White males in tactical gear with assault rifles massacre a food festival

We never used to have this problem so much until 45...
“Read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard,” Legan posted on his Instagram page. He then used a slur against mixed-race people and complained about "hordes" of them "overcrowding" towns.


This is the Problem we have had this problem for quite awhile but it's very convenient for you to blame it all on 45.
He isn't helping atm but lets not divert the attention. The People who commit these mass shootings are disturbed. NO Rational person would do an act as horrible as this. Mass Killings are on the rise but the Virginia tech in 2007 was one of the first that I remember.

and to answer your question, No I am not triggered but I will choose not to be a customer there.
Liberals and their circular logic. I am not the one behind.
By David Ingram, Brandy Zadrozny and Corky Siemaszko
GILROY, Calif. — The gunman who killed three people and wounded a dozen more at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California was an angry 19-year-old who had recently waded into the world of white supremacy.

Santino William Legan, who was shot dead by police Sunday before he could do more damage, posted online about an 1890 racist manifesto, “Might is Right or The Survival of the Fittest,” NBC News confirmed.

“Read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard,” Legan posted on his Instagram page. He then used a slurs against mixed-race people and misogynistic descriptions of white Silicon Valley workers, complaining about "hordes" of them "overcrowding" towns.

Redbeard, which was a pseudonym, argued that only strength and violence determined what is morally right. The work, which is filled with misogynistic and anti-Semitic rhetoric, is a staple among neo-Nazis and white supremacists on extremist sites.

your argument is weak & futile when it's your sides current philosophy and divisive rhetoric that is emboldening and fueling the racist angst and rage starting from the top with your race baiting president, unless you don't have an issue with the right not so subliminally inciting this kind of violence because it helps to galvanize the base...make no mistake, this episode was instigated by an angry racist, not just some frustrated hate filled incel type as was the circumstance in virginia tech.
you haven't once denounced the right wings tactic of racial division.
He isn't helping atm but lets not divert the attention
c'mon man, give it a fuckin rest...
It sure seems funny that the right wing is so concerned about what role "gun free zones" play in the targeting of these right-wing, white person assault rifle mass shootings but are super careful to not point out that the shooters often drive to states with lax gun laws like this guy did. He drove alllll the way to Nevada to avoid the more stringent regulations in California.

Oh, but then they want to talk about Chicago because gun regulations are so tight there and there are still a lot of shootings, but they ignore the fact that the city is just across the border from Indiana which has more lax rules. I wonder if a lot of the guns in Chicago come from Indiana? Oh my gosh, they do!
Liberals and their circular logic. I am not the one behind. I just choose not to be helpless and count on the police to defend my family.
The Colo theater shooter Eagan Holmes drove past 2 other theaters because the one he shot up was a GUN FREE ZONE its much easier to do a mass shooting if you know no one else has one to protect themselves.

Yes this is a terrible tragedy but blaming the tool instead of the person who did the terrible crime your anger is misplaced.
I am all for sensible gun control, But most people have no Idea what they are talking about when it actually comes to guns.

I am not the one Name calling I am trying to have a discussion. Your argument for people choosing to eat for that will kill them is their choice is flawed since our government in certain cities and towns is already passing laws banning certain food and drinks.

Just because we don't agree doesn't mean it has to turn into a nasty name calling shitshow. Try having a rational conversation based on facts.
You literally started off by

Wait for it

Name calling

You retard
This is the Problem we have had this problem for quite awhile but it's very convenient for you to blame it all on 45.
He isn't helping atm but lets not divert the attention. The People who commit these mass shootings are disturbed. NO Rational person would do an act as horrible as this. Mass Killings are on the rise but the Virginia tech in 2007 was one of the first that I remember.

and to answer your question, No I am not triggered but I will choose not to be a customer there.
You forgot to address baldrick calling out your lies

Trump rallies are gun free zones, snowflake
sure bro. if your definition of "white" is not-black, then yeah.

That makes Jews white also tho. lol do you even think before you type.
Here is our white supremacist folks, Santino William Legan, who is Iranian.

lol clown Buck
are you too stupid to know that people of persian descent are caucasian?
you're sure the fuck are...LOL!!!

Iranians are indeed Caucasian people.

Caucasus region is located in northwest of Iran. If you don't consider Iranians to be white then you shouldn't consider Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, and French white either.


First of all let's get to know Iranian people:

  • Iran is NOT an Arab country
Iran is Persia, it is not Arabia. The common misconception about Iran in the Western world is that Iran is an Arab country. Iran is not an Arab country and Iranians are definitely not Arabs. Iran means land of Aryans. You can get yourself in a big trouble if you call an Iranian "Arab". Iranians are very nationalist and take pride in their heritage.

  • Iranians do NOT speak Arabic.
The official language of Iran is Persian (endonym: Farsi) not Arabic. Linguistically, Iran's language, Persian, is Indo-European and thus closely related to English, Latin, Greek and most other languages of Europe, which becomes obvious when you consider such Persian words as "setare" (star), "baradar" (brother) or "madær" (mother).

  • Iranians are genetically Caucasian.
Genetically, Iranians are definitely "Mediterranean/Caucasian white", but Iranians sport many "Nordic white" features too, such as blue or green eyes or blonde hair and akin. In borders of Iran with Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq you can find genetically mixed people who aren't white nor Caucasian due to the intermarriages with Afghan or Arab immigrants who are from other side of the borders. They only constitute 2% to 3% of Iranian population.

  • Persians are the largest ethnic group in Iran.
Iran is a multiethnic country. Persians, make up around two-thirds of Iran's population. next most populous ethnic group in Iran are Azerbaijanis. They are Caucasian too, but their language is of Turkic rather than Indo-European origin and they share many similarities with the people of Azerbaijan republic and Turkey. There are Kurds, Assyrians, Georgians, Armenians, Lurs, and etc who make up the rest of the Iranian population. Here is the map with details:

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So he’s Caucasian?
i'll bet that turdeater is beside itself for not being able to delete the grandiose larger than life display of congenital ignorance before it was able to fact check the said bullshit put forth for posterity...
besides the point that it was multi-quoted anyways...
that's what you get when your arrogance jades you into thinking that everyone else is dumber than you are...
Wow, look at all these white people. I guess its not racist to restrict immigration or sanction Middle East countries like Iran.
