Many pro growers say not to remove yellow leaves until they are ready to fall off.
The plant uses the nutrients from the leaves so you should let it finish.
Yellowing occurs for many reason like lack of sun or from nutrient deficiency. Are you giving your plant any magnesium? Like Epsom salt?
Right now plants are going through the stretch so they are using a lot of nutes
No actually all I have giving them is Buddha grow for veg and I started giving them Buddha Bloom to give them more of the signal to start flowering, but that's a good idea!
It's a completely organic grow so also been using DE periodically. I have not seen any pistils yet but I live in Cave Junction Oregon.About 40 miles from the border of Northern CA. I was hoping they go to flower in mid july or at the end. I'm not sure if its normal for southern oregon, it's my first time growing here.
I also gave them a tiny bit of blood meal about july 1st and about middle of July top dressed with down to earth crab meal, fish bone meal. I also picked up some Roots Organic Terp tea when they start flowering. And plan on getting some flower power when they ship the new version at the end of August.
Anyway I do believe some magnesium wouldn't hurt. I actually take magnesium citrate tablets to help me sleep and calm my nerves. I heard the millenial gen and lots people in general are very deficient in magnesium for some reason!