon.

right03 (1).png
  • Overall, we rate the Washington Free Beacon Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading and false claims.
They said that there were around 1500 marijuana convictions during her time as DA of California. The thing is, 840 of them were in the first year of that and were started before she became DA. You're perception is being guided by fake news on this one.
Trump appointed Scott Pruitt to head the EPA.
That was my point, just having someone be on the inside isn't a good argument that they'd be the one to reform. Obviously its not an exact comparison but only trying to demonstrate a point. I think she's fake. That's not the fake news media, that's me.

Trump woulda been a better example, because he ran to be elected like she is, and he ran on reforming or "draining the swamp"
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What's fake is Gabbard’s supposed support of anything lgbtq. The Gabbard family crusade against gay rights has been the central issue of her family dynasty in Hawaiian politics for decades. It seems one fake article has turned you against Harris but you're uncritical of others.

I mean, you can believe what you want, doesn't mean you have any business spouting it with no premises to back your conclusion. That just makes you biased with false preconceptions.

It's OK, Trump is terrified of her too.
What's fake is Gabbard’s supposed support of anything lgbtq. The Gabbard family crusade against gay rights has been the central issue of her family dynasty in Hawaiian politics for decades. It seems one fake article has turned you against Harris but you're uncritical of others.

I mean, you can believe what you want, doesn't mean you have any business spouting it with no premises to back your conclusion. That just makes you biased with false preconceptions.

It's OK, Trump is terrified of her too.
Lol ya not a Gabbard fan, I disagree with your assessment but it really doesnt matter, great thing is we both get a vote. I could scold you for your viewpoints but I'm not going to change your mind and rather not get into a silly discussion like that.
Lol ya not a Gabbard fan, I disagree with your assessment but it really doesnt matter, great thing is we both get a vote. I could scold you for your viewpoints but I'm not going to change your mind and rather not get into a silly discussion like that.
I'm happy to ridicule your comparison regarding Scott Pruitt. Or your equivocation of your baseless belief with reason. That's not reason, that's prejudice. She's not fake just because you feel like she is. I'm not telling you who to vote for. It's clear that you intend to throw your vote away and you're correct that it is your right to do so.

However, this is a public forum and you should expect that your comments will be rebutted.
That was my point, just having someone be on the inside isn't a good argument that they'd be the one to reform. Obviously its not an exact comparison but only trying to demonstrate a point. I think she's fake. That's not the fake news media, that's me.

Trump woulda been a better example, because he ran to be elected like she is, and he ran on reforming or "draining the swamp"
Now you're comparing a sexual predator and racist to a black woman prosecutor who specializes in prosecuting sex crimes and has a record as a reformer of prosecutory policy toward racial justice. Absolutely absurd and par for the course for a bernie sanders supporter.

She's not even remotely similar to Donald Trump. She's the best choice if you want him to go to prison while you smoke legal weed.
Yang isn't utterly terrible and I don't believe he is involved with the CCP at all. I don't support UBI and it's clear that is all he has to offer. I don't support him in the primaries but I refrain from harsh criticism.
Yang isn't utterly terrible and I don't believe he is involved with the CCP at all. I don't support UBI and it's clear that is all he has to offer. I don't support him in the primaries but I refrain from harsh criticism.
according to Yang, UBI would kick start the US Economy by something like 12trillion dollars. And it would be at the bottom, not at the top of the food chain....a little 'trickle up' economics for a change..
according to Yang, UBI would kick start the US Economy by something like 12trillion dollars. And it would be at the bottom, not at the top of the food chain....
Why don't we just raise taxes on the rich? Use the money to provide needed social services? Dozens of other highly developed nations do it every day...

Crazy thought, but it's worked before.
according to Yang, UBI would kick start the US Economy by something like 12trillion dollars. And it would be at the bottom, not at the top of the food chain....a little 'trickle up' economics for a change..
I'm not ridiculing the notion, I just don't support it. Endless growth is the nature of cancer. It would overstimulate an economy that is killing the earth. Besides that, look at the numbers. Yes I know he's a math wiz.

Population 329m
Adults = 77%
$1k each per month

It's well over 3 trillion dollars per year being redistributed. Good luck getting that to happen. I just don't think he's electable.
I'm not ridiculing the notion, I just don't support it. Endless growth is the nature of cancer. It would overstimulate an economy that is killing the earth. Besides that, look at the numbers. Yes I know he's a math wiz.

Population 329m
Adults = 77%
$1k each per month

It's well over 3 trillion dollars per year being redistributed. Good luck getting that to happen. I just don't think he's electable.
I would be afraid of the hyperinflation that an extra few trillion dollars being dumped into the economy would cause. I haven't thought through what would happen, but even though people would be able to pay everything off much faster at first, what if that $1000 in todays dollars really is only a $100 benefit in a few years due to inflation, is he going to start giving people more money every month to keep up with inflation? It is a interesting idea, but scary.

I like his $100 to every citizen to spend on campaign donations though, in combination to stopping outside spending on elections I think this is a great way to even out the playing field. We shouldn't allow politicians to spend their way into their offices.
I would be afraid of the hyperinflation that an extra few trillion dollars being dumped into the economy would cause. I haven't thought through what would happen, but even though people would be able to pay everything off much faster at first, what if that $1000 in todays dollars really is only a $100 benefit in a few years due to inflation, is he going to start giving people more money every month to keep up with inflation? It is a interesting idea, but scary.

I like his $100 to every citizen to spend on campaign donations though, in combination to stopping outside spending on elections I think this is a great way to even out the playing field. We shouldn't allow politicians to spend their way into their offices.
If the economy necessitates handouts, it's not working and it can't be fixed. Tax cuts. Middle and lower class tax cuts, let the tax cuts for the rich expire.
I would be afraid of the hyperinflation that an extra few trillion dollars being dumped into the economy would cause. I haven't thought through what would happen, but even though people would be able to pay everything off much faster at first, what if that $1000 in todays dollars really is only a $100 benefit in a few years due to inflation, is he going to start giving people more money every month to keep up with inflation? It is a interesting idea, but scary.

Hegemony of the US dollar will eventually be a thing of the past, but the woods will get much darker before the light of competing currencies shines thru.

Ever notice how the "bad countries" are the ones who want to use alternatives to the US dollar?