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I'm a man. It's not my call to make and not my place to decide one way or the other.

It's also not my place to judge the situation one way or the other.

The day men get pregnant, they can weigh in. Until that day comes, our job is to support the woman no matter which decision she makes the best we can.

Last time I looked it took a man and a woman to make a baby so I have no problem being part of the conversation. And I see people saying condoms break, well I say bullshit, I'm guessing most of the abortions out there are caused by idiots who wanted to do it raw. So as a man I have zero problem telling young men they are fcking monsters to not think of the repercussions. Pushing all the responsibility onto the women is crazy.
Last time I looked it took a man and a woman to make a baby so I have no problem being part of the conversation. And I see people saying condoms break, well I say bullshit, I'm guessing most of the abortions out there are caused by idiots who wanted to do it raw. So as a man I have zero problem telling young men they are fcking monsters to not think of the repercussions. Pushing all the responsibility onto the women is crazy.
Short of making it a criminal offense for impregnating a woman without prior consent?
And long after we're dead, our descendants will look back on us the same way we look back at the inquisition, only it will be worse. Because they'll know we knew better.

Taco you have to understand that we have not really evolved over the last thousand years. If you look at history and excuse the evils done as "they didn't know any better," then you don't get it. There are diaries of American leaders saying, "The future will look back at us as evil men for killing the Indians and stealing their land but by then it will be done and so be it." Evil fucks have always known what they were doing.
“The Tacoma Police Department said the officers responded about 4 a.m. to the privately run Tacoma Northwest Detention Center, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security detention facility that holds migrants pending deportation proceedings. The detention center has also held immigration-seeking parents separated from their children under President Donald Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, an effort meant to deter illegal immigration.”

We’re getting closer to an outbreak of the zealots. This fool torched the joint and had a short gunfight with cops. He’s a true American. Right?
Short of making it a criminal offense for impregnating a woman without prior consent?

Education and free birth control only thing we can do, but we can also change the culture of abortion is a form or birth control which is how I think a lot of people think of it now. There is something very wrong with women having more than one abortion in their life.
Kid I'm not but hurt over you not understanding history, that's all you. And it's just weak sauce to say that men should only support women whatever they say. We need to be part of the conversation on all fronts short of making laws to outlaw abortions. The women get the final vote, but men need to be in the discussion.
The same cult that screams life begins at conception also think abstinence is the only sex ed needed or wanted.

Come on that's bullshit. Life does begin at conception, it's science. If you need to convince yourself that it's not to justify your stance that's fine, but there are intelligent people who believe that life begins at conception and also believe that abortion should be legal, even if it is a horrible and sad thing.
Kid I'm not but hurt over you not understanding history, that's all you. And it's just weak sauce to say that men should only support women whatever they say. We need to be part of the conversation on all fronts short of making laws to outlaw abortions. The women get the final vote, but men need to be in the discussion.
I was a Registered Nurse for 34 years. Ambulance driver EMT before that. Never encountered a female who was happy about getting an abortion. I’m sure some are. I just never met one. It was a difficult decision for most and they have to undergo it alone. I’ll leave the decisions to those who have to be the childbearers.