Is a couple yellow leaves in lower middle normal?


Well-Known Member
My plants are getting really big about 6 ft tall now. I noticed with some plants there is 1 or 2 yellow leaves in upper lower part the plant. It doesnt seem to spread though. Is this normal? They do seem to be leaves that don't get much light either. But I wanted to make sure not a worst problem.

My concern is some of these leaves that are yellow are big fan leaves. Should i just remove the yellow leaves?
Many pro growers say not to remove yellow leaves until they are ready to fall off.
The plant uses the nutrients from the leaves so you should let it finish.

Yellowing occurs for many reason like lack of sun or from nutrient deficiency. Are you giving your plant any magnesium? Like Epsom salt?

Right now plants are going through the stretch so they are using a lot of nutes
Where do you guys live that they are just now stretching? I have plants that started early July . Out of nine different strains all started flowering prior to aug One .
Many pro growers say not to remove yellow leaves until they are ready to fall off.
The plant uses the nutrients from the leaves so you should let it finish.

Yellowing occurs for many reason like lack of sun or from nutrient deficiency. Are you giving your plant any magnesium? Like Epsom salt?

Right now plants are going through the stretch so they are using a lot of nutes

No actually all I have giving them is Buddha grow for veg and I started giving them Buddha Bloom to give them more of the signal to start flowering, but that's a good idea!

It's a completely organic grow so also been using DE periodically. I have not seen any pistils yet but I live in Cave Junction Oregon.About 40 miles from the border of Northern CA. I was hoping they go to flower in mid july or at the end. I'm not sure if its normal for southern oregon, it's my first time growing here.

I also gave them a tiny bit of blood meal about july 1st and about middle of July top dressed with down to earth crab meal, fish bone meal. I also picked up some Roots Organic Terp tea when they start flowering. And plan on getting some flower power when they ship the new version at the end of August.

Anyway I do believe some magnesium wouldn't hurt. I actually take magnesium citrate tablets to help me sleep and calm my nerves. I heard the millenial gen and lots people in general are very deficient in magnesium for some reason!
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Where do you guys live that they are just now stretching? I have plants that started early July . Out of nine different strains all started flowering prior to aug One .
Southern Oregon Cave Junction and no unfortunately no signs of flowering and no pistils here!
Where do you guys live that they are just now stretching? I have plants that started early July . Out of nine different strains all started flowering prior to aug One .
Yours did it earlu because they flowered and revegged. You probably didnt adjust the lighting to match the outdoors and then just put them out I'm guessing?
I could tell this because I seen your pics of your plants. Some look like normal growth and others have only 3 leafs which is what they do when they reveg. Next yr slowly adjust the lighting indoors to get closer to the amount of sun outside. This way when you do put them out it will not trigger flowering as soon.
I’ve been doing this for years and they always start flowering in July . So not sure what you are saying I know my micro climate. Double JJ know who I am . I have eight foot plants flowering so still not sure what you think you see. May be discuss the strain with me cause I’m sure I have more than one of each plant.
Poster I will look up the sunlight for your latitude so I can better understand your season .
Poster I will look up the sunlight for your latitude so I can better understand your season .
This is what I'm talking about. Any time you have growth like this (3 leafs) it is from a plant that has been revegged.
Revegged plants can still get huge and produce a lot. Many people do it on purpose (monster cropping) either by revegging a plant or taking a flowering clone and then revegging it.
Either way is what it is.Screenshot_20190807-101937_Chrome.jpg
To the poster I see you are still getting over 14 hours from sunrise to sunset . In my area I am under 14 hours of daylight . Just some food for thought I’m a newb .
This is what I'm talking about. Any time you have growth like this (3 leafs) it is from a plant that has been revegged.
Revegged plants can still get huge and produce a lot. Many people do it on purpose (monster cropping) either by revegging a plant or taking a flowering clone and then revegging it.
Either way is what it is.View attachment 4375770
So explain to me why all three of that strain look the same? It also looked the same last year . But hey your the best I forgot my bad . I will post the other two later so you can see .
To the poster I see you are still getting over 14 hours from sunrise to sunset . In my area I am under 14 hours of daylight . Just some food for thought I’m a newb .
I know how the hours of sunlight works dude. I'm simply saying your plants at some point revegged. Either you did it on purpose or you are sticking them out either too soon or not adjusting them to the outdoor light cycle.
You can argue that you have been doing the same thing for yrs...but I looked at your grow
..some of them revegged. Take that same pic and ask people if your plant revegged rhen will tell you the same thing I did. 3 finger leaves are a huge indication that it did. You can also tell by the growth patterns.
So explain to me why all three of that strain look the same? It also looked the same last year . But hey your the best I forgot my bad . I will post the other two later so you can see .
Doesnt look like all of them revegged...some strains are more sensitive then others are. But hey...if you think 3 leaves are normal growth...then more power to you dude lol
Your the best my bad cause from experience they usually only shoot one leaf . Funny all three plants look the same . I will read your book soon enjoy. Poster again your zone
The shoot 1 at first then 3 and left long enough will shoot 5 and 7. Screenshot_20190807-104407_Chrome.jpgI'm not discussing this any further with you....