White males in tactical gear with assault rifles massacre a food festival

why is it that you gun nut always make these dumb false equivalences an analogies to justify unregulated purchases made by lunatics who shouldn't even be able to own squirt pistols?
That dump piece of fuck could screw up an anvil with a rubber hammer. He’s dumber than Squareass and that’s fucking dumb.
19 yr. old with white supremicist Instagram posts cuts through a fence, shoots a bunch of people and is shot in the head by cops a minute later.

73% of terrorists attacks have been by white supremicists since 9/11.

White supremacy is surely a mental illness, how do the mentally ill buy guns?
19 yr. old with white supremicist Instagram posts cuts through a fence, shoots a bunch of people and is shot in the head by cops a minute later.

73% of terrorists attacks have been by white supremicists since 9/11.

White supremacy is surely a mental illness, how do the mentally ill buy guns?
They buy them very easily. When they buy at a dealer they just lie on the questions. At gun shows they don’t even have to do that if buying from a private individual. Or they can buy directly from a private seller and neither has to say or do diddly.
So what you're saying is you'd like to consolidate gun ownership in the hands of people you worship, because government will never misuse guns ?

You'd also like to use guns to ensure "no guns get used" .

What I said was easy access to guns leads to gun massacres you stupid pedophile

That is a fact
19 yr. old with white supremicist Instagram posts cuts through a fence, shoots a bunch of people and is shot in the head by cops a minute later.

73% of terrorists attacks have been by white supremicists since 9/11.

White supremacy is surely a mental illness, how do the mentally ill buy guns?
It’s criminal. Every time a black person or a Mexican shoots someone, the first thing they bring up is his criminal record, drugs or gang ties. When a white person does it, they are always mentally ill.

Why the fuck is that? (Rhetorically question).
It’s criminal. Every time a black person or a Mexican shoots someone, the first thing they bring up is his criminal record, drugs or gang ties. When a white person does it, they are always mentally ill.

Why the fuck is that? (Rhetorically question).
the privileged always gets the added benefit of a well construed doubt.
It’s criminal. Every time a black person or a Mexican shoots someone, the first thing they bring up is his criminal record, drugs or gang ties. When a white person does it, they are always mentally ill.

Why the fuck is that? (Rhetorically question).

When a white person shoots a bunch of people, they look for social media posts to confirm white supremacy. Because, statistically, they probably are.

What that guy did was criminal when he started firing, but right before that he had a typical white supremacy syndrome which I would classify as a mental disorder.

Seriously, they should all be evaluated as part of the war on terror. You know it's going to happen again, it's only July.

If you're posting white supremacy shit you should be evaluated as a potential terrorist.

Take 500 ICE agents and reassign them. They're not doing anything important right now.
why is it that you gun nut always make these dumb false equivalences an analogies to justify unregulated purchases made by lunatics who shouldn't even be able to own squirt pistols?

You don't blame the Car when a Drunk driver kills someone you blame the Drunk driver. Its not a false equivalency its pretty accurate.
Only when a gun is used that we blame the tool and not the person responsible!

More people die from Heart disease but were not talking about banning big macs.
You don't blame the Car when a Drunk driver kills someone you blame the Drunk driver. Its not a false equivalency its pretty accurate.
Only when a gun is used that we blame the tool and not the person responsible!

More people die from Heart disease but were not talking about banning big macs.
Ha ha you idiot, Big Macs aren’t designed to blow your brainstem through your mouth.
Only when a gun is used that we blame the tool and not the person responsible!
those stupid NRA grievance talking points only work on you guys, you aren't gonna change anyone who has a shred of common sense's mind with such banal diatribe...
you people willingly accept that massacres and gun related violence are a small price to pay for your personal freedom & choice to acquire an assault weapon without any lawful scrutiny...
Gun free zones only make Liberals feel safe. In Reality it just puts them at more risk!!

Really and how about the Far Right. how do you feel. Safer. Fucking Idiot.

What a fucking stupid fucking statement. Gee I wonder if anyone got shot that wasn't a Liberal. bullets don't discriminate they usually kill who ever they're pointed at by the idiot firing the weapon.

For your info, We are always talking about watching what you eat and what is bad for you, and we actually list what is in it, If you choose to eat that it's on you not some innocent person minding their own business. As for the Automobile We the don't use Guns as a normal everyday tool to get from one point to another.

Just stop while you're behind.
If 4 people were intentionally run over by a blue Chevy pickup truck, would you outlaw blue Chevy pickup trucks or go after the driver of the murderous truck?
If blue pickup trucks were used in countless murders including of cops what do you think would be happening to people owning or driving these trucks? You don’t think anything through. At all and it’s apparent virtually every time you open your pie hole.
Really and how about the Far Right. how do you feel. Safer. Fucking Idiot.

What a fucking stupid fucking statement. Gee I wonder if anyone got shot that wasn't a Liberal. bullets don't discriminate they usually kill who ever they're pointed at by the idiot firing the weapon.

For your info, We are always talking about watching what you eat and what is bad for you, and we actually list what is in it, If you choose to eat that it's on you not some innocent person minding their own business. As for the Automobile We the don't use Guns as a normal everyday tool to get from one point to another.

Just stop while you're behind.

Liberals and their circular logic. I am not the one behind. I just choose not to be helpless and count on the police to defend my family.
The Colo theater shooter Eagan Holmes drove past 2 other theaters because the one he shot up was a GUN FREE ZONE its much easier to do a mass shooting if you know no one else has one to protect themselves.

Yes this is a terrible tragedy but blaming the tool instead of the person who did the terrible crime your anger is misplaced.
I am all for sensible gun control, But most people have no Idea what they are talking about when it actually comes to guns.

I am not the one Name calling I am trying to have a discussion. Your argument for people choosing to eat for that will kill them is their choice is flawed since our government in certain cities and towns is already passing laws banning certain food and drinks.

Just because we don't agree doesn't mean it has to turn into a nasty name calling shitshow. Try having a rational conversation based on facts.
Liberals and their circular logic. I am not the one behind. I just choose not to be helpless and count on the police to defend my family.
The Colo theater shooter Eagan Holmes drove past 2 other theaters because the one he shot up was a GUN FREE ZONE its much easier to do a mass shooting if you know no one else has one to protect themselves.

Yes this is a terrible tragedy but blaming the tool instead of the person who did the terrible crime your anger is misplaced.
I am all for sensible gun control, But most people have no Idea what they are talking about when it actually comes to guns.

I am not the one Name calling I am trying to have a discussion. Your argument for people choosing to eat for that will kill them is their choice is flawed since our government in certain cities and towns is already passing laws banning certain food and drinks.

Just because we don't agree doesn't mean it has to turn into a nasty name calling shitshow. Try having a rational conversation based on facts.
Do gun free zones trigger your type?

What evidence do you have that he chose this theater because they didn't allow guns - I mean other than what FOX and the NRA told you? Your fellow gun fan Holmes left a substantial diary about his planning. He considered many things but nowhere did he mention this.
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