Bernie Sanders 2020

Oh noes! The serial woman abuser and pimp isn't a Democrat.

This is a lie and just repeating it doesn't make it true or you credible.
Speaking of lies... The other day you claimed that I would "sing Biden's praises" if he took diabetics to Canada. I asked you to cite one case of me singing Biden's praises. Like a coward, you just ran away.

You lie constantly. I guess you think you are entitled. Kind of the same way you felt entitled to abuse your girlfriend and force her to engage in hazardous and unpleasant sex work and then take most of her money.
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This is a lie and just repeating it doesn't make it true or you credible.
You are the one who is lying.

Sanders bill contains no means to pay for it. Nor does it contain enough detail to enable a good cost estimate. it is reasonable to conclude that he's hiding the real costs and tax bills that everybody will be stuck with. What you say is not credible. Not one bit.

Bernie 2020!

No one else is even on the same page.

The clown crew on this site who find it fashionable to trash the Sanders campaign are either stupid or corporate shills- and none of them are smart enough for that.

Bernie 2020!

No one else is even on the same page.

The clown crew on this site who find it fashionable to trash the Sanders campaign are either stupid or corporate shills- and none of them are smart enough for that.
He's all alone on a sinking ship. Calls the people who never went on board that sinking ship, fools. He ought to know, he wrote that damn bill.

He should have done a better job when he wrote that health care bill. As it is, he's set back progress towards universal healthcare.
You are the one who is lying.

Sanders bill contains no means to pay for it. Nor does it contain enough detail to enable a good cost estimate. it is reasonable to conclude that he's hiding the real costs and tax bills that everybody will be stuck with. What you say is not credible. Not one bit.

TO be honest here, I dont give a flying fuck what it costs. Not one bit. You dudes turn a blind eye every time to military increases every fucking time ... tax break for the rich .... every fucking time ... Not once ... ever ... do you guys ever ask yourselves ... how are we going to pay for it ? Nah push that shit through no prob ... wait .. a bill that will actually help americans ? How are you going to pay for it is the first thing out of your mouth.
And more lies.

You just can't help yourself.
Speaking of lies... The other day you claimed that I would "sing Biden's praises" if he took diabetics to Canada. I asked you to cite one case of me singing Biden's praises. Like a coward, you just ran away.

You lie constantly. I guess you think you are entitled. Kind of the same way you felt entitled to abuse your girlfriend and force her to engage in hazardous and unpleasant sex work and then take most of her money.

You just can't help yourself. You are a low quality human.

Like Trump, a lie to you is something that is true but not in your favor.

Sad excuse for a man, Tyler