Old White Men, Young Black Boys & The Sexual Legacy of Slavery

I agree

But, I'm not gay.. One would think I'd know..
you couldnt get my number if you looked like this


and i was drunk off my ass, had just smoked 2 bowls of chronic, and took 3 hits of amyl nitrate and had just dropped a tab of LSD

Suprise suprise..

Just wondering.. who do you think your supremely heterosexual self is kidding?
I live a very privileged life so I have no need for domination fantasies.

However, if I was a lower class man who stocked store shelves for a living who is repeatedly rebuffed by womyn then I may be prone to harbor white nationalist fantasies.

"Why if only it was like in times past I could really show them! I wouldn't be this lowly, sex starved prole who makes a low wage! I would be the man in the grey flannel suit, a symbol of virility in days gone by!"

Is that how you think, Kynes? Are womyn and minorities getting in the way of the prestige that your phallus and white skin should afford you? You are a pathetic creature, I know exactly what you are.

You seek domination through white nationalism because you are weak and ineffectual in today's society that is still tilted in your favor - just not enough for a loser like you.
you know it infuriates me when you are right.

why must you torment me so?

Yeah pretty obvious buck is bored with losing arguments and has resorted to arguing with himself.

He may be going the way of Reagan with some early onset, throw in an axe and LOOK OUT!

Old White Men, Young Black Boys & The Sexual Legacy of Slavery.. In Light of Penn State
Posted on November 11, 2011 by Yolo
This piece was written a few years ago, but I felt compelled to unearth it due to the recent (alleged) sexual assaults and rapes of many young black boys at Penn State.


In my experience, it’s been one of the most unspoken taboos in both gay and African American communities: White men’s consumption and fascination with black male bodies.

My first real experience with this was when I was at Arby’s in Midtown, years ago, after I had just moved to Atlanta. I was sitting in Arby’s eating a grilled cheese, and from nowhere this middle aged white man, maybe in his 50-60′s, comes and stands above me, lurking down upon me a like a parasite longing for new blood. His behavior initially puzzled me. I asked “Can I help you?” and he just stared at me and licked his lips, then he flashed me several dollar bills. Recognizing this was some sort of sexual innuendo that I had no interest in, I grabbed my food and walked out of there.

At this point, I did not know that the Spring Street Arby’s and the subsequent area around the club 708 is a space where many sex workers, most of them African American boys & trans women, are solicited. I had no idea as I would learn later through my work in HIV & AIDS prevention & education, that most of those young African American boys and trans-women would report that the majority of their clients are middle aged white men. At first I thought little of it. I mean, why wouldn’t the majority of them be middle aged white men, who in this country would be more likely to have the disposable income? As I continued my studies in African American literature and history I found a few things that took me somewhere else. Where to you might ask? Why to Slavery my dear friend.

You see, when reading over various slave narratives in undergrad and beyond, their is evidence to suggest that young black boys, and black men of all ages, were often forced to have sexual relations with their white male slave owners...

Statistically speaking, if you're a black male in prison you're way more likely to be raped by another black man.
Rape is used by males as a tool to assert dominance over both females and other males of all ages. I am here to spread awareness of this vile activity.

Many people are not aware that black men and boys were also frequently raped by sadistic slave owners and slave overseers. This is another reason to subvert our society's patriarchal white male power structure.

How sick is it that a rapist who owned a child sex slave is featured on our $20 bill? A slave owner and probable slave raper is also featured on our $1 bill. Why isn't Harriet Tubman featured on our money? How many young black boys and black women did she help free from the nightmare of slavery?

The ownership of black people by white males was complete. They owned the fruits of their labors and their sexuality. Old white men have preyed upon black boys like sexual vampires for far too long.

You forgot to mention that the paper money used is fraudulent from the get go.

I like that you mentioned Harriet Tubman though.
These are the words that stuck out most in my mind.

what these words mean is that there is no proof, just a hunch, a guess if you will.

When did a guess, a hunch become evidence?

Answer: Never, the thread is totally useless as it provides no actual data or evidence, just the opinion of someone with no credibility. The fact that you lend it credence just menas you are a very poor consumer of information.

Did you know if you are robbed at the ATM, if you put your PIN# in backwards it will call the police to your location?
Yeah pretty obvious buck is bored with losing arguments and has resorted to arguing with himself.

He may be going the way of Reagan with some early onset, throw in an axe and LOOK OUT!


your implication is that in this photo, reagan is using the axe backwards because you can see the blade behind the handle in his swing.

people who have never done hard day's work in their lives are unaware that MANY AXES have two heads.


look at that picture again.
That couldn't possibly be a male feminist because he spelled "womyn" wrong. Plus the crude caricatures exploit females. Go back to your cave, you lout.

you believe that "womyn" is the correct spelling?

that cartoons exploit women... somehow.


you are developing your idiocy to extreme levels.

next stop: All Sex Is Rape,women who choose not to adopt your idiotic stance are "Traitors", and all men who fail to cut off their peckers in "solidarity" with bitches are rapers.

you believe that "womyn" is the correct spelling?

that cartoons exploit women... somehow.


you are developing your idiocy to extreme levels.

next stop: All Sex Is Rape,women who choose not to adopt your idiotic stance are "Traitors", and all men who fail to cut off their peckers in "solidarity" with bitches are rapers.

the main people who believe "all sex is rape" are the men's rights folks who advise their fellow men's righters to record their phone conversations and keep journals in case women accuse you of rape, because unless you appease their every desire and give them all your money they'll make a fabricated rape report to put you in jail.

but i could understand why men's rights activists might very be worried about being accused of rape.

well, NOT ALL men's rights activists :lol:
the main people who believe "all sex is rape" are the men's rights folks who advise their fellow men's righters to record their phone conversations and keep journals in case women accuse you of rape, because unless you appease their every desire and give them all your money they'll make a fabricated rape report to put you in jail.

but i could understand why men's rights activists might very be worried about being accused of rape.

well, NOT ALL men's rights activists :lol:
a typically shallow lie.

it is true very few people believe that claptrap, but those who do are NOT MEN.

since wikipedia is the only source you respect or will read:


now go create a new narrative.
your implication is that in this photo, reagan is using the axe backwards because you can see the blade behind the handle in his swing.

people who have never done hard day's work in their lives are unaware that MANY AXES have two heads.


look at that picture again.

my implication being Uncle "the cause" Buck loves his axes
