White males in tactical gear with assault rifles massacre a food festival


Well-Known Member
This is the Problem we have had this problem for quite awhile but it's very convenient for you to blame it all on 45.
He isn't helping atm but lets not divert the attention. The People who commit these mass shootings are disturbed. NO Rational person would do an act as horrible as this. Mass Killings are on the rise but the Virginia tech in 2007 was one of the first that I remember.

and to answer your question, No I am not triggered but I will choose not to be a customer there.
Good people on both sides....


Well-Known Member
Pussy. You are such a coward.
You have demonstrated you usually rely on ad-hom and personal attacks with your responses, so why would I tell you truthful information about my ancestry?
You need to earn respect by acting civilized and demonstrating sincerity.


Well-Known Member
You have demonstrated you usually rely on ad-hom and personal attacks with your responses, so why would I tell you truthful information about my ancestry?
You need to earn respect by acting civilized and demonstrating sincerity.
You are ashamed of it. I can tell. Where ever you came from they were glad when you left.

They said, "there goes that rat-family. Good riddance."

I for one am still glad we took you in here and gave you a chance. It isn't America's fault that you are a pitiful excuse for a human.


Well-Known Member
Hey square pissy

Let’s post pics of ourselves to see who is the manly man and who is the rat child with stooped posture


Well-Known Member
In before:
“Yeah but it wouldn’t happen if you armed 6 year olds with ar15s”

Please America, your gun laws will kill more children unless you address the problem. Fewer armed people will result in a reduction in mass shootings. Enough of this “tobacco science” equivalent gun lore which claims more guns are the answer.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4371694

The little boy that cretin killed. And I know what the haters are thinking. All you low lifes should have your throats ripped out for even thinking something derogatory.
what would "the haters" be thinking?
Also, pretty funny how in the other death penalty thread you were vehemently against death penalty even for the most heinous crimes, yet here you are proclaiming people should be killed for simply thinking some bad though (which I am not even sure what is?)

You are simply all over the place, incoherent and can't be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
what would "the haters" be thinking?
Also, pretty funny how in the other death penalty thread you were vehemently against death penalty even for the most heinous crimes, yet here you are proclaiming people should be killed for simply thinking some bad though (which I am not even sure what is?)

You are simply all over the place, incoherent and can't be taken seriously.
I get exactly what he’s saying, maybe you’re just retarded or something?


Well-Known Member
When a white person shoots a bunch of people, they look for social media posts to confirm white supremacy. Because, statistically, they probably are.

What that guy did was criminal when he started firing, but right before that he had a typical white supremacy syndrome which I would classify as a mental disorder.

Seriously, they should all be evaluated as part of the war on terror. You know it's going to happen again, it's only July.

If you're posting white supremacy shit you should be evaluated as a potential terrorist.

Take 500 ICE agents and reassign them. They're not doing anything important right now.
ICE agents are white supremacists. Why do you think using them will solve anything?